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    Electrocoagulation using Aluminium Anodes Activated with Mg, In and Zn Alloying Elements

    Dura, Adelaide and Breslin, Carmel B. (2019) Electrocoagulation using Aluminium Anodes Activated with Mg, In and Zn Alloying Elements. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 366. pp. 39-45. ISSN 0304-3894

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    The simultaneous removal of phosphates, Zn2+and Orange II, in two synthetic wastewaters was achieved usingAl–Mg and Al–Zn–In alloys as anodes at 11.7 mA cm–2and a surface area to volume ratio of 19.0 m–1. Higherremoval efficiencies were obtained with Al–Zn–In, attaining values of 95–96% for phosphate, 99% for Zn2+and88–96% for Orange II, while somewhat lower values were seen with Al–Mg, with 89–93% for phosphate, 96%for Zn2+and 50–60% for Orange II, depending on the solution. The higher efficiency with Al–Zn–In was at-tributed to its less passive behaviour, which was evident from polarisation plots. Numerous shallow pits, re-sembling general–like dissolution, were seen with Al–Zn–In, while fewer and larger pits were observed withAl–Mg. The energy demand for the removal of the pollutants was computed as 1.30 and 2.55 kWh m–3for theAl–Zn–In and Al–Mg anodes, respectively. The removal of phosphates and Orange II was explained in terms ofthe generation of cationic polynuclear aluminium species that provide electrostatic interactions with the anionicphosphates and Orange II. The removal of Zn2+was attributed to the formation of insoluble Zn(OH)2.
    Item Type: Article
    Additional Information: Cite as: Adelaide Dura, Carmel B. Breslin, Electrocoagulation using aluminium anodes activated with Mg, In and Zn alloying elements, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 366, 2019, Pages 39-45, ISSN 0304-3894,
    Keywords: Aluminium alloy; Al–Zn–In; Al-Mg; Electrocoagulation; Phosphate; Orange II; Zinc ions;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Science and Engineering > Chemistry
    Item ID: 14125
    Identification Number: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2018.11.094
    Depositing User: Dr. Carmel Breslin
    Date Deposited: 03 Mar 2021 15:45
    Journal or Publication Title: Journal of Hazardous Materials
    Publisher: Elsevier
    Refereed: Yes
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    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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