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    Proteomic dissection of the role of GliZ in gliotoxin biosynthesis in Aspergillus fumigatus

    Traynor, Aimee M. and Sarikaya-Bayram, Özlem and Bayram, Ozgur and Antonio Calera, José and Doyle, Sean (2023) Proteomic dissection of the role of GliZ in gliotoxin biosynthesis in Aspergillus fumigatus. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 166. p. 103795. ISSN 1087-1845

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    Gliotoxin (GT) biosynthesis in fungi is encoded by the gli biosynthetic gene cluster. While GT addition autoinduces biosynthesis, Zn2+ has been shown to attenuate cluster activity, and it was speculated that identification of Zn2Cys6 binuclear transcription factor GliZ binding partners might provide insight into this observation. Using the Tet-ON induction system, doxycycline (DOX) presence induced GliZ fusion protein expression in, and recovery of GT biosynthesis by, A. fumigatus ΔgliZ::HA-gliZ and ΔgliZ::TAP-gliZ strains, respectively. Quantitative RT-PCR confirmed that DOX induces gli cluster gene expression (n = 5) in both A. fumigatus HA-GliZ and TAPGliZ strains. GT biosynthesis was evident in Czapek-Dox and in Sabouraud media, however tagged GliZ protein expression was more readily detected in Sabouraud media. Unexpectedly, Zn2+ was essential for GliZ fusion protein expression in vivo, following 3 h DOX induction. Moreover, HA-GliZ abundance was significantly higher in either DOX/GT or DOX/Zn2+, compared to DOX-only. This suggests that while GT induction is still intact, Zn2+ inhibition of HA-GliZ production in vivo is lost. Co-immunoprecipitation revealed that GT oxidoreductase GliT associates with GliZ in the presence of GT, suggesting a potential protective role. Additional putative HA-GliZ interacting proteins included cystathionine gamma lyase, ribosomal protein L15 and serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT). Total mycelial quantitative proteomic data revealed that GliT and GtmA, as well as several other gli cluster proteins, are increased in abundance or uniquely expressed with GT addition. Proteins involved in sulphur metabolism are also differentially expressed with GT or Zn2+ presence. Overall, we disclose that under DOX induction GliZ functionality is unexpectedly evident in zinc-replete media, subject to GT induction and that GliT appears to associate with GliZ, potentially to prevent dithiol gliotoxin (DTG)-mediated GliZ inactivation by zinc ejection.

    Item Type: Article
    Keywords: Quantitative proteomics; Fungal pathogen; Nutritional immunity; Transcription factor; Zinc; LC-MS; Mycotoxin;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Science and Engineering > Biology
    Item ID: 18452
    Identification Number:
    Depositing User: Ozgur Bayram
    Date Deposited: 30 Apr 2024 13:28
    Journal or Publication Title: Fungal Genetics and Biology
    Publisher: Elsevier
    Refereed: Yes
    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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