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    Blunnie, Ailie (2010) Passion and Intellect in the Music of Elizabeth Maconchy DBE (1907–1994). Masters thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Boydell, Barra (2004) The most crabbed of all earthly music: the performance of Bach's vocal music in Dublin in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Irish Musical Studies, 8. pp. 229-246.

    Brady, Sue (2003) The Songs of Sir John Andrew Stevenson. Masters thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Brandtsegg, Oyvind, Saue, Sigurd and Lazzarini, Victor (2018) Live Convolution with Time-Varying Filters. Applied Sciences, 8 (1). ISSN 2076-3417

    Bridges, Brian (2008) Product of Culture-Clash: social scene, patronage and group dynamics in the early New York Downtown scene and the Theatre of Eternal Music. Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal, 1. pp. 215-244.

    Bridges, Brian (2012) Towards a Perceptually–grounded Theory of Microtonality: issues in sonority, scale construction and auditory perception and cognition. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Brogan, Eileen (2009) Subjective identity in the operas of James Wilson. Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal, 2. pp. 172-189.

    Buckley, Ann (2008) Musical Monuments from Medieval Meath. Records of Meath Archaeological and Historical Society, X1X. pp. 23-42.

    Bunzel, Anja (2014) Johanna Kinkel's Pedagogical Approaches as a Socio-Political Mirror of Her Time. Musicological Explorations, 14. pp. 27-58. ISSN 1711-9235

    Bunzel, Anja (2017) Johanna Kinkel’s Lieder Compositions as a Socio-Political and Cultural Mirror of Her Time: A Reflective Interpretation. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Bunzel, Anja (2015) ‘Johanna Kinkel’s Political Art Songs as a Contribution to the Socio-Cultural Identity of the German Democratic Movement during the Late 1840s’. Focus on German Studies, 22.

    Bunzel, Anja (2013) 'Johanna Kinkel’s Thurm und Fluth (Opus 19, No. 6): Revolutionary Ideas and Political Optimism in a 19th‐Century Art Song’. In: The National Element in Music, 18-20 January 2013, Athens, Greece.

    Bunzel, Anja (2016) ‘Johanna Kinkel’s Trinklied für Männerchor: A Reactive Response to Nineteenth-Century Music Criticism?’. The Musicology Review, 9. ISSN 1649-6108

    Bunzel, Anja (2014) Review: Johanna Kinkel. Eine Auswahl aus ihrem literarischen Werk. Zum 200. Geburtstag der Komponistin und Schriftstellerin (Bonn, 1810 - London, 1858). Zusammengestellt von Monica· Klaus. Hrsg. von, Ingrid BodsCh. Bonn: StadtMuseum Bonn 2010; 127 S., Abb., brosch., € 14,- (€ 10,-im StadtMuseum Bonn). Internationales Jahrbuch der Bettina-von-Arnim-Gesellschaft, Band 26/27. pp. 225-227. ISSN 978-3-930293-26-1

    Bunzel, Anja and Kubeckova, Barbora (2014) Vaclav Jan Tomasek (1774-1850): A Versatile Lieder Composer? A Comparative Analysis of Selected Goethe Settings by Carl Friedrich Zeiter, Vaclav Jan Tomasek and Johanna Kinkel. Musicologica Olomucensia, 20. pp. 15-36. ISSN 1212-1193

    Byrne, Cathy (2009) Towards analytical synthesis: folk idioms, motivic integration and symmetry in B61a Bartok’s Concerto for Orchestra (1943). Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal, 2. pp. 190-219.

