FN Thomson Reuters Web of Science™ VR 1.0 PT P PN WO2009024955-A1; US2009069837-A1 TI Surgical sealing device for providing hand or instrument access during surgical procedure has sealing valve with sealing members moved in open configuration which facilitates passage of object through sealing valve to access internal cavity. AU BONADIO F BUTLER J MACNALLY S J VAUGH T AE ATROPOS LTD (ATRO-Non-standard) ATROPOS LTD (ATRO-Non-standard) GA 2009F29060 AB NOVELTY - The surgical sealing device (1) comprises a sealing valve which seals across an opening to an internal cavity and which comprises a first sealing member (5) and a second sealing member (6) that are attached with each other. The sealing members are moved relative to each other between a closed configuration in which the sealing members partially overlap each other for sealing across the opening, and an open configuration in which the which facilitates passage of object, such as laparoscopic instrument or hand/forearm (3) of surgeon, through the sealing valve to access internal cavity. USE - Surgical sealing device for providing hand or instrument access during surgical procedure, such as laparoscopic procedure or hand-assisted laparoscopic procedure. ADVANTAGE - Effects a seal around a laparoscopic instrument inserted through the device into the abdomen to maintain insufflation gas pressure within the abdomen, in case of laparoscopic procedure. Seals around a surgeon's hand or forearm inserted through the device into the abdomen to maintain insufflation gas pressure within the abdomen in case of a hand-assisted laparoscopic procedure. DETAILED DESCRIPTION - The first sealing member is of a silicone material, a thermoplastic polyolefin elastomer (TPE) material, or a fabric material. The second sealing member is partially of a gelatinous elastomeric material comprising plasticizer selected from a group consisting of naturally derived oils, synthetic oils and liquid oligomers, or partially of TPE material or silicone material. The surgical sealing device is mounted to a wound retractor device (10) which is used to retract the sides of the opening into the internal cavity. An INDEPENDENT CLAIM is also included for a surgical assembly. DESCRIPTION OF DRAWING(S) - The drawing shows a partial side cross-sectional view of the surgical sealing device. Surgical sealing device (1) Hand/forearm (3) First sealing member (5) Second sealing member (6) Wound retractor device (10) DC A96 (Medical, dental, veterinary, cosmetic); P31 (Diagnosis, surgery) MC A04-G01E; A06-A00E3; A08-P; A08-P08; A12-V03D IP A61B-017/34; A61M-029/00 PD WO2009024955-A1 26 Feb 2009 A61B-017/34 200920 Pages: 30 English US2009069837-A1 12 Mar 2009 A61M-029/00 200920 English AD WO2009024955-A1 WOIE000077 20 Aug 2008 US2009069837-A1 US194907 20 Aug 2008 FD US2009069837-A1 Provisional Application US935570P PI US935570P 20 Aug 2007 US194907 20 Aug 2008 DS WO2009024955-A1: (National): AE; AG; AL; AM; AO; AT; AU; AZ; BA; BB; BG; BH; BR; BW; BY; BZ; CA; CH; CN; CO; CR; CU; CZ; DE; DK; DM; DO; DZ; EC; EE; EG; ES; FI; GB; GD; GE; GH; GM; GT; HN; HR; HU; ID; IL; IN; IS; JP; KE; KG; KM; KN; KP; KR; KZ; LA; LC; LK; LR; LS; LT; LU; LY; MA; MD; ME; MG; MK; MN; MW; MX; MY; MZ; NA; NG; NI; NO; NZ; OM; PG; PH; PL; PT; RO; RS; RU; SC; SD; SE; SG; SK; SL; SM; ST; SV; SY; TJ; TM; TN; TR; TT; TZ; UA; UG; US; UZ; VC; VN; ZA; ZM; ZW (Regional): AT; BE; BG; CH; CY; CZ; DE; DK; EE; ES; FI; FR; GB; GR; HR; HU; IE; IS; IT; LT; LU; LV; MC; MT; NL; NO; PL; PT; RO; SE; SI; SK; TR; OA; BW; GH; GM; KE; LS; MW; MZ; NA; SD; SL; SZ; TZ; UG; ZM; ZW; EA CP WO2009024955-A1 US5366446-A UNISURGE INC (UNIS-Non-standard) ORTH M J, TAL E A US5514133-A GOLUB R (GOLU-Individual); STEIN H D (STEI-Individual); CANTU R (CANT-Individual) STEIN H D, GOLUB R, CANTU R US20050222582-A1 WO2003043683-A1 APPLIED MEDICAL RESOURCES CORP (MEDI-Non-standard) HART C C, BRUSTAD J R, NABIL H, HILAL S WO2005089661-A1 ATROPOS LTD (ATRO-Non-standard) BONADIO F, VAUGH T, BUTLER J, DEEGAN C WO2001008563-A2 DN 95972-0-0-0- CI R24033- UT DIIDW:2009F29060 ER EF