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and Chiang, L.-Y. and Chon, G. and Christensen, P.R. and Churazov, E. and Church, S. and Clemens, M. and Clements, D.L. and Colombi, S. and Colombo, L.P.L. and Combet, C. and Comis, B. and Couchot, F. and Coulais, A. and Crill, B.P. and Cruz, M. and Curto, A. and Cuttaia, F. and Da Silva, A. and Dahle, H. and Danese, L. and Davies, R.D. and Davis, R.J. and De Bernardis, P. and de Rosa, A. and de Zotti, G. and Déchelette, T. and Delabrouille, J. and Delouis, J.-M. and Démoclès, J. and Desert, F.-X. and Dick, J. and Dickinson, C. and Diego, J.M. and Dolag, K. and Dole, H. and Donzelli, S. and Dore, O. and Douspis, M. and Ducout, A. and Dunkley, J. and Dupac, X. and Efstathiou, G. and Elsner, F. and Enßlin, T.A. and Eriksen, H.K. and Fabre, O. and Falgarone, E. and Falvella, M.C. and Fantaye, Y. and Fergusson, J. and Filliard, C. and Finelli, F. and Flores-Cacho, I. and Foley, S. and Forni, O. and Fosalba, P. and Frailis, M. and Fraisse, A.A. and Franceschi, E. and Freschi, M. and Fromenteau, S. and Frommert, M. and Gaier, T.C. and Galeotta, S. and Gallegos, J. and Galli, S. and Gandolfo, B. and Ganga, K. and Gautier, B. and Genova-Santos, R.T. and Ghosh, T. and Giard, M. and Giardino, G. and Gilfanov, M. and Girard, D. and Giraud-Héraud, Y. and Gjerløw, E. and Gonzalez-Nuevo, J. and Gorski, K.M. and Gratton, S. and Gregorio, A. and Gruppuso, A. and Gudmundsson, J.E. and Haissinski, J. and Hamann, J. and Hansen, F.K. and Hanson, D. and Harrison, D. and Heavens, A.F. and Helou, G. and Hempel, A. and Henrot-Versille, S. and Hernandez-Monteagudo, C. and Herranz, D. and Hildebrandt, S.R. and Hivon, E. and Ho, S. and Hobson, M. and Holmes, W.A. and Hornstrup, A. and Hou, Z. and Hovest, W. and Huey, G. and Huffenberger, K.M. and Hurier, G. and Ilić, S. and Jaffe, A.H. and Jaffe, T.R. and Jasche, J. and Jewell, J. and Jones, W.C. and Juvela, M. and Kalberla, P. and Kangaslahti, P. and Keihanen, E. and Kerp, J. and Keskitalo, R. and Khamitov, I. and Kiiveri, K. and Kim, J. and Kisner, T.S. and Kneissl, R. and Knoche, J. and Knox, L. and Kunz, M. and Kurki-Suonio, H. and Lacasa, F. and Lagache, G. and Lahteenmaki, A. and Lamarre, J.-M. and Langer, M. and Lasenby, A. and Lattanzi, M. and Laureijs, R.J. and Lavabre, A. and Lawrence, C.R. and Le Jeune, M. and Leach, S. and Leahy, J.P. and Leonardi, R. and Leon-Tavares, J. and Leroy, C. and Lesgourgues, J. and Lewis, A. and Liddle, A. and Liguori, M. and Lilje, P.B. and Linden-Vornle, M. and Lindholm, V. and Lopez-Caniego, M. and Lowe, S. and Lubin, P.M. and Macias-Perez, J.F. and MacTavish, C.J. and Maffei, B. and Maggio, G. and Maino, D. and Mandolesi, N. and Mangilli, A. and Marcos-Caballero, A. and Marinucci, D. and Maris, M. and Marleau, F. and Marshall, D.J. and Martin, P.G. and Martinez-Gonzalez, E. and Masi, S. and Massardi, M. and Matarrese, S. and Matsumura, T. and Matthai, F. and Maurin, L. and Mazzotta, P. and McDonald, A. and McEwen, J.D. and McGehee, P. and Mei, S. and Meinhold, P.R. and 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Sureau, F. and Sutter, P. and Sutton, D. and Suur-Uski, A.-S. and Sygnet, J.-F. and Tauber, J.A. and Tavagnacco, D. and Taylor, D. and Terenzi, L. and Texier, D. and Toffolatti, L. and Tomasi, M. and Torre, J.-P. and Tristram, M. and Tucci, M. and Tuovinen, J. and Turler, M. and Tuttlebee, M. and Umana, G. and Valenziano, L. and Valiviita, J. and Van Tent, B. and Varis, J. and Vibert, L. and Viel, M. and Vielva, P. and Villa, F. and Vittorio, N. and Wade, L.A. and Wandelt, B.D. and Watson, C. and Watson, R. and Wehus, I. and Welikala, N. and Weller, J. and White, M. and White, S.D.M. and Wilkinson, A. and Winkel, B. and Xia, J.-Q. and Yvon, D. and Zacchei, A. and Zibin, J.P. and Zonca, A.
Planck 2013 results. I. Overview of products and scientific results.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 571 (1).
ISSN 0004-6361
The European Space Agency’s Planck satellite, dedicated to studying the early Universe and its subsequent evolution, was launched 14 May 2009 and has been scanning the microwave and submillimetre sky continuously since 12 August 2009. In March 2013, ESA and the Planck Collaboration released the initial cosmology products based on the first 15.5 months of Planck data, along with a set of scientific and technical papers and a web-based explanatory supplement. This paper gives an overview of the mission and its performance, the processing, analysis, and characteristics of the data, the scientific results, and the science data products and papers in the release. The science products include maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and diffuse extragalactic foregrounds, a catalogue of compact Galactic and extragalactic sources, and a list of sources detected through the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect. The likelihood code used to assess cosmological models against the Planck data and a lensing likelihood are described. Scientific results include robust support for the standard six-parameter ΛCDM model of cosmology and improved measurements of its parameters, including a highly significant deviation from scale invariance of the primordial power spectrum. The Planck values for these parameters and others derived from them are significantly different from those previously determined. Several large-scale anomalies in the temperature distribution of the CMB, first detected by WMAP, are confirmed with higher confidence. Planck sets new limits on the number and mass of neutrinos, and has measured gravitational lensing of CMB anisotropies at greater than 25σ. Planck finds no evidence for non-Gaussianity in the CMB. Planck’s results agree well with results from the measurements of baryon acoustic oscillations. Planck finds a lower Hubble constant than found in some more local measures. Some tension is also present between the amplitude of matter fluctuations (σ8) derived from CMB data and that derived from Sunyaev-Zeldovich data. The Planck and WMAP power spectra are offset from each other by an average level of about 2% around the first acoustic peak. Analysis of Planck polarization data is not yet mature, therefore polarization results are not released, although the robust detection of E-mode polarization around CMB hot and cold spots is shown graphically.
Item Type: |
Keywords: |
Planck Collaboration; cosmology: observations; cosmic background radiation; space vehicles: instruments; instrumentation: detectors; |
Academic Unit: |
Faculty of Science and Engineering > Experimental Physics |
Item ID: |
14396 |
Identification Number: | |
Depositing User: |
Dr. Anthony Murphy
Date Deposited: |
29 Apr 2021 16:31 |
Journal or Publication Title: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics |
Publisher: |
EDP Sciences |
Refereed: |
Yes |
URI: |
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This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available
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