    Byrne, Shane (2018) Portfolio of Electroacoustic Compositions with Commentaries. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2009) Review: Paul Bertagnolli, Prometheus in Music: Representations of the Myth in the Romantic Era. Journal of the Society for Musicology in Ireland , 5. pp. 101-108. ISSN 1649-7341

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2011) Die Tücken des Musiktheaters: Anna Amalias Vertonung von Goethes Erwin und Elmire. In: Anna Amalia Herzogin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach 1739–1807 Erwin und Elmire 1776 (70’). Furore Verlag. ISBN 979-0-50182-383-5

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2015) From Mythology to Social Politics: Goethe’s Proserpina with Music by Carl Eberwein. In: Musical Receptions of Greek Antiquity: From the Romantic Era to Modernism. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4438-8828-8

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2008) Goethe and Schubert: Claudine von Villa Bella— conflict and reconciliation. In: The Unknown Schubert. Taylor & Francis (Routledge). ISBN 9780754661924

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2009) Goethe and Zelter: Musical Dialogues. Routledge. ISBN 978-0754655206

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2016) In Pursuit of a Single Flame? On Schubert’s Settings of Goethe’s Poems. Nineteenth-Century Music Review, 13 (1). pp. 11-33. ISSN 1479-4098

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2015) In pursuit of a single flame: Fanny Hensel's "Musical Salon". In: Women and the Nineteenth-Century Lied. Ashgate Publishing. ISBN 9781472430250

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2008) Late style and the paradoxical poetics of the Schubert–Berio Renderings. In: The Unknown Schubert. Ashgate, pp. 233-249. ISBN 9780754661924

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2005) A Musical Cornucopia: Thirty Years of Correspondence between Goethe and Zelter. Publications of the English Goethe Society, 74 (1). pp. 3-24. ISSN 0959-3683

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2015) A Place at the Edge: Reflections on Schubert’s Late Style. Oxford German Studies, 44 (1). pp. 18-29. ISSN 1745-9214

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2014) The Poetic Muse: Goethe, Schubert and the Art of Song. In: The Schubert Project: Bringing Schubert’s Vienna to Oxford. Oxford Lieder Festival.

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2009) Prometheus in Music: Representations of the Myth in the Romantic Era. Journal of Society for Musicology in Ireland, 5. pp. 101-108. ISSN 1649-7341

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2006) Review: Goethes Musiktheater: Singspiele, Opern, Festspiele, ‘Faust’. By Tina Hartmann. pp. x + 583. Hermaea, NF 105. (Niemeyer, Tübingen, 2004, €86. ISBN 3-484-15105-6.). Music and Letters, 87 (3). pp. 433-437. ISSN 0027-4224

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2015) Review: Elisabeth Krimmer and Patricia Anne Simpson, eds., Religion, Reason, and Culture in the Age of Goethe. Studies in German Literature, Linguistics, and Culture. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2013. Goethe Yearbook, 22.

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2015) Review: Rentsch, Ivana, and Klaus Pietschmann, eds. Schubert: Interpretationen. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2014. 234 pp. German Quarterly, 88 (3). p. 379. ISSN 0016-8831

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2003) Revisiting Claudine: Schubert’s GoetheSingspiel. Proceedings of the Conference ‘Goethe and Schubert in Perspective and Performance’. ISSN 190450504X

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2016) Schubert Familiar and Unfamiliar: Continuing Conversations. Nineteenth-Century Music Review, 13. pp. 3-9. ISSN 1479-4098

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2014) Tradition und Überschreitungen Carl Eberweins Vertonung von Johann Wolfgang von Goethes Proserpina. MusikTheorie, 29. pp. 333-352. ISSN 0177-4182

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2013) Wandermotive in Schuberts Goethe-Liedern. Schubert Jahrbuch.

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2008) The Witness of Poetry: Schubert’s Songs of Rhapsody and Reflection. Nineteenth-Century Music Review, 5 (2). pp. 148-153. ISSN 1479-4098

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2010) ‘An old man young or a young man old?’: On Goethe’s Friendship with Felix Mendelssohn. In: Musicologie sans frontières / Muzikologija bez granice / Musicology without Frontiers: Svecani zbornik za Stanislava Tuksara / Essays in Honour of Stanislav Tuksar. Croatian Musicological Society, Zagreb. ISBN 978-953-6090-44-0

    Byrne Bodley, Lorraine and Krobb, Florian (2014) Introduction: Musical Responses to Goethe's Faust. Publications of the English Goethe Society, 83 (2). pp. 75-76. ISSN 0959-3683


    Carthy, Brian, O'Connell, Pat and Strahan, Barbara (2009) Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal. Maynooth Musicology Postgraduate Journal, 2.

