Farrell, Ronan, Sanchez, Magdalena and Corley, Gerry (2009) Software-Defined Radio Demonstrators: An Example and Future Trends. International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, Volume 2009 (12 pages).
Corley, Gerry, McCormack, Justine and Farrell, Ronan (2009) Demonstrator Platform for Antenna Array Calibration. In: CIICT 2009 : proceedings of the China-Ireland information and communications technologies conference. Dept. of Computer Science, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland, pp. 2-6. ISBN 9780901519672
McCormack, Justine, Corley, Gerry and Farrell, Ronan (2009) Experimental results of non-radiative calibration of a tower top adaptive array. In: 2009 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation. IEEE, pp. 3389-3393. ISBN 9781424447534
Dooley, John, Corley, Gerry, Podsiadlik, Tomasz and Farrell, Ronan (2011) Reconfigurable High Frequency Class S Power Amplifier Demonstrator. In: Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-Wave Circuits (INMMMIC 2012), 18th - 19th April, 2011, Vienna, Austria.
Sanchez Mora , Magdalena, Lotze, Jörg , Corley, Gerry and Farrell, Ronan (2008) Experiences in the co-design of software and hardware elements in a SDR platform. In: SDR 08 Technical Conference and Product Exposition, 26th -30th October 08, Washington, D.C..
Sanchez Mora , Magdalena, Corley, Gerry and Farrell, Ronan (2008) Reconfigurable Radio Hardware & Software Integration and Testing. In: SDR 08 Technical Conference and Product Exposition, 26th -30th October 08, Washington, D.C..
Corley, Gerry, Sanchez Mora , Magdalena and Farrell, Ronan (2008) Software Defined Radio Transceiver Implementation. In: Royal Irish Academy Colloquium on Emerging Trends in Wireless Communications 2008, 23rd & 24th April 2008, Dublin, Ireland.
Sanchez Mora , Magdalena, Corley, Gerry and Farrell, Ronan (2008) “Lessons learnt in developing a SDR Platform with USB interface”. In: CISDR 2008 Workshop, 14th-16th May 2008, Maynooth, Ireland.
Barrandon, Ludovic, Corley, Gerry, Baldwin, Gerard and Farrell, Ronan (2007) Hardware implementation of a versatile low-cost mixed-signal platform for SDR experimentation. In: Software Defined Radio Technical Conference and Product Exposition, 5th-9th November 2007, Denver, Colorado.