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    Urban Blue Spaces as Therapeutic Landscapes: “A Slice of Nature in the City”

    Smith, Niamh and Foley, Ronan and Georgiou, Michail and Tieges, Zoë and Chastin, Sebastien (2022) Urban Blue Spaces as Therapeutic Landscapes: “A Slice of Nature in the City”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (22). p. 15018. ISSN 1660-4601

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    Urban blue spaces are defined as all natural and manmade surface water in urban environments. This paper draws on how the concepts of experienced, symbolic, social, and activity space combine to position urban blue spaces as therapeutic landscapes. We conducted 203 intercept interviews between 12 October 2019 and 10 November 2019. Although safety concerns had health limiting impacts, interacting with the Glasgow Canal and surrounding landscape was predominantly perceived as health-enhancing. Our findings build on current evidence, which has suggested that urban blue spaces, particularly canals, may foster therapeutic properties, contributing to healthier city environments. Further research is required to understand better the interconnectedness of urban blue spaces and health and how such spaces can be best developed and managed to improve the health outcomes of local populations.

    Item Type: Article
    Keywords: blue space; urban environment; therapeutic landscape; qualitative data;
    Academic Unit: Assisting Living & Learning,ALL institute
    Faculty of Social Sciences > Geography
    Item ID: 19002
    Identification Number:
    Depositing User: Dr. Ronan Foley
    Date Deposited: 10 Oct 2024 08:48
    Journal or Publication Title: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
    Publisher: MDPI
    Refereed: Yes
    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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