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    The QUBIC instrument for CMB polarization measurements

    Mele, L., Ade, P.A.R., Alberro, J.G., Almela, A., Amico, G., Arnaldi, L.H., Auguste, D., Aumont, J., Azzoni, S., Banfi, S., Battistelli, E., Bau, A., Bélier, B., Bennett, D., Bergé, L., Bernard, J.-P., Bersanelli, M., Bigot-Sazy, M.-A., Bleurvacq, N., Bonaparte, J., Bonis, J., Bottani, A., Bunn, E.F., Burke, D., Buzi, D., Cavaliere, F., Chanial, P., Chapron, C., Charlassier, R., Columbro, F., Coppolecchia, A., D'Alessandro, Giuseppe, De Bernardis, P., de Gasperis, G., De Leo, M., De Petris, M., Dheilly, S., Dumoulin, L., Etchegoyen, A., Fasciszewski, Adrián, Ferreyro, L. P., Fracchia, D., Franceschet, C., Gamboa Lerena, M.M., Ganga, K., Garcia, B., García Redondo, M.E., Gaspard, M., Gayer, D., Gervasi, M., Giard, M., Gilles, V., Giraud-Héraud, Y., Gómez Berisso, Mariano, González, M., Gradziel, Marcin, Grandsire, L., Hamilton, J.-Ch., Harari, D., Henrot-Versille, S., Hoang, D.T., Incardona, F., Jules, E., Kaplan, J., Kristukat, C., Lamagna, L., Loucatos, S., Louis, T., Maffei, B., Marnieros, S., Marty, W., Masi, S., Mattei, Angelo, May, A., McCulloch, M., Melhuish, S.J., Mennella, A., Montier, L., Mousset, L., Mundo, L.M., Murphy, J.Anthony, Murphy, J.D., Nati, F., Olivieri, E., Oriol, C., O'Sullivan, Créidhe, Paiella, A., Pajot, F., Passerini, A., Pastoriza, Hernan, Pelosi, A., Perbost, C., Perciballi, M., Pezzotta, F., Piacentini, F., Piat, M., Piccirillo, L., Pisano, G., Platino, M., Polenta, G., Prêle, D., Puddu, R., Rambaud, D., Ringegni, Pablo, Romero, G.E., Salatino, M., Salum, J.M., Schillaci, A., Scóccola, Claudia G., Scully, S., Spinelli, S., Stankowiak, Guillaume, Stolpovskiy, M., Tartari, A., Thermeau, Jean Pierre, Timbie, P., Tomasi, M., Torchinsky, S., Tristram, M., Tucker, C., Tucker, G., Viganò, D., Vittorio, N., Voisin, F., Wicek, F., Zannoni, M. and Zullo, Antonio (2020) The QUBIC instrument for CMB polarization measurements. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1548 (012016). ISSN 1742-6588

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    Measurements of cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization may reveal the presence of a background of gravitational waves produced during cosmic inflation, providing thus a test of inflationary models. The Q&U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology (QUBIC) is an experiment designed to measure the CMB polarization. It is based on the novel concept of bolometric interferometry, which combines the sensitivity of bolometric detectors with the properties of beam synthesis and control of calibration offered by interferometers. To modulate and extract the input polarized signal of the CMB, QUBIC exploits Stokes polarimetry based on a rotating half-wave plate (HWP). In this work, we illustrate the design of the QUBIC instrument, focusing on the polarization modulation system, and we present preliminary results of beam calibrations and the performance of the HWP rotator at 300 K.
    Item Type: Article
    Additional Information: Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence ( Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Cite as: L Mele et al 2020 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1548 012016
    Keywords: QUBIC instrument; CMB polarization measurements; cosmic microwave background polarization; bolometric interferometry; polarization modulation system;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Science and Engineering > Experimental Physics
    Item ID: 13772
    Identification Number: 10.1088/1742-6596/1548/1/012016
    Depositing User: Dr. Marcin Lukasz Gradziel
    Date Deposited: 05 Jan 2021 16:26
    Journal or Publication Title: Journal of Physics: Conference Series
    Publisher: Institute of Physics
    Refereed: Yes
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    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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