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    Integrating Biochemical, Morpho-physiological, Nutritional, and Productive Responses to Cd Accumulation in Massai Grass Employed in Phytoremediation

    Henrique, Flávio, Rabêlo, Silveira, de Andrade Moral, Rafael and Lavres, José (2019) Integrating Biochemical, Morpho-physiological, Nutritional, and Productive Responses to Cd Accumulation in Massai Grass Employed in Phytoremediation. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 230 (110). ISSN 0049-6979

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    Cadmium (Cd) phytoextraction efficiency basically depends on Cd accumulation in their tissues. Thus, our aim in this study was to select biochemical, morphophysiological, nutritional, and productive responses associated to Cd accumulation in the roots, stems and sheaths, and leaf blades of Panicum maximum cv. Massai (Massai grass), using the random forests analysis. Massai grass was exposed to combinations of three sulfur (S) concentrations (0.1, 1.9, and 3.7 mmol L−1 ) and two Cd concentrations (0.0 and 0.1 mmol L−1 ) in nutrient solutions. The dry biomass production of Massai grass exposed to Cd decreased by around 50% in relation to control. However, there were no visual symptoms of Cd toxicity in the shoot of this plant, even with Cd concentrations in their shoot exceeding 100 mg kg−1 DW. The lowest dry biomass production of the plants exposed to Cd combined with the absence of visual symptoms of Cd toxicity indicates us that Massai grass is a bioindicator plant that can greatly cope with the Cd-induced stress, but in a little bit different way from other plants. Antioxidant enzymes apparently are not essential for Massai grass cope with Cd-induced stress, differently of other mechanisms (e.g., higher synthesis of thiol compounds and amino acids involved on reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging and Cd chelation). Probably, the plant responses that most explained Cd accumulation in Massai grass can be used to identify grasses with high capacity to accumulate Cd in phytoremediation programs with this group of plants.
    Item Type: Article
    Additional Information: Cite as: Rabêlo, F.H.S., de Andrade Moral, R. & Lavres, J. Integrating Biochemical, Morpho-physiological, Nutritional, and Productive Responses to Cd Accumulation in Massai Grass Employed in Phytoremediation. Water Air Soil Pollut 230, 110 (2019).
    Keywords: Cd accumulation; Forage grasses; Nonhyperaccumulator; Poaceae; Random forests;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Science and Engineering > Mathematics and Statistics
    Item ID: 14016
    Identification Number: 10.1007/s11270-019-4167-0
    Depositing User: Rafael de Andrade Moral
    Date Deposited: 15 Feb 2021 17:08
    Journal or Publication Title: Water, Air and Soil Pollution
    Publisher: Springer
    Refereed: Yes
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    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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