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    Populism, the media, and the mainstreaming of the far right: The Guardian’s coverage of populism as a case study.

    BROWN, KATY (2021) Populism, the media, and the mainstreaming of the far right: The Guardian’s coverage of populism as a case study. POLITICS, 41 (3). pp. 279-295. ISSN 0263-3957

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    Populism seems to define our current political age. The term is splashed across the headlines, brandished in political speeches and commentaries, and applied extensively in numerous academic publications and conferences. This pervasive usage, or populist hype, has serious implications for our understanding of the meaning of populism itself and for our interpretation of the phenomena to which it is applied. In particular, we argue that its common conflation with far-right politics, as well as its breadth of application to other phenomena, has contributed to the mainstreaming of the far right in three main ways: (1) agenda-setting power and deflection, (2) euphemisation and trivialisation, and (3) amplification. Through a mixed-methods approach to discourse analysis, this article uses The Guardian newspaper as a case study to explore the development of the populist hype and the detrimental effects of the logics that it has pushed in public discourse.

    Item Type: Article
    Additional Information: Brown, K., & Mondon, A. (2021). Populism, the media, and the mainstreaming of the far right: The Guardian’s coverage of populism as a case study. Politics, 41(3), 279-295.
    Keywords: discourse; far right; mainstreaming; populism; racism;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Arts,Celtic Studies and Philosophy > School of English, Media & Theatre Studies > Media Studies
    Item ID: 17976
    Identification Number:
    Depositing User: Dr Katy Brown
    Date Deposited: 21 Dec 2023 12:08
    Journal or Publication Title: POLITICS
    Publisher: Sage Publications
    Refereed: Yes
    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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