    Carty, Brian (2008) Artificial Simulation of Audio Spatialisation: Developing a Binaural System. Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal, 1. pp. 271-296.

    Carty, Brian (2009) Multi-channel and binaural spatial audio: an overview and possibilities of a unified system. Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal, 2. pp. 281-298.

    Carty, Brian and Lazzarini, Victor (2009) Binaural HRTF Based Spatialisation: New Approaches and Implementation. DAFx 09 proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, Politecnico di Milano, Como Campus, Sept. 1 - 4, Como, Italy. pp. 1-6.

    Carty, Brian (2010) Movements in Binaural Space: Issues in HRTF Interpolation and Reverberation, with applications to Computer Music. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Cascelli, Antonio (2007) I preludi 1, 2 e 15 dell'op. 28 di Chopin: un'analisi in prospettiva metaforica. Studi Musicali. pp. 161-189. ISSN 2037-6413

    Cascelli, Antonio (2018) L'orfeo: Memory, recollection and the tragedy of choosing between seeing and hearing. Philomusica on-line, 17. pp. 273-308. ISSN 1826-9001

    Cascelli, Antonio (2018) Place, Performance and Identity in Monteverdi’s Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda. Cambridge Opera Journal, 29 (2). pp. 152-188. ISSN 0954-5867

    Clancy, Annette, Cullen, John G., Hood, Alison and McGuinness, Claire (2021) Student Engagement With Experiential Learning in Large Classes. Journal of Management Education, 45 (3). pp. 340-343. ISSN 1052-5629

    Clancy, Annette, Cullen, John G., Hood, Alison and McGuinness, Claire (2021) Teaching Perspectives on Experiential Learning in Large Classes. Journal of Management Education, 45 (5). pp. 685-689. ISSN 1052-5629

    Commins, Adele (2009) Charles Villiers Stanford’s Experiences with and contributions to the solo piano repertoire. Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal, 2. pp. 139-171.

    Commins, Adele (2008) From Child Prodigy to Conservative Professor?: Reception Issues of Charles Villiers Stanford. Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal, 1. pp. 28-58.

    Commins, Adele (2012) Charles Villiers Stanford's Preludes for Piano op.163 and op.179: A Musicological Retrospective (3 volumes). PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Connolly, Brian (2016) Playing the Ear: Non-Linearities of the Inner Ear and their Creative Potential. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Conway, Eoin (2009) Signature characteristics in the piano music of John Adams. Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal, 2. pp. 220-235.

    Costello, Ed, Yi, Steven, Lazzarini, Victor and Timoney, Joseph (2014) CsoundEmscripten: An Audio Software API for the Web. In: Irish Sound Science Technology Convocation 2014, August 28th-29th, 2014, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland.

    Costello, Edward, Lazzarini, Victor and Timoney, Joseph (2013) A streaming audio mosaicing vocoder implementation. In: Proc. of the 16th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-13), 02/09/2013 - 05/09/2013, Maynooth, Ireland.

    Costello, Edward, Ye, Yuhang, Timoney, Joseph and Lazzarini, Victor (2014) Audio Transformations for the Enhancement of a Multiband Mosaicing Algorithm and Textures. In: Irish Sound Science Technology Convocation 2014, August 28th-29th, 2014, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland.

    Cullen, Adam (2009) Dialectic process and sonata form in Schubert’s A minor String Quartet, D804. Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate journal, 2. pp. 40-70.

    Cullen, Adam (2008) Schubert’s Chamber Music as a Road towards the Symphony. Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal, 1. pp. 99-120.

    Cullen, John G., Clancy, Annette, Hood, Alison and McGuinness, Claire (2019) Experiential Learning in Large Classes. Journal of Management Education Special Issue, 43 (4). pp. 471-476.


