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    A Brief History of Clery’s

    Rains, Stephanie (2015) A Brief History of Clery’s. History Ireland, 23 (5). ISSN 0791-8224

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    Clery’s department store is an iconic Dublin business, famed for having risen from the ashes of 1916, its clock the meeting point for generations of courting couples. This and its stately building give it the impression of permanence and stability, but in fact in its 162-year history Clery’s has experienced three changes of name, multiple owners and two previous bankruptcies—one of which also resulted in the store being closed and its staff being fired

    Item Type: Article
    Keywords: Clery's; Dublin; Department Store; History;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Arts,Celtic Studies and Philosophy > School of English, Media & Theatre Studies > Media Studies
    Item ID: 6604
    Depositing User: Stephanie Rains
    Date Deposited: 20 Nov 2015 10:41
    Journal or Publication Title: History Ireland
    Publisher: History Ireland Ltd
    Refereed: Yes
    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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