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    Aiken, Mike, Franklin Baremblitt, Gregorio, Bullard, Nicola, Clément, Carine, Deslandes, Ann, Koopman, Sara, Van Lanen, Sander and Cox, Laurence (2014) Activist experiences of solidarity work. Interface : a Journal for and about Social Movements, 6 (2). pp. 216-223. ISSN 2009-2431

    Andrews, Cal, Cox, Laurence and Wood, Lesley (2015) Editorial: Movement practice(s): how do we “do” social movements? Interface : a Journal for and about Social Movements, 7 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2009-2431

    Arjjumend, Hasrat, Konstantia, Koutouki, Fagan, Honor and Shibata, Shingo (2018) International Overview of Sacred Natural Sites and Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas (ICCAs) and the Need for Their Recognition. Journal of Global Environmental Studies, 13. pp. 33-56.

    Armas Sánchez, Pablo D. (2019) Perspectives from University Graduates facing A.I and Automation in Ireland: How do Irish Higher Education’s graduates from Maynooth University perceive AI is going to impact them? Masters thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Arribas Lozano, Alberto (2018) Migraciones, acción colectiva y colonialidad del saber en el campo académico español: los y las migrantes como sujetos políticos invisibles/invisibilizados (Migrations, collective action and coloniality of knowledge in the field of Spanish academia: male and female migrants as invisible/ invisibilized political subjects). Tabula Rasa, 29. pp. 367-385. ISSN 1794-2489

    Arribas Lozano, Alberto, Szolucha, Anna, Chattopadhyay, Sutapa and Cox, Laurence (2024) How can we research social movements? An introduction. Handbook of Research Methods and Applications for Social Movements. pp. 1-22. ISSN 9781803922010

    Arribas Lozano, Alberto, Szolucha, Anna, Chattopadhyay, Sutapa and Cox, Laurence (2024) How can we research social movements? An introduction. In: Handbook of Research Methods and Applications for Social Movements. Elgar, pp. 1-22. ISBN 9781803922027

    Asaba, Richard B. and Fagan, Honor (2015) Woman Waterkeeper? Women’s Troubled Participation in Water Resource Management. In: Water and Development: Good Governance after Neoliberalism. Zed Books, pp. 152-172. ISBN 9781783604937

    Asaba, Richard B., Fagan, Honor, Kabonesa, Consolata and Mugumya, Firminus (2013) Beyond Distance and Time: Gender and the Burden of Water Collection in Rural Uganda. wH2O: Journal of Gender and Water, 2 (1). pp. 31-38. ISSN 2167-2822

    Asaba, Richard B., Fagan, Honor, Kabonesa, Consolata and Mugumya, Firminus (2014) Women and Access to Water in Rural Uganda: A Review. wH2O : The Journal of Gender and Water, 3 (1). ISSN 2167-2822


    Bagonza Asaba, Richard (2013) Gender, Power and Local Water Governance in Rural Uganda. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Bagonza Asaba, Richard, Fagan, Honor and Kabonesa, Consolata (2015) Women’s access to safe water and participation in community management of supply. In: Water Is Life: Progress to secure safe water provision in rural Uganda. Practical Action Publishing. ISBN 9781780448893

    Ballantyne, Patrick, Singleton, Alex, Dolega, Les and Credit, Kevin (2022) A framework for delineating the scale, extent and characteristics of American retail centre agglomerations. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 49 (3). pp. 1112-1128. ISSN 2399-8083

    Banerji, Haimanti, Chattopadhyay, Subrata and Dhingra, Mani (2022) Adequate and Inclusive Housing for All: a human right based approach. Building Materials and Technology Promotional council (Special Issue), 11 (3). pp. 12-18.

    Banks, Joanne, Byrne, Delma, McCoy, S. and Smith, E. (2009) Engaging Young People? Student Experiences of the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme. ESRI Research Series No.15. Technical Report. Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin, Ireland.

    Barker, Colin and Cox, Laurence (2002) "What have the Romans ever done for us?" Academic and activist forms of movement theorizing. In: "Alternative Futures and Popular Protest" 8th annual conference, April 2002, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester.

