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    Planck early results. XXII. The submillimetre properties of a sample of Galactic cold clumps

    Ade, P.A.R. and Aghanim, N. and Arnaud, M. and Ashdown, M. and Aumont, J. and Baccigalupi, C. and Balbi, A. and Banday, A.J. and Barreiro, R.B. and Bartlett, J.G. and Battaner, E. and Benabed, K. and Benoit, A. and Bernard, J.-P. and Bersanelli, M. and Bhatia, R. and Bock, J.J. and Bonaldi, A. and Bond, J.R. and Borrill, J. and Bouchet, F.R. and Boulanger, F. and Bucher, M. and Burigana, C. and Cabella, P. and Cantalupo, C.M. and Cardoso, J.-F. and Catalano, A. and Cayon, L. and Challinor, A. and Chamballu, A. and Chiang, L.-Y. and Christensen, P.R. and Clements, D.L. and Colombi, S. and Couchot, F. and Coulais, A. and Crill, B.P. and Cuttaia, F. and Danese, L. and Davies, R.D. and De Bernardis, P. and de Gasperis, G. and de Rosa, A. and de Zotti, G. and Delabrouille, J. and Delouis, J.-M. and Desert, F.-X. and Dickinson, C. and Doi, Y. and Donzelli, S. and Dore, O. and Dorl, U. and Douspis, M. and Dupac, X. and Efstathiou, G. and Enßlin, T.A. and Falgarone, E. and Finelli, F. and Forni, O. and Frailis, M. and Franceschi, E. and Galeotta, S. and Ganga, K. and Giard, M. and Giardino, G. and Giraud-Héraud, Y. and Gonzalez-Nuevo, J. and Gorski, K.M. and Gratton, S. and Gregorio, A. and Grupposo, A. and Hansen, F.K. and Harrison, D. and Helou, G. and Henrot-Versille, S. and Herranz, D. and Hildebrandt, S.R. and Hivon, E. and Hobson, M. and Holmes, W.A. and Hovest, W. and Hoyland, R.J. and Huffenberger, K.M. and Ikeda, N. and Jaffe, A.H. and Jones, W.C. and Juvela, M. and Keihanen, E. and Keskitalo, R. and Kisner, T.S. and Kitamura, Y. and Kneissl, R. and Knox, L. and Kurki-Suonio, H. and Lagache, G. and Lamarre, J.-M. and Lasenby, A. and Laureijs, R.J. and Lawrence, C.R. and Leach, S. and Leonardi, R. and Leroy, C. and Linden-Vornle, M. and Lopez-Caniego, M. and Lubin, P.M. and Macias-Perez, J.F. and MacTavish, C.J. and Maffei, B. and Malinen, J. and Mandolesi, N. and Mann, R. and Maris, M. and Marshall, D.J. and Martin, P. and Martinez-Gonzalez, E. and Masi, S. and Matarrese, S. and Matthai, F. and Mazzotta, P. and McGehee, P. and Melchiorri, A. and Mendes, L. and Mennella, A. and Meny, C. and Mitra, S. and Miville-Deschenes, M.-A. and Moneti, A. and Montier, L. and Morgante, G. and Mortlock, D. and Munshi, D. and Murphy, J.Anthony and Naselsky, P. and Nati, F. and Natoli, P. and Netterfield, C.B. and Norgaard-Nielsen, H.U. and Noviello, F. and Novikov, D. and Novikov, I. and Osborne, S. and Pagani, L. and Pajot, F. and Paladini, R. and Pasian, F. and Patanchon, G. and Pelkonen, V.-M. and Perdereau, O. and Perotto, L. and Perrotta, F. and Piacentini, F. and Piat, M. and Plaszczynski, S. and Pointecouteau, E. and Polenta, G. and Ponthieu, N. and Poutanen, T. and Prezeau, G. and Prunet, S. and Puget, J.-L. and Reach, W.T. and Rebolo, R. and Reinecke, M. and Renault, C. and Ricciardi, S. and Riller, T. and Ristorcelli, I. and Rocha, G. and Rosset, C. and Rowan-Robinson, M. and Rubino-Martin, J.A. and Rusholme, B. and Sandri, M. and Santos, D. and Savini, G. and Scott, D. and Seiffert, M.D. and Smoot, G.F. and Starck, J.-L. and Stivoli, F. and Stolyarov, V. and Sudiwala, R. and Sygnet, J.-F. and Tauber, J.A. and Terenzi, L. and Toffolatti, L. and Tomasi, M. and Torre, J.-P. and Toth, V. and Tristram, M. and Tuovinen, J. and Umana, G. and Valenziano, L. and Vielva, P. and Villa, F. and Vittorio, N. and Wade, L.A. and Wandelt, B.D. and Ysard, N. and Yvon, D. and Zacchei, A. and Zonca, A. (2011) Planck early results. XXII. The submillimetre properties of a sample of Galactic cold clumps. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 536 (A22). pp. 1-24. ISSN 0004-6361

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    We perform a detailed investigation of sources from the Cold Cores Catalogue of Planck Objects (C3PO). Our goal is to probe the reliability of the detections, validate the separation between warm and cold dust emission components, provide the first glimpse at the nature, internal morphology and physical characterictics of the Planck-detected sources. We focus on a sub-sample of ten sources from the C3PO list, selected to sample different environments, from high latitude cirrus to nearby (150 pc) and remote (2 kpc) molecular complexes. We present Planck surface brightness maps and derive the dust temperature, emissivity spectral index, and column densities of the fields. With the help of higher resolution Herschel and AKARI continuum observations and molecular line data, we investigate the morphology of the sources and the properties of the substructures at scales below the Planck beam size. The cold clumps detected by Planck are found to be located on large-scale filamentary (or cometary) structures that extend up to 20 pc in the remote sources. The thickness of these filaments ranges between 0.3 and 3 pc, for column densities NH2 ∼ 0.1 to 1.6 × 1022 cm−2, and with linear mass density covering a broad range, between 15 and 400 M pc−1. The dust temperatures are low (between 10 and 15K) and the Planck cold clumps correspond to local minima of the line-of-sight averaged dust temperature in these fields. These low temperatures are confirmed when AKARI and Herschel data are added to the spectral energy distributions. Herschel data reveal a wealth of substructure within the Planck cold clumps. In all cases (except two sources harbouring young stellar objects), the substructures are found to be colder, with temperatures as low as 7 K. Molecular line observations provide gas column densities which are consistent with those inferred from the dust. The linewidths are all supra-thermal, providing large virial linear mass densities in the range 10 to 300 M pc−1, comparable within factors of a few, to the gas linear mass densities. The analysis of this small set of cold clumps already probes a broad variety of structures in the C3PO sample, probably associated with different evolutionary stages, from cold and starless clumps, to young protostellar objects still embedded in their cold surrounding cloud. Because of the all-sky coverage and its sensitivity, Planck is able to detect and locate the coldest spots in massive elongated structures that may be the long-searched for progenitors of stellar clusters.

    Item Type: Article
    Additional Information: © ESO 2011 The original publication is available at DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201116481
    Keywords: ISM; clouds; dust; extinction; stars; formation; structure; submillimeter; protostars; Planck Collaboration;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Science and Engineering > Experimental Physics
    Item ID: 4332
    Depositing User: Dr. Anthony Murphy
    Date Deposited: 24 Apr 2013 11:44
    Journal or Publication Title: Astronomy & Astrophysics
    Publisher: EDP Sciences
    Refereed: Yes
    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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