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    The QUAD Galactic Plane Survey II: A Compact Source Catalog

    Culverhouse, T., Ade, P.A.R., Bock, J.J., Bowden, M., Brown, M.L., Cahill, G., Castro, P.G., Church, S., Friedman, R., Ganga, K., Gear, W.K., Gupta, S., Hinderks, J., Kovac, J., Lange, A.E., Leitch, E., Melhuish, S.J., Memari, Y., Murphy, J.Anthony, Orlando, A., Pryke, C., Schwarz, R., O'Sullivan, Créidhe, Piccirillo, L., Rajguru, N., Rusholme, B., Taylor, A.N., Thompson, K.L., Turner, A.H., Wu, E.Y.S. and Zemcov, M. (2011) The QUAD Galactic Plane Survey II: A Compact Source Catalog. Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 195 (8). pp. 1-30. ISSN 0067-0049

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    We present a catalog of compact sources derived from the QUaD Galactic Plane Survey. The survey covers 800 square degrees of the inner galaxy (|b| < 4) in Stokes I, Q, and U parameters at 100 and 150 GHz, with angular resolution 5 and 3.5 arcminutes respectively. 505 unique sources are identified in I, of which 239 are spatially matched between frequency bands, with 50 (216) detected at 100 (150) GHz alone; 182 sources are identified as ultracompact H II (UCH II) regions. Approximating the distribution of total intensity source fluxes as a power-law, we find a slope of γς,100 = -1:80:4 at 100 GHz, and γς,150 = -2:20:4 at 150 GHz. Similarly, the power-law index of the source two-point angular correlation function is γθ,100 = -1:210:04 and γθ,150 = -1:250:04. The total intensity spectral index distribution peaks at αI - 0:25, indicating that dust emission is not the only source of radiation produced by these objects between 100 and 150 GHz; free-free radiation is likely significant in the 100 GHz band. Four sources are detected in polarized intensity P, of which three have matching counterparts in I. Three of the polarized sources lie close to the galactic center, Sagittarius A*, Sagittarius B2 and the Galactic Radio Arc, while the fourth is RCW 49, a bright H II region. An extended polarized source, undetected by the source extraction algorithm on account of its - 0:5 size, is identified visually, and is an isolated example of large-scale polarized emission oriented distinctly from the bulk galactic dust polarization.
    Item Type: Article
    Additional Information: The final and definitive version of this article has been published at doi:10.1088/0067-0049/195/1/8
    Keywords: Surveys; Galaxies; Milky Way; Galaxy; Structure; ISM; star formation; H II regions; QUAD Collaboration;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Science and Engineering > Experimental Physics
    Item ID: 3969
    Depositing User: Dr. Anthony Murphy
    Date Deposited: 07 Nov 2012 16:17
    Journal or Publication Title: Astrophysical Journal Supplement
    Publisher: Institute of Physics
    Refereed: Yes
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    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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