Ade, P.A.R. and Aghanim, N. and Armitage-Caplan, C. and Arnaud, M. and Ashdown, M. and Atrio-Barandela, F. and Aumont, J. and Baccigalupi, C. and Banday, A.J. and Barreiro, R.B. and Battaner, E. and Benabed, K. and Benoit, A. and Benoit-Lévy, A. and Bernard, J.-P. and Bersanelli, M. and Bielewicz, P. and Bobin, J. and Bock, J.J. and Bond, J.R. and Borrill, J. and Bouchet, F.R. and Boulanger, F. and Bowyer, J.W. and Bridges, M. and Bucher, M. and Burigana, C. and Cardoso, J.-F. and Catalano, A. and Chamballu, A. and Chary, R.-R. and Chen, X. and Chiang, H.C. and Chiang, L.-Y. and Christensen, P.R. and Church, S. and Clements, D.L. and Colombi, S. and Colombo, L.P.L. and Combet, C. and Couchot, F. and Coulais, A. and Crill, B.P. and Curto, A. and Cuttaia, F. and Danese, L. and Davies, R.D. and Davis, R.J. and De Bernardis, P. and de Rosa, A. and de Zotti, G. and Delabrouille, J. and Delouis, J.-M. and Desert, F.-X. and Dickinson, C. and Diego, J.M. and Dole, H. and Donzelli, S. and Dore, O. and Douspis, M. and Dunkley, J. and Dupac, X. and Efstathiou, G. and Enßlin, T.A. and Eriksen, H.K. and Finelli, F. and Forni, O. and Frailis, M. and Fraisse, A.A. and Franceschi, E. and Galeotta, S. and Ganga, K. and Giard, M. and Giardino, G. and Girard, D. and Giraud-Héraud, Y. and Gonzalez-Nuevo, J. and Gorski, K.M. and Gratton, S. and Gregorio, A. and Gruppuso, A. and Gudmundsson, J.E. and Hansen, F.K. and Hanson, D. and Harrison, D. and Helou, G. and Henrot-Versille, S. and Herent, O. and Hernandez-Monteagudo, C. and Herranz, D. and Hildebrandt, S.R. and Hivon, E. and Hobson, M. and Holmes, W.A. and Hornstrup, A. and Hou, Z. and Hovest, W. and Huffenberger, K.M. and Hurier, G. and Jaffe, A.H. and Jaffe, T.R. and Jones, W.C. and Juvela, M. and Keihanen, E. and Keskitalo, R. and Kisner, T.S. and Kneissl, R. and Knoche, J. and Knox, L. and Kunz, M. and Kurki-Suonio, H. and Lagache, G. and Lamarre, J.-M. and Lasenby, A. and Laureijs, R.J. and Lawrence, C.R. and Le Jeune, M. and Leonardi, R. and Leroy, C. and Lesgourgues, J. and Liguori, M. and Lilje, P.B. and Linden-Vornle, M. and Lopez-Caniego, M. and Lubin, P.M. and Macias-Perez, J.F. and MacTavish, C.J. and Maffei, B. and Mandolesi, N. and Maris, M. and Marleau, F. and Marshall, D.J. and Martin, P.G. and Martinez-Gonzalez, E. and Masi, S. and Massardi, M. and Matarrese, S. and Matthai, F. and Mazzotta, P. and McGehee, P. and Meinhold, P.R. and Melchiorri, A. and Melot, F. and Mendes, L. and Mennella, A. and Migliaccio, M. and Mitra, S. and Miville-Deschenes, M.-A. and Moneti, A. and Montier, L. and Morgante, G. and Mortlock, D. and Mottet, S. and Munshi, D. and Murphy, J.Anthony and Naselsky, P. and Nati, F. and Natoli, P. and Netterfield, C.B. and Norgaard-Nielsen, H.U. and North, C. and Noviello, F. and Novikov, D. and Novikov, I. and Orieux, F. and Osborne, S. and Oxborrow, C.A. and Paci, F. and Pagano, L. and Pajot, F. and Paladini, R. and Paoletti, D. and Pasian, F. and Patanchon, G. and Perdereau, O. and Perotto, L. and Perrotta, F. and Piacentini, F. and Piat, M. and Pierpaoli, E. and Pietrobon, D. and Plaszczynski, S. and Pointecouteau, E. and Polenta, G. and Ponthieu, N. and Popa, L. and Poutanen, T. and Pratt, G.W. and Prezeau, G. and Prunet, S. and Puget, J.-L. and Rachen, J.P. and Racine, B. and Reach, W.T. and Rebolo, R. and Reinecke, M. and Remazeilles, M. and Renault, C. and Ricciardi, S. and Riller, T. and Ristorcelli, I. and Rocha, G. and Rosset, C. and Roudier, G. and Rowan-Robinson, M. and Rusholme, B. and Sanselme, L. and Santos, D. and Sauvé, A. and Savini, G. and Scott, D. and Shellard, E.P.S. and Spencer, L. and Starck, J.-L. and Stolyarov, V. and Stompor, R. and Sudiwala, R. and Sureau, F. and Sutton, D. and Suur-Uski, A.-S. and Sygnet, J.-F. and Tauber, J.A. and Tavagnacco, D. and Techene, S. and Terenzi, L. and Tomasi, M. and Tristram, M. and Tucci, M. and Umana, G. and Valenziano, L. and Valiviita, J. and Van Tent, B. and Vibert, L. and Vielva, P. and Villa, F. and Vittorio, N. and Wade, L.A. and Wandelt, B.D. and White, S.D.M. and Yvon, D. and Zacchei, A. and Zonca, A.
Planck 2013 results. VI. High Frequency Instrument data processing.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 571 (A6).
ISSN 0004-6361
We describe the processing of the 531 billion raw data samples from the High Frequency Instrument (HFI), which we performed to produce six temperature maps from the first 473 days of Planck-HFI survey data. These maps provide an accurate rendition of the sky emission at 100, 143, 217, 353, 545, and 857GHz with an angular resolution ranging from 9.́7 to 4.́6. The detector noise per (effective) beam solid angle is respectively, 10, 6 , 12, and 39 μK in the four lowest HFI frequency channels (100−353GHz) and 13 and 14 kJy sr-1 in the 545 and 857 GHz channels. Relative to the 143 GHz channel, these two high frequency channels are calibrated to within 5% and the 353 GHz channel to the percent level. The 100 and 217 GHz channels, which together with the 143 GHz channel determine the high-multipole part of the CMB power spectrum (50 <ℓ < 2500), are calibrated relative to 143 GHz to better than 0.2%.
Item Type: |
Keywords: |
Planck Collaboration; methods: data analysis; cosmic background radiation; cosmology: observations; surveys; |
Academic Unit: |
Faculty of Science and Engineering > Experimental Physics |
Item ID: |
14169 |
Identification Number: | |
Depositing User: |
Dr. Anthony Murphy
Date Deposited: |
11 Mar 2021 17:30 |
Journal or Publication Title: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics |
Publisher: |
EDP Sciences |
Refereed: |
Yes |
URI: |
Use Licence: |
This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available
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