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    Introduction: 'At tending to the Way Things Are' : Frankfurtian Reflections on Truth and Musicology

    Kehoe, Joe (2009) Introduction: 'At tending to the Way Things Are' : Frankfurtian Reflections on Truth and Musicology. Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal, 2. xiii-1.

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    In his recent examination of The Discourse o f Musicology Giles Hooper poses the question ‘What should one say about music?’ and it is clear that the use of the word should here covers a moral dimension.1 Unlike, say, physicians and engineers, whose activities are assessed in terms of outcomes such as health of patients and robustness of physical constructions, what musicologists do must primarily be considered in terms of the words they produce. Given that this is the case, and that speech acts (understood to cover inscriptions - the normal mode of scholarly discourse - as well as utterances) may be examined for whether they are true or false, appropriately informative or deceptive, perspicuous or vague, questions of truth, honesty, and intellectual integrity, can become important issues for musicologists.

    Item Type: Article
    Keywords: At tending to the Way Things Are; Frankfurtian Reflections; Truth; Musicology; Maynooth Musicology;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Arts,Celtic Studies and Philosophy > Music
    Item ID: 9468
    Depositing User: IR Editor
    Date Deposited: 14 May 2018 11:31
    Journal or Publication Title: Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal
    Publisher: Maynooth Musicology
    Refereed: Yes
      Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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