    Barker, Colin, Cox, Laurence, Krinsky, John and Nilsen, Alf (2013) Marxism and Social Movements: An Introduction. In: Marxism and social movements. Historical materialism book series (46). Brill, Leiden, pp. 1-37. ISBN 9789004211759

    Barnes, Emma (2003) Young People and Depression: A Sociological Perspective. Masters thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Barrett, Michael J. (1995) The Impact of Streaming on Post-Primary Students' Attitudes to Teachers, Motivation and Learning. Masters thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Begg, David T. (2014) Lost in Transition: How Ireland and Three Other Small Open Economies Responded to Europeanisation 1987-2013. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Bidav, Tugce (2024) Localised precarity in social media entertainment: YouTubing in Turkey. International Journal of Cultural Studies. pp. 1-18. ISSN 1367-8779

    Bidav, Tugce and Mehta, Smith (2024) Peripheral Creator Cultures in India, Ireland, and Turkey. Social Media + Society, 10 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2056-3051

    Biggs, Simon, Bowman, Dina, Kimberley, Helen and McGann, Michael (2016) Introduction: Policy Responses to Ageing and the Extension of Working Lives. Social Policy and Society, 15 (4). pp. 607-610. ISSN 1474-7464

    Biggs, Simon, McGann, Michael, Bowman, Dina and Kimberley, Helen (2017) Work, health and the commodification of life's time: reframing work–life balance and the promise of a long life. Ageing and Society, 37 (7). pp. 1458-1483. ISSN 1469-1779

    Bocking, Brian, Cox, Laurence and Yoshinaga, Shin‘ichi (2014) The First Buddhist Mission to the West: Charles Pfoundes and the London Buddhist mission of 1889 – 1892. DISKUS, 16 (3). pp. 1-33. ISSN 0967-8948

    Bordoloi, Akangshya (2021) The Waves of Activism: An Ethnographic Study of Sex Work Activism in Dublin and London. ASEAN Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 8 (1). pp. 59-82. ISSN 2672-2453

    Botvich, Dmitri, McGibney, Jimmy, Ostapenko, Georgy, De Paoli, Stefano, Kerr, Aphra and Keatinge, Max (2010) Integrating Players, Reputation and Ranking to Manage Cheating in MMOGs. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games. ISSN 978-1-60558-937-4

    Bowman, Dina, McGann, Michael, Kimberley, Helen and Biggs, Simon (2016) Activation and Active Ageing? Mature-Age Jobseekers' Experience of Employment Services. Social Policy and Society, 15 (4). pp. 647-658. ISSN 1474-7464

    Bowman, Dina, McGann, Michael, Kimberley, Helen and Biggs, Simon (2017) "Rusty, invisible and threatening": ageing, capital and employability. Work, Employment and Society, 31 (3). pp. 465-482. ISSN 0950-0170

    Bradshaw, Catriona M. (1997) The Representation of the Northern Irish Conflict in the British Media with specific reference to the Lee Clegg case in the British Press. Masters thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Brady, Mary (2000) Probable Sociological Reasons for the Increase in Suicide in Contemporary Ireland. Masters thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Breathnach, Proinnsias and Jackson, John A. (1991) Ireland, Emigration and the New International Division of Labour. In: Contemporary Irish Migration. Geographical Society of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 1-10. ISBN 095104026

    Brown, John (2023) Crisis de la democracia de mercado y las respuestas populistas: el caso de Evo Morales de Bolivia. In: Populismo Una Perspectiva Latinoamericana. Clacso, pp. 191-213. ISBN 978-987-813-488-8

    Brown, John (2018) Democratisation and the radical-Left in Latin America: Toward a post-neoliberal citizenship regime? Lessons from Bolivia and Venezuela. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Brown, John (2018) Escaping the Confines of Market Democracy: Lessons From Venezuela. Socialism and Democracy, 32 (2). pp. 14-31. ISSN 0885-4300

    Brown, John (2024) Los Vínculos entre el Partido y la Base, la Movilización Contestataria y las “Tensiones Creativas” en Bolivia. In: Los Vínculos entre el Partido y la Base, la Movilización Contestataria y las “Tensiones Creativas” en Bolivia. Clacso.