    De Lima, Maria Helena, Keller, Damian, Soares Pimenta, Marcello, Lazzarini, Victor and Manara Milleto, Evandro (2012) Creativity-centred design for ubiquitous musical activities: two case studies. Journal of Music, Technology and Education, 5 (2). pp. 195-222. ISSN 1752-7066

    Deacy, Mary Regina (2005) Continental Organists and Catholic Church Music in Ireland, 1860-1960. Masters thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Dignam, Barbara (2008) The Development of a Combinational Model for the Analysis of Acousmatic Music. Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal, 1. pp. 245-270.

    Dignam, Barbara, Higgins, Paul and Parker, Lisa (2008) Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal. Maynooth Musicology Postgraduate Journal, 1.

    da Silva, Floriano Pinheiro da Silva, Keller, Damian, da Silva, Edemilson Ferreira, Pimenta, Marcelo Soares and Lazzarini, Victor (2013) Everyday Musical Creativity: exploratory study of ubiquitous musical activities. Música Hodie, 13 (1). pp. 64-79. ISSN 1676-3939


    Feeley, John (2007) Classical Guitar Music by Irish Composers: Performing Editions and Critical Commentary. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Ferris, Catherine (2011) The Use of Newspapers as a Source for Musicological Research: A Case Study of Dublin Musical Life 1840–44. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Flynn, Angie (2006) Benjamin Britten’s compositions for children and amateurs: cloaking simplicity behind the veil of sophistication. Masters thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Flynn, Claire (1991) The Creative Art of Clara Schumann (1819-1896). Masters thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    ffitch, John, Lazzarini, Victor and Yi, Steven (2013) Csound6: old code renewed. In: Linux Audio Conference 2013 (LAC 2013). Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics, University for Music and Performing Arts Graz, Austria, pp. 69-75. ISBN 9783902949004


    Glover, John C. (2012) Sinusoids, noise and transients: spectral analysis, feature detection and real-time transformations of audio signals for musical applications. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Glover, John C., Lazzarini, Victor and Timoney, Joseph (2012) Metamorph: Real-Time High-Level Sound Transformations Based On A Sinusoids Plus Noise Plus Transients Model. In: DAFX-12 the 15th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects, September 17-21 2012, York, Uk.

    Glover, John C., Lazzarini, Victor and Timoney, Joseph (2011) Python for audio signal processing. In: Linux Audio Conference 2011, May 6-8 2011, Maynooth, Ireland.

    Glover, John C., Lazzarini, Victor and Timoney, Joseph (2011) Real-Time Detection of Musical Onsets with Linear Prediction and Sinusoidal Modelling. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (68). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1687-6172

    Glover, John C., Lazzarini, Victor and Timoney, Joseph (2012) Real-time segmentation of the temporal evolution of musical sounds. In: Acoustic 2012 Hong Kong, May 13-18, Hong Kong.

    Glover, John C., Lazzarini, Victor and Timoney, Joseph (2009) SIMPL: A Python Library for Sinusoidal Modelling. DAFx 09 proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, Politecnico di Milano, Como Campus, Sept. 1 - 4, Como, Italy. pp. 1-4.

    Goulart, Antonio, Queiroz, Marcelo, Timoney, Joseph and Lazzarini, Victor (2019) CPU consumption for AM/FM audio effects. In: 17th Linux Audio Conference (LAC-19), 23-26 March 2019, Stanford University, USA.

    Goulart, Antonio, Queiroz, Marcelo, Timoney, Joseph and Lazzarini, Victor (2018) Interpretation and control in AM/FM-based audio effects. In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-18), September 4-8 2018, Aveiro, Portugal.

    Graydon, Philip (1999) Modernism in Ireland and its cultural context in the music and writings of Frederick May, Brian Boydell and Aloys Fleischmann. Masters thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Gubbins, Helen, O'Halloran, Sarah, Kearney, Daithí, Dore, Anne M, Magner, Emily and Murphy, Estelle (2008) A Forum for the Practice of Musicology in Ireland. British Postgraduate Musicology, 9.


