Silva, Paula Alexandra and Van Laerhoven, Kristof (2007) BadIdeas for Usability and Design of Medicine and Healthcare Sensors. In: HCI and Usability for Medicine and Health Care : Third Symposium of the Workgroup Human-Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering of the Austrian Computer Society, USAB 2007 Graz, Austria, November, 22, 2007. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (4799). Springer, pp. 105-112. ISBN 9783540768043
Silva, Paula Alexandra and Van Laerhoven, Kristof (2007) Creativity in Ubiquitous Computing Research. In: Proceedings of HCI Educators 2007 - Creativity^3: Experiencing. to educate and design. GPCG, pp. 1-8. ISBN 9789727892273