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    Analytical Formulation of Nonlinear Froude-Krylov Forces for Surging-Heaving-Pitching Point Absorbers

    Giorgi, Giuseppe and Ringwood, John (2018) Analytical Formulation of Nonlinear Froude-Krylov Forces for Surging-Heaving-Pitching Point Absorbers. In: Proceedings of the ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2018 June 17-22, 2018, Madrid, Spain. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).

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    Accurate and computationally efficient mathematical models are fundamental for designing, optimizing, and controlling wave energy converters. Wave energy devices are likely to exhibit significant nonlinear behaviour, over their full operational envelope, so that nonlinear models may become indispensable. Froude-Krylov nonlinearities are of great importance in point absorbers but, in general, their calculation requires an often unacceptable increase in model complexity and computational time. However, if the body is assumed to be axisymmetric, it is possible to describe the whole geometry analytically, thereby allowing faster calculation of nonlinear Froude-Krylov forces. In this paper, a convenient parametrization of axisymmetric body geometries is proposed, applicable to devices moving in surge, heave, and pitch. In general, the Froude-Krylov integrals must be solved numerically. Assuming small pitch angles, it is possible to further simplify the problem, and achieve an algebraic solution, which is considerably faster than numerical integration.
    Item Type: Book Section
    Additional Information: Cite as: Giorgi, Giuseppe, and Ringwood, John V. "Analytical Formulation of Nonlinear Froude-Krylov Forces for Surging-Heaving-Pitching Point Absorbers." Proceedings of the ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Volume 10: Ocean Renewable Energy. Madrid, Spain. June 17–22, 2018. V010T09A036. ASME.
    Keywords: Algebra; Design; Geometry; Surges; Wave energy; Wave energy converters;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Science and Engineering > Electronic Engineering
    Faculty of Science and Engineering > Research Institutes > Centre for Ocean Energy Research
    Item ID: 12539
    Identification Number: 10.1115/OMAE2018-77072
    Depositing User: Professor John Ringwood
    Date Deposited: 04 Mar 2020 15:58
    Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
    Refereed: Yes
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    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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