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    Production of Purpureocillium lilacinum and Pochonia chlamydosporia by Submerged Liquid Fermentation and Bioactivity against Tetranychus urticae and Heterodera glycines through Seed Inoculation

    Silva, Daniela Milanez and de Souza, Victor Hugo Moura and Moral, Rafael de Andrade and Delalibera Júnior, Italo and Mascarin, Gabriel Moura (2022) Production of Purpureocillium lilacinum and Pochonia chlamydosporia by Submerged Liquid Fermentation and Bioactivity against Tetranychus urticae and Heterodera glycines through Seed Inoculation. Journal of Fungi, 8 (511). pp. 1-26. ISSN 2309-608X

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    Pochoniachlamydosporia and Purpureocilliumlilacinum are fungal bioagents used for the sustainable management of plant parasitic nematodes. However, their production through submerged liquid fermentation and their use in seed treatment have been underexplored. Therefore, our goal was to assess the effect of different liquid media on the growth of 40 isolates of P. lilacinum and two of P. chlamydosporia. The most promising isolates tested were assessed for plant growth promotion and the control of the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) and the soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines). Most isolates produced > 108 blastospores mL−1 and some isolates produced more than 104 microsclerotia mL−1. Microsclerotia of selected isolates were used to inoculate common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seeds in greenhouse trials. All fungal isolates reduced the T. urticae fecundity in inoculated plants through seed treatment, while P. chlamydosporia ESALQ5406 and P. lilacinum ESALQ2593 decreased cyst nematode population. Purpureocillium lilacinum was more frequently detected in soil, whereas P. chlamydosporia colonized all plant parts. Pochonia chlamydosporia ESALQ5406 improved the root development of bean plants. These findings demonstrate the possibility of producing submerged propagules of P. chlamydosporia and P. lilacinum by liquid culture, and greenhouse trials support the applicability of fungal microsclerotia in seed treatment to control P. vulgaris pests.

    Item Type: Article
    Keywords: biological control; seed treatment; microsclerotia; soybean cyst nematode; two-spotted spider mite;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Science and Engineering > Mathematics and Statistics
    Faculty of Science and Engineering > Research Institutes > Hamilton Institute
    Item ID: 18665
    Identification Number:
    Depositing User: Rafael de Andrade Moral
    Date Deposited: 18 Jun 2024 14:22
    Journal or Publication Title: Journal of Fungi
    Publisher: MDPI
    Refereed: Yes
    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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