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    Outside in Dublin: Travellers, Society and the State 1963 -1985

    Crowley, Una (2009) Outside in Dublin: Travellers, Society and the State 1963 -1985. Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 35. pp. 17-24. ISSN 0703-1459

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    This paper examines accommodation policies and spatialized practices designed to rehabilitate, assimilate and integrate Irish Travellers (Ireland’s indigenous nomadic population) into mainstream society. With a specific focus on Dublin, the study covers the period from the commencement of the National Settlement Programme in 1964 until the mid 1980s when the depth of division between the settled community and Travellers reached crisis point and was expressed in outbursts of intercommunal violence in neighbourhoods throughout Dublin. I have chosen to concentrate on this particular period as it was a critical time in Travellers’ history and the accommodation policies and programmes developed during this time continue to have profound consequences for Travellers right up to the present day. It was during this period that widely held negative perceptions of Travellers were validated and cemented in research and policy1, legitimising behaviour towards Travellers that has ranged from shunning to verbal and physical violence; from territorial exclusion and evictions to vigilante attacks.
    Item Type: Article
    Additional Information: Preprint version of original published article. The definitive version of the article is available at
    Keywords: Ireland; Dublin; Irish Travellers; Society; National Settlement Programme;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Social Sciences > Research Institutes > National Institute for Regional and Spatial analysis, NIRSA
    Item ID: 3025
    Depositing User: Dr. Una Crowley
    Date Deposited: 24 Jan 2012 16:22
    Journal or Publication Title: Canadian Journal of Irish Studies
    Publisher: Canadian Association for Irish Studies
    Refereed: No
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    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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