    Brown, John (2020) Neoliberalization, De-democratization, and Populist Responses in Western Europe, the US, and Latin America. Critical Sociology, 46 (7/8). pp. 1173-1187. ISSN 1569-1632

    Brown, John (2020) Party-Base Linkages and Contestatory Mobilization in Bolivia’s El Alto Subduing the Ciudad Rebelde. Latin American Perspectives, 47 (4). pp. 40-57. ISSN 0094-582X

    Brown, John (2023) Populist responses to crises of market democracy: The case of Bolivia’s Evo Morales. In: Populism Latin American Perspectives. agenda publishing, pp. 1-20. ISBN 9781788215985

    Browne, Harry, Coulter, Colin, Flynn, Roddy, Hetherington, Vanessa and Titley, Gavan (2019) ‘Pitstop of Death’: Irish newspaper coverage of Iraq war protests at Shannon airport. Irish Political Studies, 34 (1). pp. 92-112. ISSN 0790-7184

    Butler, Lisa (2006) The changing role of women and work concerning gender, the family and childcare issues: A work-life balance perspective. Masters thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Byrne, Delma (2015) Review of Irish Higher Education: A Comparative Perspective, by Patrick Clancy, Dublin, Institute of Public Administration, 2015. AISHE-J : The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 7 (2). pp. 2381-2384. ISSN 2009-3160

    Byrne, Delma, Doris, Aedin, Sweetman, Olive, Casey, Ruth and Raffe, David (2014) An Evaluation of the HEAR and DARE Supplementary Admission Routes to Higher Education. Technical Report. DARE/HEAR Strategic Development Group.

    Byrne, Delma, McCoy, Selina and Watson, Dorothy (2008) School Leavers' Survey Report 2007. Technical Report. The Economic and Social Research Institute & Department of Education and Science, Dublin, Ireland.

    Byrne, Delma and O'Toole, Catriona (2015) The Influence of Childcare Arrangements on Child Well Being from Infancy to Middle Childhood. Technical Report. Túsla in association with Maynooth University.

    Byrne, Delma and Raffe, David (2005) Establishing a UK 'Home International' comparative research programme for post-compulsory learning. Technical Report. Learning and Skills Research Centre, London.

    Byrne, Delma and Smyth, Emer (2010) No Way Back? The Dynamics of Early School Leaving. Technical Report. Liffey Press, Dublin, Ireland.

    Byrne, John-Paul (2016) The Antinomies of Autonomy: The Social Structures of Stressors in Ireland and Denmark. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.


    Cannon, Barry (2014) As Clear as MUD: Characteristics, Objectives, and Strategies of the Opposition in Bolivarian Venezuela. Latin American Politics and Society, 56 (4). pp. 49-70. ISSN 1548-2456

    Cannon, Barry (2013) Binary visions of a complex leader or: What I learned from Hugo Chavez (1954-2013).

    Cannon, Barry (2014) Book Review: Close, David, Martí i Puig, Salvador and McConnell, Shelly A. (eds.) (2012) The Sandinistas and Nicaragua since 1979, Lynne Reinner (Boulder, CO and London), + 365 pp. £61.95 hbk. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 33 (3). pp. 378-379. ISSN 0261-3050

    Cannon, Barry (2008) Class/Race Polarisation in Venezuela and the Electoral Success of Hugo Chávez: a break with the past or the song remains the same? Third World Quarterly, 29 (4). pp. 731-748. ISSN 0143-6597

    Cannon, Barry (2017) Coups, “smart coups” and elections: Right power strategies in a context of Left hegemony. Desenvolvimento em Debate, 5 (1). pp. 29-49. ISSN 2176-9257

    Cannon, Barry (2023) The Far Right and Overseas Development Aid (ODA): Narratives, Policies and Impact. Policy and Practice - A Development Education Review, 37. pp. 131-141. ISSN 1748-135X

    Cannon, Barry (2023) Going Global? Defining, Characterising and Constructing Global Citizenship. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED.

