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    Family-focused practice in mental health services in Ireland: exploration and implementation

    Mulligan, Christine (2023) Family-focused practice in mental health services in Ireland: exploration and implementation. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

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    Objectives: This paper outlines the findings from the first stage of a research programme called PRIMERA (Promoting Research and Innovation in Mental hEalth seRvices for fAmilies and Children). This programme aims to identify, help implement and evaluate family-focused interventions for families where a parent has a mental illness and promote a ‘think family’ service delivery agenda in the Republic of Ireland (RoI). Methods: An initial scoping study was undertaken to: (1) assess the nature and extent of familyfocused practice (FFP) in adult (N = 114) and child (N = 69) mental health services in the RoI; (2) review the international literature; and (3) undertake site/service visits to assess readiness for, and inform the implementation of, FFP. Results: A national Expression of Interest (EoI) call led to 37 written submissions (20% response rate) plus six further requests for involvement from interested community services. Fifteen sites/ services (35%) were included in the research following critical appraisal and consultation. FFP across services/sites was small-scale or non-existent. Following a literature review and other strategic/resource considerations, all sites were invited to deliver the Family Talk (FT) intervention; 12 agreed to do so; three sites will deliver other programmes. A series of activities was undertaken by the research team to support early implementation. Discussion: This first phase of the research provides a critical starting point for promoting, and assessing the development of, FFP in mental health services in the RoI. Some useful generalisable lessons are also identified in terms of building capacity and beginning to change practice in this field.

    Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
    Keywords: Family-focused practice; family-focused intervention; parental mental illness; ‘think family’ approach; family mental health; family focused mental health practice;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Science and Engineering > Psychology
    Item ID: 19018
    Depositing User: IR eTheses
    Date Deposited: 14 Oct 2024 10:31
      Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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