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    Resisting the Far Right: Civil Society Strategies for Countering the Far Right in Ireland

    Cannon, Barry and King, Richard and Joseph, Munnelly and el-Moslemany, Riyad (2022) Resisting the Far Right: Civil Society Strategies for Countering the Far Right in Ireland. Resisting the Far Right Funded by Civil Society Strategies for Countering the Far Right in Ireland. pp. 1-104.

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    The STOPFARRIGHT project was inspired by our concern at the rise of the far right throughout Europe, North America and elsewhere, and more immediately in Ireland, as the far right became increasingly visible in demonstrations against Covid 19 public health measures in the country. Our main research question was how civil society organisations most affected by far right (FR) discourse – that is those groups supporting migrants, ethnic and sexual minorities, women’s rights and groups with explicit anti-FR activities - could counter-act such discourse and actions emerging from it. To this end the main objective of the project was to work with civil society organisations (CSOs) concerned about the far right in order to establish from their perspective the level of threat of the far right in Ireland, the extent and effectiveness of state, political party and civil society counter-strategising against the FR in the country, and ultimately to gather and share ideas about how these could be improved. Additionally, the project sought to facilitate information exchange between concerned sectors in Ireland and international and European academics and civil society groups who share this concern

    Item Type: Article
    Keywords: Resisting; Far Right; Civil Society Strategies; Countering; Far Right in Ireland;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Social Sciences > Sociology
    Item ID: 18814
    Depositing User: Barry Cannon
    Date Deposited: 04 Sep 2024 10:02
    Journal or Publication Title: Resisting the Far Right Funded by Civil Society Strategies for Countering the Far Right in Ireland
    Publisher: Maynooth University and Crosscare Migrant Project
    Refereed: Yes
      Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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