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    Neoliberalization, De-democratization, and Populist Responses in Western Europe, the US, and Latin America

    Brown, John (2020) Neoliberalization, De-democratization, and Populist Responses in Western Europe, the US, and Latin America. Critical Sociology, 46 (7/8). pp. 1173-1187. ISSN 1569-1632

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    This article argues that multipronged de-democratization processes over the course of neoliberal projects fostered unstable democratic equilibria in Western and Latin American democracies, opening space for populist leaders and parties to emerge. To comprehend the variation in the nature of populists that gained support, the form of neoliberalization process in each region and the consequent impacts on traditional party systems is accounted for. Moreover, the impact of region-specific factors on populist forms such as economic crises, immigration levels, and the existence of progressive social movements are accounted for. The conflux of neoliberal de-democratization, austerity, and immigration fostered a conservative nativist-populism in Western cases. In Latin America, neoliberal de-democratization and austerity, in the presence of powerful popular movements, witnessed the emergence of a more progressive populism.
    Item Type: Article
    Additional Information: Cite as: Brown J. Neoliberalization, De-democratization, and Populist Responses in Western Europe, the US, and Latin America. Critical Sociology. 2020;46(7-8):1173-1187. doi:10.1177/0896920520927456
    Keywords: democratization; neoliberalism; populism; Latin America; nativism;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Social Sciences > Sociology
    Item ID: 14907
    Identification Number: 10.1177/0896920520927456
    Depositing User: Dr. John Brown
    Date Deposited: 07 Oct 2021 16:27
    Journal or Publication Title: Critical Sociology
    Publisher: SAGE Publications
    Refereed: Yes
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    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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