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    Chiral Fermions and Spinc structures on Matrix approximations to manifolds

    Dolan, Brian P. and Nash, Charles (2002) Chiral Fermions and Spinc structures on Matrix approximations to manifolds. Journal of High Energy Physics, 0207. (In Press)


    The Atiyah-Singer index theorem is investigated on various compact manifolds which admit finite matrix approximations (``fuzzy spaces'') with a view to applications in a modified Kaluza-Klein type approach in which the internal space consists of a finite number of points. Motivated by the chiral nature of the standard model spectrum we investigate manifolds that do not admit spinors but do admit Spinc structures. It is shown that, by twisting with appropriate bundles, one generation of the electroweak sector of the standard model, including a right-handed neutrino, can be obtained in this way from the complex projective space Bbb CBbb P2. The unitary grassmannian U(5)/(U(3) � U(2)) yields a spectrum that contains the correct charges for the Fermions of the standard model, with varying multiplicities for the different particle states.
    Item Type: Article
    Keywords: Field Theories in Higher Dimensions, M(atrix) Theories, Gauge Symmetry, Standard Model
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Science and Engineering > Experimental Physics
    Item ID: 257
    Depositing User: Dr. Brian Dolan
    Date Deposited: 02 Nov 2005
    Journal or Publication Title: Journal of High Energy Physics
    Publisher: IOP
    Refereed: Yes
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