    Cannon, Barry (2024) Going Global? Defining, Characterising and Constructing Global Citizenship. Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review, 38. pp. 86-102. ISSN 1748-135X

    Cannon, Barry (2016) Inside the Mind of Latin Americas New Right. NACLA Report on the Americas, 48 (4). pp. 328-333. ISSN 1071-4839

    Cannon, Barry (2016) Making Sense of Opposition in Venezuela: From the MUD to “La Salida” and Back. Other. Panoramas, University of Pittsburgh.

    Cannon, Barry (2018) Must We Talk about Populism? Interrogating Populism’s Conceptual Utility in a Context of Crisis. New Political Science, 40 (3). pp. 477-496. ISSN 0739-3148

    Cannon, Barry (2014) Opposition in Bolivarian Venezuela: Caught Between Conflict and Compromise. E-International Relations.

    Cannon, Barry (2021) Socialism equals death, market equals life: anti-socialist and pro-market policy discourse among the contemporary Venezuelan Opposition. Les Cahiers de Framespa (36). ISSN 1760-4761

    Cannon, Barry (2004) Venezuela, April 2002: Coup or Popular Rebellion? The Myth of a United Venezuela. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 23 (3). pp. 285-302. ISSN 0261-3050

    Cannon, Barry (2010) Wanted! ‘Strong publics’ for uncertain times: the Active Citizenship in Central America project. Development in Practice, 20 (6). ISSN 0961-4524

    Cannon, Barry and Browne, John (2017) Venezuela 2016: The Year of Living Dangerously. Revista de ciencia política (Santiago), 37 (2). pp. 613-634. ISSN 0718-090X

    Cannon, Barry and Hume, Mo (2012) Central America, civil society and the ‘pink tide’: democratization or de-democratization? Democratization, 19 (6). pp. 1039-1064. ISSN 1351-0347

    Cannon, Barry, King, Richard, Joseph, Munnelly and el-Moslemany, Riyad (2022) Resisting the Far Right: Civil Society Strategies for Countering the Far Right in Ireland. Resisting the Far Right Funded by Civil Society Strategies for Countering the Far Right in Ireland. pp. 1-104.

    Cannon, Barry and Murphy, Mary P. (2015) Where are the Pots and Pans? Collective Responses in Ireland to Neoliberalization in a Time of Crisis: Learning from Latin America. Irish Political Studies, 30 (1). pp. 1-19. ISSN 0790-7184

    Cannon, Barry and Rangel, Patrícia (2020) Introducción: resurgimiento de la derecha en América Latina Introduction: resurgence of the right in Latin America. Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals (126). pp. 7-16. ISSN 11336595

    Carroll, Orla (2000) Parental Involvement makes a difference in Early Childhood Education. Masters thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Charles, Darryl, McNeill, Michael, McAlister, Moira, Black, Michaela, Moore, Adrian, Stringer, Karl, Kücklich, Julian and Kerr, Aphra (2005) Player-Centred Game Design: Player Modelling and Adaptive Digital Games. In: Proceedings of DiGRA 2005 Conference: Changing Views – Worlds in Play. Digital Games Research Association: DiGRA, pp. 285-298.

    Chattopadhyay, Sutapa, Wood, Lesley and Cox, Laurence (2020) Editorial: Organizing amidst Covid-19. Interface : a Journal for and about Social Movements, 12 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2009-2431

    Chiyoko King, Rebecca (2000) Racialization, Recognition, and Rights: Lumping and Splitting Multiracial Asian Americans in the 2000 Census. Journal of Asian American Studies, 3 (2). pp. 191-217.

