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    Pedagogical injustice and counter-terrorist education

    O'Donnell, Aislinn (2017) Pedagogical injustice and counter-terrorist education. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 12 (2). pp. 177-193. ISSN 1746-1979

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    This article addresses the way in which the securitisation of education, effected through initiatives in counter-terrorism such as Prevent, leads to what I call ‘pedagogical injustice’ for students and teachers. It analyses the implications of the pre-crime agenda in the space of the classroom and draws upon literature on epistemic injustice, communicative injustice and institutional prejudice to explain why bringing counterterrorist legislation into education undermines the educational endeavour. It argues that by re-framing the Prevent agenda in the language of therapy, resilience and well-being, indicators guiding its implementation that might otherwise be seen as illegitimate or even illegal forms of profiling are given credence in the spheres of education and other domains which demand pastoral care from professionals. By targeting ideas instead of focusing on violence, Prevent undermines educators. Foucault describes this kind of blurring of discourses as ubuesque and examines the veneer of legitimacy given when professionals engage in discourses and practices beyond their specific expertise. This new figure is the counter-terrorist educator operating between the spheres of security, psychology and education. To contest this image of education and outline the dangers of this approach, we turn to Arendt’s writings on education and her commitment to ‘training the imagination to go visiting’.
    Item Type: Article
    Keywords: Arendt; counter-terrorism; education; epistemic injustice; Foucault; fundamental British values; pedagogical injustice; Prevent; securitisation; Ubu;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Social Sciences > Education
    Item ID: 11417
    Identification Number: 10.1177/1746197917698490
    Depositing User: Prof Aislinn O'Donnell
    Date Deposited: 23 Oct 2019 17:05
    Journal or Publication Title: Education, Citizenship and Social Justice
    Publisher: Sage Publications
    Refereed: Yes
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    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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