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    Resonant Three-Photon Ionization of Atomic Hydrogen in a Finite-Bandwidth Laser Field and a Static Electric Field

    Shortt, B.J, van der Burgt, Peter J.M. and Giammanco, F. (2002) Resonant Three-Photon Ionization of Atomic Hydrogen in a Finite-Bandwidth Laser Field and a Static Electric Field. Laser Physics, 12 (12). pp. 1402-1409. ISSN 1054-660X

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    We derive a set of density matrix equations describing laser photo-excitation and ionization of atomic hydrogen in the presence of an external electric field. The equations are relevant as a description of multiphoton ionization of hydrogen (or deuterium) atoms in laser-produced transient plasmas. The laser wavelength is 243 nm, so that the photoionization is resonant with the 2 s 1/2 level. The electric field causes Stark mixing of the 2 s 1/2 level with the 2 p 1/2 and 2 p 3/2 levels. Because the electric field is taken in the same direction as the linear polarization of the laser, only states with equal m j are coupled, and the atom can be described with a four-level density matrix. The laser bandwidth is taken into account by using the stochastic model of a chaotic laser field introduced by Zoller [1]. We present a few calculations of the probabilities for ionization and excitation of a single hydrogen atom as a function of laser intensity and wavelength.
    Item Type: Article
    Additional Information: We are indebted to Dr. Martin Dörr for performing Floquet calculations and for providing helpful comments on a draft of this paper. This work has been supported under the Scientific Research Programme and the International Collaboration Programme of Enterprise Ireland. One of the authors (BJS) gratefully acknowledges receipt of a studentship from the National University of Ireland, Maynooth.
    Keywords: Resonant; Three-Photon; Ionization; Atomic Hydrogen; Finite-Bandwidth; Laser Field; Static Electric Field;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Science and Engineering > Experimental Physics
    Item ID: 4441
    Depositing User: Dr Peter van der Burgt
    Date Deposited: 27 Aug 2013 16:11
    Journal or Publication Title: Laser Physics
    Publisher: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
    Refereed: Yes
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    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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