    Ciccia, Rossella and Ó Riain, Seán (2013) Beyond the standard work model? Varieties of flexible working time organization in Europe (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 71. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)

    Connolly, Linda (1997) From Revolution to Devolution: A Social Movements Analysis of the Contemporary Women's Movement in Ireland. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Connor, Nigel (2017) A Post Gay Ireland? Exploring the legacy of the "Yes Equality" campaign for LGBT+ Social Movement Leaders and Constituent Members. Masters thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Considine, Mark, O'Sullivan, Siobhan, McGann, Michael and Nguyen, Phuc (2019) Locked-in or Locked-out: Can a Public Services Market Really Change? Journal of Social Policy, 2019. pp. 1-22. ISSN 1469-7823

    Considine, Mark, O’Sullivan, Siobhan, McGann, Michael and Nguyen, Phuc (2020) Contracting personalization by results: comparing marketization reforms in Australia and the UK. Public Administration. ISSN 0033-3298 (In Press)

    Conway, Brian (2008) 1916 in 2006. In: Belongings: Shaping Identity in Modern Ireland. Irish Sociological Chronicles (6). Institute of Public Administration, Dublin, pp. 139-152. ISBN 9781904541714

    Conway, Brian (2003) Active Remembering, Selective Forgetting, and Collective Identity: The Case of Bloody Sunday. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 3 (4).

    Conway, Brian (2011) Catholic Sociology in Ireland in Comparative Perspective. American Sociologist, 42 (1). pp. 34-55. ISSN 0003-1232

    Conway, Brian (2016) Contexts of Trends in the Catholic Church's Male Workforce: Chile, Ireland, and Poland Compared. Social Science History, 40 (3). pp. 405-432. ISSN 1527-8034

    Conway, Brian (2014) David Yamane: Becoming Catholic: Finding Rome in the American Religious Landscape. Review of Religious Research, 56 (3). pp. 489-490. ISSN 0034-673X

    Conway, Brian (2001) Democratising the local authority tenant community relationship. Administration, 49 (3). pp. 3-19. ISSN 0001-8325

    Conway, Brian (2006) Foreigners, Faith and Fatherland: The Historical Origins Development and Present Status of Irish Sociology. Sociological Origins, 5 (1).

    Conway, Brian (2013) A Kind and Gentle Pastor. Intercom, 43 (3). p. 17.

    Conway, Brian (2008) Local Conditions, Global Environment and Transnational Discourses in Memory Work: The Case of Bloody Sunday (1972). Memory Studies 2008, 1 (2). pp. 187-209.

    Conway, Brian (2014) The Lure of an Irish Catholic Diocesan Seminary. Review of Religious Research, 56 (3). pp. 487-488. ISSN 0034-673X

    Conway, Brian (2010) The Memory and Amnesia of Irish Catholicism. EUREL: Sociological and legal data on religions in Europe.

    Conway, Brian (2007) Moving through Time and Space: Performing Bodies in Derry, Northern Ireland. Journal of Historical Sociology, 20 (2).

    Conway, Brian (2009) National Sociological Associations: Ireland. European Sociologist (28). p. 3.

    Conway, Brian (2010) New Directions in the Sociology of Collective Memory and Commemoration. Sociology Compass, 4 (7). pp. 442-453. ISSN 1751-9020

    Conway, Brian (2010) The Origins and Development of Sociology in Ireland. Footnotes, 38 (6). p. 4. ISSN 0749-6931

    Conway, Brian (2014) Religious Public Discourses and Institutional Structures A Cross-National Analysis of Catholicism in Chile, Ireland, and Nigeria. Sociological Perspectives, 57 (2). pp. 149-166. ISSN 0731-1214

    Conway, Brian (2014) Religious institutions and sexual scandals: A comparative study of Catholicism in Ireland, South Africa, and the United States. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 55 (4). pp. 318-341. ISSN 0020-7152

    Conway, Brian (2009) Rethinking Difficult Pasts: Bloody Sunday (1972) as a Case Study. Cultural Sociology, 3 (3). pp. 397-413. ISSN 1749-9755

    Conway, Brian (2012) Review of Fr. John Fahy: Radical Republican & Agrarian Activist (1893-1969). Jim Madden. Dublin: The Columba Press. Pp. 272. Price: €19.99. Furrow, 63 (10). pp. 517-518. ISSN 0016-3120

    Conway, Brian (2013) Social Correlates of Church Attendance in Three European Catholic Countries. Review of Religious Research, 55 (1). pp. 61-80. ISSN 0034-673X

    Conway, Brian (2011) The Vanishing Catholic Priest. Contexts, 10 (2). pp. 64-65. ISSN 1536-5042

    Conway, Brian (2006) Who Do We Think We Are? Immigration and the Discursive Construction of National Identity in an Irish Daily Mainstream Newspaper, 1996-2004. Translocations: The Irish Migration, Race and Social Transformation Review, 1 (1).