    Halloran, Annemarie (2005) Liszt’s Heroes: An investigation into the Artistic Interdependence of Franz Liszt and his Contemporaries. Masters thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Halton, Jennifer (2008) A Feminist Icon: Celebrating the Life and Work of Isabella Andreini and the Commedia dell’arte in Renaissance Italy. Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal, 1. pp. 78-98.

    Halton, Jennifer (2018) Mapping the Cine-Metrololis: Re-defining festival in early modern Florence. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Healy, Tadhg, Lysaght, Thomas and Timoney, Joseph (2003) GUI front-end for spectral warping. In: DAFX-03 the 6th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects, September 6-8 2003, London, UK.

    Higgins, Paul (2010) Benjamin Britten: Text Setting as Cultural Custodian in Art Song. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Higgins, Paul (2009) Benjamin Britten: art song, a synthesis of words and music — issues and approaches to text-setting. Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal, 2. pp. 1-18.

    Higgins, Paul (2008) Benjamin Britten’s absorption of and contribution to the Lied tradition. Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal, 1. pp. 140-153.

    Higgins, Emma (2015) The mezzo-soprano onstage and offstage: a cultural history of the voice-type, singers and roles in the French Third Republic (1870–1918). PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Hoban, Piaras (2011) mit-cap-68-kruff for soprano, choir, strings & computer (2009/2011). PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Hodgkinson, Matthieu , Wang , Jian, Timoney, Joseph and Lazzarini, Victor (2009) Handling inharmonic series with median-adjustive trajectories. DAFx 09 proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, Politecnico di Milano, Como Campus, Sept. 1 - 4, Como, Italy . pp. 1-7.

    Holden, Edward (2014) Charles Valentin Alkan: Interpreting the Composer’s use of Rhythm as Identified in the Dominant Motifs present in the Music for Organ, Pedal-piano and Harmonium. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Hood, Alison (2012) Ambiguity of Tonal Meaning in Chopin’s Prelude op. 28, no. 22. Music Theory Online, 18 (3.8). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1067-3040

    Hood, Alison (2011) Engaging students in the assessment process in large groups. Large group teaching - the local context.. pp. 19-21.

    Hood, Alison (2010) Intraopus connections in Chopin's Nocturnes, Opus 27. In: The source of Chopin's style inspirations and contexts. Narodoy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina, Warszawa, pp. 371-385. ISBN 9788391741078

    Hood, Alison (2010) Objectifs et réalisations compositionnels dans la Barcarolle de Chopin : une forte cohérence structurale et un défi pour I'interpretation. Analyse Musicale, 62 (34). pp. 34-41. ISSN 0295-3700

    Hood, Alison (2007) Tonal and rhythmic hidden repetition in chopin's prelude, Op.28 no.14. In: Chopin in Paris: the 1830s. Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina, pp. 203-213. ISBN 9788391741092

    Hood, Alison (2012) Whose responsibility is it? Encouraging student engagement in the learning process. Music Education Research, iFirst article. pp. 1-22. ISSN 1461-3808

    Hood, Alison (2016) Chopin Online. Nineteenth-Century Music Review, 13 (2). pp. 327-335. ISSN 1479-4098


    Johnson, Fergus (2010) The Earl of Kildare An Opera in 3 Acts (2 Vols). PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.


    Kearney, William (2024) Learning by Ear: Multimodal listening and the Embodiment of Irish Traditional Music and Dance. In: British Forum for Ethnomusicology & International Council for Traditional Music Ireland Joint-Annual Conference, 4-7 April, Cork, Ireland. (Unpublished)

    Kehoe, Joe (2009) Introduction: 'At tending to the Way Things Are' : Frankfurtian Reflections on Truth and Musicology. Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal, 2. xiii-1.

