FN Thomson Reuters Web of Science™ VR 1.0 PT P PN WO2011033495-A1 TI Instrument access device used for laparoscopic surgery and surgical procedures, has instrument receiver that receives instrument, and connector extends between proximal element and instrument receiver. AU BONADIO F VAUGH T MCMANUS R B MACNALLY S J MULHALL M AE ATROPOS LTD (ATRO-Non-standard) GA 2011C89656 AB NOVELTY - The instrument access device has a proximal element (25) for location externally of an opening into a body cavity. An instrument receiver (2) receives an instrument. A connector (20) extends between the proximal element and the first instrument receiver. An instrument receiver (3) receives an instrument, and a connector (21) extends between the proximal element and the instrument receiver. USE - Instrument access device is used for laparoscopic surgery and surgical procedures, preferably gynecological procedures e.g. uterus removal, tissue specimen removal and gastric banding. ADVANTAGE - The device facilitates instrument can access insufflated abdominal cavity while maintaining pneumoperitoneum. DESCRIPTION OF DRAWING(S) - The drawing shows a cross sectional view of the instrument access device. Instrument receivers (2,3) Connectors (20,21) Proximal element (25) Proximal ring assembly (26) Cannulae (61,62) DC A96 (Medical, dental, veterinary, cosmetic); P31 (Diagnosis, surgery) MC A12-V03D IP A61B-017/34 PD WO2011033495-A1 24 Mar 2011 A61B-017/34 201124 Pages: 49 English AD WO2011033495-A1 WOIE000055 17 Sep 2010 PI US243295P 17 Sep 2009 DS WO2011033495-A1: (National): AE; AG; AL; AM; AO; AT; AU; AZ; BA; BB; BG; BH; BR; BW; BY; BZ; CA; CH; CL; CN; CO; CR; CU; CZ; DE; DK; DM; DO; DZ; EC; EE; EG; ES; FI; GB; GD; GE; GH; GM; GT; HN; HR; HU; ID; IL; IN; IS; JP; KE; KG; KM; KN; KP; KR; KZ; LA; LC; LK; LR; LS; LT; LU; LY; MA; MD; ME; MG; MK; MN; MW; MX; MY; MZ; NA; NG; NI; NO; NZ; OM; PE; PG; PH; PL; PT; RO; RS; RU; SC; SD; SE; SG; SK; SL; SM; ST; SV; SY; TH; TJ; TM; TN; TR; TT; TZ; UA; UG; US; UZ; VC; VN; ZA; ZM; ZW CP WO2011033495-A1 US20050137609-A1 US20060020241-A1 US20090012477-A1 WO2008121294-A1 PNAVEL SYSTEMS INC (COVI) PISKUN G, BATTLES C, RENDE F, ABRAMS M, SHIKHMAN O WO2002017800-A2 WO2009035663-A2 SYNECOR LLC (SYNE-Non-standard) ATHAS W L, FIFER D W, ORTH G A, SMITH J A, WILLIAMS M S US20050090717-A1 US20090036745-A1 UT DIIDW:2011C89656 ER EF