    Conway, Brian (2021) The sociology of Catholicism: A review of research and scholarship. Sociology Compass, 15 (4). ISSN 1751-9020

    Conway, Brian, Cahill, Lynne M. and Corcoran, Mary (2009) The “miracle” of Fatima : Media Framing and the regeneration of a Dublin Housing Estate (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 47. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)

    Conway, Brian, Corcoran, Mary and Cahill, Lynne M. (2012) The ‘miracle’ of Fatima: Media framing and the regeneration of a Dublin housing estate. Journalism, 13. pp. 551-571. ISSN 1464-8849

    Conway, Brian and Hachen, David (2005) Attachments, Grievances, Resources, and Efficacy: The Determinants of Tenant Association Participation Among Public Housing Tenants*. Journal of Urban Affairs, 27 (1).

    Conway, Brian and Hill, Michael R. (2009) Harriet Martineau and Ireland. In: Social Thought on Ireland in the Nineteenth Century. University College Dublin Press, Dublin, pp. 47-66. ISBN 9781904558668

    Conway, Brian and Spillman, Lyn (2007) Texts, Bodies, and the Memory of Bloody Sunday. Symbolic Interaction, 30 (1).

    Conway, Brian and Spruyt, Bram (2018) Catholic Commitment Around the Globe: A 52- Country Analysis. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 57 (2). pp. 276-299. ISSN 0021-8294

    Conway, Brian P. (2004) Traveller Horses, Local Authorities and Public Policy in Contemporary Ireland. Nomadic Peoples, 8 (1). pp. 65-79. ISSN 0822-7942

    Corcoran, Mary (2006) The Challenge of Urban Regeneration in Deprived European Neighbourhoods: a Partnership Approach. The Economic and Social Review, 37 (3). pp. 399-422.

    Corcoran, Mary (2008) Communities of 'Limited Liability'. In: Belongings: Shaping Identity in Modern Ireland. Irish Sociological Chronicles (6). Institute of Public Administration, Dublin, pp. 259-273. ISBN 9781904541714

    Corcoran, Mary (2007) Consumption and identity. Field Day Review, 3. pp. 239-245. ISSN 1649-6507

    Corcoran, Mary (2019) Contesting the politics of place: urban gardening in Dublin and Belfast. In: Urban Gardening as Politics. Routledge. ISBN 9781315210889

    Corcoran, Mary (2007) Editors’ Introduction. Irish Journal of Sociology, 16 (2). pp. 5-10.

    Corcoran, Mary (2006) Ethno-city. In: Uncertain Ireland: a sociological chronicle, 2003-2004. Irish sociological chronicles; 5 . Institute of Public Administration, Dublin. ISBN 978-1-904541-39-4

    Corcoran, Mary (2003) Global cosmopolites: issues of self-identity and collective identity among the transnational Irish elite. Etudes Irlandaises, 28 (2). pp. 135-150.

    Corcoran, Mary (2010) 'God’s Golden Acre for Children': Pastoralism and Sense of Place in New Suburban Communities. Urban Studies, 47 (12). pp. 2537-2554. ISSN 0042-0980

    Corcoran, Mary (1991) Informalization of Metropolitan Labour Forces: The Case of Irish Immigrants in the New York Construction Industry. Irish Journal of Sociology.

    Corcoran, Mary (2006) Local Responses to a New Issue: Integrating Immigrants in Spain. In: From Immigration to Integration: Local Solutions to a Global Challenge. OECD, pp. 239-283. ISBN 9789264028951

    Corcoran, Mary (2002) Place Attachment and Community Sentiment in Marginalised Neighbourhoods: A european Case Study. Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 11 (1). pp. 47-68.