    Kehoe, Ailbhe (2019) Music in Theatre A portfolio of compositions and accompanying commentary. Masters thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Keller, Damian and Lazzarini, Victor (2017) Ecologically Grounded Creative Practices in Ubiquitous Music. Organised Sound, 22 (SI1). pp. 61-72. ISSN 1355-7718

    Keller, Damian and Lazzarini, Victor (2017) Theoretical Approaches to Musical Creativity: The Ubimus Perspective. Musica Theorica, 2 (1). pp. 1-53. ISSN 2525-5541

    Keller, Damian, Schiavoni, Flávio and Lazzarini, Victor (2019) Ubiquitous music: Perspectives and challenges. Journal of New Music Research, 48 (2). pp. 1-7. ISSN 0929-8215

    Keller, Damian, Timoney, Joseph, Costalonga, Leandro, Capasso, Ariadna, Tinajero, Patricia, Lazzarini, Victor, Soares Pimenta, Marcelo, Helena De Lima, Maria and Johann, Marcelo (2014) Ecologically grounded multimodal design:The Palafito 1.0 study. In: Joint Conference International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)/ Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC) 2014, 14-20 September 2015, Athens, Greece.

    Kelly, Philip (2009) Gender identity and the electric guitar in heavy metal music. Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal, 2. pp. 251-280.

    Kenny, Aisling (2008) Considering Music and Poetry in Josephine Lang’s Goethe Lieder. Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal, 1. pp. 121-139.

    Kenny, Aisling (2009) Tensions between the ‘serious’ and the ‘popular’ in music: Josephine Lang’s compositional environment. Maynooth Musicology: Postgraduate Journal, 2. pp. 71-87.

    Kenny, Aisling (2010) Josephine Lang’s Goethe, Heine and Uhland Lieder: Contextualizing her Contribution to Nineteenth-Century German Song. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Kiely-Ferris, Catherine Mary Pia (2005) The music of three Dublin musical societies of the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: The Anacreontic Society, The Antient Concerts Society and The Sons of Handel. A descriptive catalogue. Masters thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Kleimola, Jari, Lazzarini, Victor, Timoney, Joseph and Valimaki, Vesa (2010) Phaseshaping oscillator algorithms for musical sound synthesis. In: 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference, July 21-24 2010, Barcelona, Spain.

    Kleimola, Jari, Lazzarini, Victor, Timoney, Joseph and Valimaki, Vesa (2011) Vector Phase Shaping Synthesis. In: Proc. of the 14th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-11), September 19-23, Paris, France.

    Kleimola, Jari, Lazzarini, Victor, Valimaki, Vesa and Timoney, Joseph (2011) Feedback Amplitude Modulation Synthesis. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (434378). ISSN 1687-6172


    Lazzarini, Victor, Kleimola, Jari, Timoney, Joseph and Valimaki, Vesa (2011) Aspects of Second-order Feedback AM synthesis. In: International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) 2011, July 31 - August 5 2011, Huddersfield, UK.

    Lazzarini, Victor and Timoney, Joseph (2010) New Perspectives on Distortion Synthesis for Virtual Analog Oscillators. Computer Journal Music, 34 (1). pp. 28-40. ISSN 0148-9267

    Lazzarini, Victor and Timoney, Joseph (2010) New Perspectives on Distortion Synthesis for VA Oscillators and Resonance Emulation. In: Irish Audio Workshop, January 28, 2010, Music Department, NUI Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland. (Unpublished)

    Lazzarini, Victor and Timoney, Joseph (2009) New methods of formant analysis-synthesis for musical applications. In: International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) 2009, August 16 - August 21 2009, Montreal, Canada.

    Lazzarini, Victor and Timoney, Joseph (2012) Synthesis of Resonant Sounds with a Heterodyne Model. In: DAFX-12 the 15th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects , September 17-21 2012, York, Uk.

    Lazzarini, Victor and Timoney, Joseph (2011) The ModFM synthesis vocoder. In: International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) 2011, July 31 - August 5 2011, Huddersfield, UK.

