FN Thomson Reuters Web of Science™ VR 1.0 PT P PN WO2013093030-A2; US2013184536-A1; WO2013093030-A3; EP2793707-A2; JP2015503957-W; US2015201922-A1 TI Pneumoperitoneum device for tissue isolation and/or extraction in laparoscopic procedure, has inflatable bag having opening to receive tissue. AU SHIBLEY K A BONADIO F VAUGH T MACNALLY S J HALPIN L D WILLIAMS S AE ATROPOS LTD (ATRO-Non-standard) ATROPOS LTD (ATRO-Non-standard) ATROPOS LTD (ATRO-Non-standard) SHIBLEY K A (SHIB-Individual) BONADIO F (BONA-Individual) VAUGH T (VAUG-Individual) MACNALLY S J (MACN-Individual) HALPIN L D (HALP-Individual) WILLIAMS S (WILL-Individual) GA 2013L46093 AB NOVELTY - The pneumoperitoneum device has an inflatable bag (1) having an opening to receive tissue. A retainer is adapted for opening the bag. The retainer comprises at least one O-ring (3) which extends at least partially around the opening. The O-ring is flexible to facilitate entry through an incision and/or an instrument access port. USE - Pneumoperitoneum device for tissue isolation and/or extraction in laparoscopic procedure. ADVANTAGE - The tissue to be removed is retained in the bag which prevents potentially harmful material such as cancerous cells from being released in the body cavity. Facilitates effective and safe isolation of tissue/organs within an artificial pneumoperitoneum for improved surgical procedures and subsequent safe tissue extraction. DETAILED DESCRIPTION - An INDEPENDENT CLAIM is also included for a method for performing a laparoscopic procedure. DESCRIPTION OF DRAWING(S) - The drawing is an explanatory view illustrating the use of the pneumoperitoneum device. Inflatable bag (1) O-ring (3) Distal anchoring ring (10) Instrument access device (30) Insufflation port (40) DC A96 (Medical, dental, veterinary, cosmetic); P31 (Diagnosis, surgery) MC A12-V03D IP A61B-017/00; A61B-017/02; A61M-013/00 PD WO2013093030-A2 27 Jun 2013 A61B-017/00 201344 Pages: 76 English US2013184536-A1 18 Jul 2013 A61B-017/02 201347 English WO2013093030-A3 15 Aug 2013 A61B-017/00 201354 English EP2793707-A2 29 Oct 2014 A61B-017/00 201472 English JP2015503957-W 05 Feb 2015 A61B-017/00 201512 Pages: 45 Japanese US2015201922-A1 23 Jul 2015 A61B-017/02 201554 English AD WO2013093030-A2 WOEP076703 21 Dec 2012 US2013184536-A1 US725148 21 Dec 2012 WO2013093030-A3 WOEP076703 21 Dec 2012 EP2793707-A2 EP809278 21 Dec 2012 JP2015503957-W JP548080 21 Dec 2012 US2015201922-A1 US584865 29 Dec 2014 FD US2013184536-A1 Provisional Application US580088P US2013184536-A1 Provisional Application US742125P EP2793707-A2 PCT application Application WOEP076703 EP2793707-A2 Based on Patent WO2013093030 JP2015503957-W PCT application Application WOEP076703 JP2015503957-W Based on Patent WO2013093030 US2015201922-A1 Provisional Application US580088P US2015201922-A1 Provisional Application US742125P US2015201922-A1 Provisional Application US839461P US2015201922-A1 Provisional Application US940681P US2015201922-A1 Provisional Application US968770P US2015201922-A1 Cont of Application US251362 US2015201922-A1 CIP of Application US725148 US2015201922-A1 Cont of Patent US8920431 PI US580088P 23 Dec 2011 US742125P 03 Aug 2012 US725148 21 Dec 2012 US584865 29 Dec 2014 DS WO2013093030-A2: (National): AE; AG; AL; AM; AO; AT; AU; AZ; BA; BB; BG; BH; BN; BR; BW; BY; BZ; CA; CH; CL; CN; CO; CR; CU; CZ; DE; DK; DM; DO; DZ; EC; EE; EG; ES; FI; GB; GD; GE; GH; GM; GT; HN; HR; HU; ID; IL; IN; IS; JP; KE; KG; KM; KN; KP; KR; KZ; LA; LC; LK; LR; LS; LT; LU; LY; MA; MD; ME; MG; MK; MN; MW; MX; MY; MZ; NA; NG; NI; NO; NZ; OM; PA; PE; PG; PH; PL; PT; QA; RO; RS; RU; RW; SC; SD; SE; SG; SK; SL; SM; ST; SV; SY; TH; TJ; TM; TN; TR; TT; TZ; UA; UG; US; UZ; VC; VN; ZA; ZM; ZW WO2013093030-A3: (National): AE; AG; AL; AM; AO; AT; AU; AZ; BA; BB; BG; BH; BN; BR; BW; BY; BZ; CA; CH; CL; CN; CO; CR; CU; CZ; DE; DK; DM; DO; DZ; EC; EE; EG; ES; FI; GB; GD; GE; GH; GM; GT; HN; HR; HU; ID; IL; IN; IS; JP; KE; KG; KM; KN; KP; KR; KZ; LA; LC; LK; LR; LS; LT; LU; LY; MA; MD; ME; MG; MK; MN; MW; MX; MY; MZ; NA; NG; NI; NO; NZ; OM; PA; PE; PG; PH; PL; PT; QA; RO; RS; RU; RW; SC; SD; SE; SG; SK; SL; SM; ST; SV; SY; TH; TJ; TM; TN; TR; TT; TZ; UA; UG; US; UZ; VC; VN; ZA; ZM; ZW EP2793707-A2: (Regional): AL; AT; BE; BG; CH; CY; CZ; DE; DK; EE; ES; FI; FR; GB; GR; HR; HU; IE; IS; IT; LI; LT; LU; LV; MC; MK; MT; NL; NO; PL; PT; RO; RS; SE; SI; SK; SM; TR CP WO2013093030-A2 US20050090717-A1 US20110071389-A1 WO2013093030-A3 US5312416-A ENDOMEDIX CORP (ENDO-Non-standard) SPAETH E E, BORSANYI A S, HURSMAN T L WO1995009666-A1 WO1998009569-A1 WO2011090866-A2 ETHICON ENDO-SURGERY INC (ETHI) PARIHAR S K, GODBOLE A M, LARSON K A, JOHNSON G W UT DIIDW:2013L46093 ER EF