    Corcoran, Mary (2004) Place Re-Making in Dublin. In: Place and Non-Place: The Reconfiguration of Ireland. Irish Sociological Chronicles (4). Institute of Public Administration, Dublin, pp. 142-156. ISBN 9781904541066

    Corcoran, Mary (2004) The Political Preferences and Value Orientations of Irish Journalists. Irish Journal of Sociology, 13 (2). pp. 23-42.

    Corcoran, Mary (2005) Portrait of the ‘absent’ father: the impact of non-residency on developing and maintaining a fathering role. Irish Journal of Sociology, 14 (2). pp. 134-153.

    Corcoran, Mary (2002) The Process of Migration and the Reinvention of Self: The Experiences of Returning Irish Emigrants. Eire - Ireland, 37 (1-2). pp. 175-191. ISSN 0013-2683

    Corcoran, Mary (2012) Society, Space and the Public Realm: Beyond Gated Individualism. Irish Journal of Sociology, 20 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 0791-6035

    Corcoran, Mary (2005) The Spectacle of the Spire: re-inventing Dublin’s O’Connell Street. Sociologie et Societes, Special Issue on "Le Spectacle Des Villes", XXXVII (1). pp. 69-86.

    Corcoran, Mary (2006) The challenge of urban regeneration in deprived European neighbourhoods: a partnership approach. Economic & Social Review, 37 (3). pp. 399-422. ISSN 0012-9984

    Corcoran, Mary (2002) The process of migration and the reinvention of self: the experiences of returning Irish emigrants. Eire Ireland - a Journal of Irish Studies. ISSN 0013-2683

    Corcoran, Mary and Cavin, Joëlle Salomon (2018) Introduction Civil Society and Urban Agriculture in Europe. Nature and Culture, 13 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1558-6073

    Corcoran, Mary, Hamm, Robert and Weiner, Ruairí (2022) Blurring the distinction between the researcher and the researched: Doing Collective Memory-Work online in Covid times. Irish Journal of Sociology, 30 (2). pp. 136-158. ISSN 2050-5280

    Corcoran, Mary and Hayes, Michael (2015) Toward a morphology of public space in suburban Dublin. Built Environment, 41 (4). pp. 519-537. ISSN 0263-7960

    Corcoran, Mary and Kettle, Patricia C. (2015) Urban agriculture, civil interfaces and moving beyond difference: the experiences of plot holders in Dublin and Belfast. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 20 (10). pp. 1215-1230. ISSN 1354-9839

    Corcoran, Mary, Kettle, Patricia C. and O'Callaghan, Cian (2017) Green shoots in vacant plots? Urban agriculture and austerity in post-crash Ireland. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 16 (2). pp. 305-331. ISSN 1492-9732

    Corcoran, Mary, Olagnero, Manuela and Meo, Antonella (2005) Social Support Networks in impoverished European neighbourhoods: Case studies from Italy and Ireland. European Societies, 7 (1). pp. 53-79.

    Corcoran, Mary, Peillon, Michel and Gray, Jane (2009) Making Space for Sociability: How Children Animate the Public Realm in Suburbia. Nature and Culture, 4 (1). pp. 35-56.

    Corcoran, Mary P (2021) Sociology in Ireland: Some random reflections. Irish Journal of Sociology, 29 (3). pp. 327-334. ISSN 0791-6035

    Corcoran, Mary P. (2021) Beyond ‘food apartheid’: Civil society and the politicization of hunger in New Haven, Connecticut. Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems, 6 (1). ISSN 2575-1220

    Corley, Ide, Fallon, Helen and Cox, Laurence (2018) Silence Would Be Treason Last writings of Ken Saro-Wiwa (2nd Edition). Daraja Press. ISBN 78-1-988832-04-3

    Corley, Ide, Fallon, Helen and Cox, Laurence (2017) Silence Would Be Treason. Last writings of Ken Saro-Wiwa. Daraja Press. ISBN 978-1-988832-04-3

    Cosgrove, Olivia, Cox, Laurence, Kuhling, Carmen and Mulholland, Peter (2011) Editors' introduction: Understanding new religion in Ireland. In: Ireland's New Religious Movements. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, pp. 1-27. ISBN 978-1-4438-2588-7

