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    Thermal architecture for the QUBIC cryogenic receiver

    May, A., Chapron, C., Coppi, G., D'Alessandro, G., De Bernardis, P., Masi, S., Melhuish, S., Piat, M., Piccirillo, L., Schillaci, A., Thermeau, Jean Pierre, Ade, P.A.R., Amico, G., Auguste, D., Aumont, J., Banfi, S., Barbaràn, Gustavo, Battaglia, P., Battistelli, E., Bau, A., Bélier, B., Bennett, D., Bergé, L., Bernard, J.-P., Bersanelli, M., Bigot-Sazy, M.-A., Bleurvacq, N., Bonaparte, J., Bonis, J., Bordier, G., Breelle, E., Bunn, E.F., Burke, D., Buzi, D., Buzzelli, A., Cavaliere, F., Chanial, P., Charlassier, R., Columbro, F., Coppolecchia, A., Couchot, F., D'Agostino, R., de Gasperis, G., De Leo, M., De Petris, M., Di Donato, Andres, Dumoulin, L., Etchegoyen, A., Fasciszewski, Adrián, Franceschet, C., Gamboa Lerena, M.M., Garcia, G., Garrido, Xavier, Gaspard, M., Gault, A., Gayer, D., Gervasi, M., Giard, M., Giraud-Héraud, Y., Gómez Berisso, Mariano, González, M., Gradziel, Marcin, Grandsire, L., Guerrard, E., Hamilton, J.-Ch., Harari, D., Haynes, V., Henrot-Versille, S., Hoang, D.T., Incardona, F., Jules, E., Kaplan, J., Korotkov, A., Kirstukat, C., Lamagna, L., Loucatos, S., Louis, T., Lowitz, A., Lukovic, V., Luterstein, R., Maffei, B., Marnieros, S., Mattei, Angelo, McCulloch, M., Medina, M.C., Mele, L., Mennella, A., Montier, L., Mundo, L.M., Murphy, J.Anthony, Murphy, J.D., O'Sullivan, Créidhe, Olivieri, E., Paiella, A., Pajot, F., Passerini, A., Pastoriza, H., Pelosi, A., Perbost, C., Perdereau, O., Pezzotta, F., Piacentini, F., Pisano, G., Polenta, G., Prêle, D., Puddu, R., Rambaud, D., Ringegni, Pablo, Romero, G.E., Salatino, M., Scóccola, Claudia G., Scully, S., Spinelli, S., Stolpovskiy, M., Suarez, F., Tartari, A., Timbie, P., Torchinsky, S., Tristram, M., Truongcanh, V., Tucker, C., Tucker, G., Vanneste, S., Viganò, D., Vittorio, N., Voisin, F., Watson, B., Wicek, F., Zannoni, M. and Zullo, Antonio (2018) Thermal architecture for the QUBIC cryogenic receiver. Proceedings of SPIE, 10708 (10783V). ISSN 0277-786X

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    QUBIC, the QU Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology, is a novel forthcoming instrument to measure the B-mode polarization anisotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background. The detection of the B-mode signal will be extremely challenging; QUBIC has been designed to address this with a novel approach, namely bolometric interferometry. The receiver cryostat is exceptionally large and cools complex optical and detector stages to 40 K, 4 K, 1 K and 350 mK using two pulse tube coolers, a novel 4He sorption cooler and a double-stage 3He/4He sorption cooler. We discuss the thermal and mechanical design of the cryostat, modelling and thermal analysis, and laboratory cryogenic testing
    Item Type: Article
    Additional Information: Cite as: A. J. May, C. Chapron, G. Coppi, G. D'Alessandro, P. de Bernardis, S. Masi, S. Melhuish, M. Piat, L. Piccirillo, A. Schillaci, J.-P. Thermeau, P. Ade, G. Amico, D. Auguste, J. Aumont, S. Banfi, G. Barbarán, P. Battaglia, E. Battistelli, A. Baù, B. Bélier, D. Bennett, L. Bergé, J.-Ph. Bernard, M. Bersanelli, M.-A. Bigot-Sazy, N. Bleurvacq, J. Bonaparte, J. Bonis, G. Bordier, E. Bréelle, E. Bunn, D. Burke, D. Buzi, A. Buzzelli, F. Cavaliere, P. Chanial, R. Charlassier, F. Columbro, A. Coppolecchia, F. Couchot, R. D'Agostino, G. De Gasperis, M. De Leo, M. De Petris, A. Di Donato, L. Dumoulin, A. Etchegoyen, A. Fasciszewski, C. Franceschet, M. M. Gamboa Lerena, B. García, X. Garrido, M. Gaspard, A. Gault, D. Gayer, M. Gervasi, M. Giard, Y. Giraud-Héraud, M. Gómez Berisso, M. González, M. Gradziel, L. Grandsire, E. Guerrard, J.-Ch. Hamilton, D. Harari, V. Haynes, S. Henrot-Versillé, D. T. Hoang, F. Incardona, E. Jules, J. Kaplan, A. Korotkov, C. Kristukat, L. Lamagna, S. Loucatos, T. Louis, A. Lowitz, V. Lukovic, R. Luterstein, B. Maffei, S. Marnieros, A. Mattei, M. A. McCulloch, M. C. Medina, L. Mele, A. Mennella, L. Montier, L. M. Mundo, J. A. Murphy, J. D. Murphy, C. O'Sullivan, E. Olivieri, A. Paiella, F. Pajot, A. Passerini, H. Pastoriza, A. Pelosi, C. Perbost, O. Perdereau, F. Pezzotta, F. Piacentini, G. Pisano, G. Polenta, D. Prêle, R. Puddu, D. Rambaud, P. Ringegni, G. E. Romero, M. Salatino, C. G. Scóccola, S. Scully, S. Spinelli, M. Stolpovskiy, F. Suarez, A. Tartari, P. Timbie, S. A. Torchinsky, M. Tristram, V. Truongcanh, C. Tucker, G. Tucker, S. Vanneste, D. Viganó, N. Vittorio, F. Voisin, B. Watson, F. Wicek, M. Zannoni, A. Zullo, "Thermal architecture for the QUBIC cryogenic receiver," Proc. SPIE 10708, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX, 107083V (9 July 2018);
    Keywords: QUBIC; experimental cosmology; bolometric interferometry; cryogenics; sorption cooler; heat switch;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Science and Engineering > Experimental Physics
    Item ID: 13432
    Identification Number: 10.1117/12.2312085
    Depositing User: Dr. Créidhe O'Sullivan
    Date Deposited: 08 Oct 2020 16:56
    Journal or Publication Title: Proceedings of SPIE
    Publisher: SPIE
    Refereed: Yes
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    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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