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    Optimal control and model reduction for wave energy systems: A moment-based approach

    Faedo, Nicolás (2020) Optimal control and model reduction for wave energy systems: A moment-based approach. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

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    Following the sharp increase in the price of traditional fossil fuels, in combination with issues of security of supply, and pressure to honor greenhouse gas emission limits, much attention has turned to renewable energy sources in recent years. Ocean wave energy is a massive and untapped resource, which can make a valuable contribution towards a sustainable, global, energy mix. Despite the fact that ocean waves constitute a vast resource, wave energy converters (WECs) have yet to make significant progress towards commercialisation. One stepping stone to achieve this objective is the availability of appropriate control technology, suchthatenergyconversionisperformedaseconomicallyaspossible,minimisingthedelivered energy cost, while also maintaining the structural integrity of the device, minimising wear on WEC components, and operating across a wide range of sea conditions. Suitable energy-maximising control technology depends upon the availability of two fundamental ‘pieces’: A control-oriented dynamical model, describing the motion of the WEC, and a model-based optimal control framework, able to efficiently compute the corresponding energy-maximising control law, subject to a set of constraints, defined according to the physical limitations of the device. FollowingtherequirementsforsuccessfulWECcontrol,andbothusingandextendingkeytools arising from the framework of model reduction by moment-matching, this thesis presents two main contributions. Firstly, this monograph proposes a comprehensive moment-based model reduction framework, tailored for WEC systems, addressing linear and nonlinear model reduction cases, providing a systematic method to compute control-oriented models from complex target structures. These approximating models inherit steady-state response characteristics of the target system, via the proposed moment-matching reduction framework. Secondly, by recognising that, besides being a powerful model reduction tool, the parameterisation of the steady-state response of a system in terms of moment-based theory can be explicitly used to transcribe the energy-maximising control problem to a finite-dimensional nonlinear program, a comprehensive moment-based optimal control framework, tailored for WEC systems, is proposed. This framework considers both linear and nonlinear optimal control cases, while also including robust solutions with respect to both system, and input uncertainty, providing an efficient method to compute the energy-maximising control law for WECs, under different modelling assumptions. Throughout this thesis both model reduction, and optimal control frameworks, are presented for a general class of WEC devices, and their performance is analysed via multiple case studies, considering different devices, under different sea state conditions.
    Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
    Keywords: Optimal control; model reduction; wave energy systems; moment-based approach;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Science and Engineering > Electronic Engineering
    Item ID: 13541
    Depositing User: IR eTheses
    Date Deposited: 06 Nov 2020 11:29
    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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