    Coulter, Colin (1999) The Absence of Class Politics in Northern Ireland. Capital and Class, 69. pp. 77-100. ISSN 0309-8168

    Coulter, Colin (2015) British Rights for British Citizens’: The Campaign for ‘Equal Citizenship’ for Northern Ireland. Contemporary British History, 29 (4). pp. 486-507. ISSN 1361-9462

    Coulter, Colin (1994) The Character of Unionism. Irish Political Studies, 9 (1). pp. 1-24. ISSN 0790-7184

    Coulter, Colin (1994) Class, Ethnicity and Political Identity in Northern Ireland. Irish Journal of Sociology, 4 (1). pp. 1-26. ISSN 0791-6035

    Coulter, Colin (2021) Learning to live with ghosts: spectres of “the Troubles” in contemporary Northern Irish cinema. Irish Studies Review, 29 (3). pp. 287-310. ISSN 0967-0882

    Coulter, Colin (2018) Northern Ireland’s elusive peace dividend: Neoliberalism, austerity and the politics of class. Capital and Class, 43 (1). pp. 123-138. ISSN 0309-8168

    Coulter, Colin (2015) Not quite as British as Finchley: the failed attempt to bring British Conservatism to Northern Ireland. Irish Studies Review, 23 (4). pp. 407-423. ISSN 0967-0882

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    Coulter, Colin and Arqueros-Fernandez, Francisco Mario (2019) The distortions of the Irish ‘recovery’. Critical Social Policy. ISSN 0261-0183

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    Coulter, Colin, Browne, Harry, Flynn, Roddy, Hetherington, Vanessa and Titley, Gavan (2016) ‘These people protesting might not be so strident if their own jobs were on the line’: Representations of the ‘economic consequences’ of opposition to the Iraq war in the Irish national press. Media, War and Conflict, 9 (2). pp. 113-136. ISSN 1750-6352

    Coulter, Colin, Flaherty, Eoin and Shirlow, Peter (2023) ‘Seismic’ or stalemate? The (bio)politics of the 2021 Northern Ireland Census. Space and Polity, 27 (1). pp. 57-77. ISSN 1356-2576

    Coulter, Colin and Reynolds, John (2020) Good times for a change? Ireland since the general election. Soundings: A journal of politics and culture, 75. pp. 66-81. ISSN 0038-1861

    Coulter, Colin and Shirlow, Peter (2019) From the ‘Long War’ to the ‘Long Peace’: An introduction to the special edition. Capital and Class, 43 (1). pp. 3-21. ISSN 0309-8168

    Coulter, Colin and Shirlow, Peter (2023) Northern Ireland 25 years after the Good Friday Agreement: an introduction to the special issue. Space and Polity, 27 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1356-2576

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    Cox, Laurence and Bocking, Brian (2020) Thinking beyond the island: Buddhism, Ireland and method in the study of religions. In: The Study of Religions in Ireland: Past, Present and Future. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 144-157. ISBN 9781350291744

    Cox, Laurence, Bocking, Brian and Turner, Alicia (2010) Beachcombing, Going Native and Freethinking: Rewriting the History of Early Western Buddhist Monastics. Contemporary Buddhism, 11 (2). pp. 125-147. ISSN 1463-9947

    Cox, Laurence and Curry, Liz (2010) Revolution in the air: images of winning in the Irish anti-capitalist movement. Irish Journal of Sociology, 18 (2). pp. 86-105. ISSN 0791 6035

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    Cox, Laurence and Flesher Fominaya, Cristina (2013) European social movements and social theory. A richer narrative? In: Understanding European movements: new social movements, global justice struggles, anti-austerity protest. Routledge, pp. 7-29. ISBN 9780415638791

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    Cox, Laurence and Turner, Alicia (2020) International Religious Organizations in a Colonial World: The Maha-Bodhi Society in Arakan. In: Theosophy Across Boundaries Transcultural and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on a Modern Esoteric Movement - SUNY Series in Western Esoteric Traditions. SUNY Press, State University of New York Press, pp. 281-316. ISBN 9781438480411

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