    Lazzarini, Victor, Timoney, Joseph, Kleimola, Jari and Välimäki, Vesa (2009) Five Variations on a Feedback Theme. DAFx 09 proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, Politecnico di Milano, Como Campus, Sept. 1 - 4, Como, Italy. pp. 1-7.

    Lazzarini, Victor, Timoney, Joseph and Lysaght, Thomas (2007) Adaptive FM Synthesis. In: DAFX-07 the 10th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects, September 10-15 2007, Bordeaux, France.

    Lazzarini, Victor, Timoney, Joseph and Lysaght, Thomas (2005) Alternative analysis-synthesis approaches for timescale, frequency and other transformations of musical signals. In: DAFX-05 the 8th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects, September 20-22 2005, Madrid, Spain.

    Lazzarini, Victor, Timoney, Joseph and Lysaght, Thomas (2002) New SoundObj Library Classes for sinusoidal modelling. In: DAFx-02 - the 5th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects , September 26-28 2002, Hamburg, Germany.

    Lazzarini, Victor, Timoney, Joseph and Lysaght, Thomas (2008) Split-Sideband synthesis. In: International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) 2008, August 24-29 2008, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, UK.

    Lazzarini, Victor, Timoney, Joseph and Lysaght, Thomas (2006) Streaming Frequency-domain DAFX in Csound5. In: DAFX-06 the 9h Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects, September 18-20 2006, Montreal, Canada.

    Lazzarini, Victor, Timoney, Joseph and Lysaght, Thomas (2005) Time-stretching using the instantaneous frequency distribution and partial tracking. In: International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) 2005, September 5-9 2005, Barcelona, Spain.

    Lazzarini, Victor, Timoney, Joseph, Pekonen, Jussi and Välimäki, Vesa (2009) Adaptive Phase Distortion Synthesis. DAFx 09 proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, Politecnico di Milano, Como Campus, Sept. 1 - 4, Como, Italy. pp. 1-8.

    Lazzarini, Victor, Yi, Steven and Timoney, Joseph (2012) Digital Audio Effects on Mobile Platforms. In: DAFX-12 the 15th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects, September 17-21 2012, York, Uk.

    Lazzarini, Victor, Yi, Steven, Timoney, Joseph, Keller, Damian and Pimenta, Marco (2012) The Mobile Csound platform. In: International Conference on Computer Music (ICMC) 2012, September 9-14 2012, Ljubljana, Slovakia.

    Lazzarini, Victor (2017) The Csound Plugin Opcode Framework. In: Proceedings of the 14th Sound and Music Computing Conference 2017. Aalto University, Helsinki, pp. 267-274. ISBN 978-952-60-3729-5

    Lazzarini, Victor (2014) Des Programmes Faust Dans Csound. Revue francophone d'informatique musicale, 4. ISSN 2261-8589

    Lazzarini, Victor (2013) The Development of Computer Music Programming Systems. Journal of New Music Research, 42 (1). pp. 92-110. ISSN 0929-8215

    Lazzarini, Victor (2014) Faust Programs in Csound. Revue francophone d'informatique musicale (4). ISSN 2261-8589

    Lazzarini, Victor (2017) On the Development of C++ Instruments. In: Linux Audio Conference 2017: Proceedings. University Jean Monnet (UJM), pp. 133-140.

    Lazzarini, Victor (2020) Parallel computation of time-varying convolution. Journal of New Music Research, 49 (5). pp. 403-415. ISSN 0929-8215

    Lazzarini, Victor (2000) The SndObj Sound Object Library. Organised Sound, 5 (1). pp. 35-49. ISSN 1355-7718

    Lazzarini, Victor (2017) Supporting an Object-Oriented Approach to Unit Generator Development: The Csound Plugin Opcode Framework. Applied Sciences, 7 (10). p. 970. ISSN 2076-3417

    Lazzarini, Victor (2018) Vers un Gradus ad Parnassum pour l'Informatique Musicale. Revue francophone d'informatique musicale, 6. ISSN 2261-8589

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