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    CSI in a Lab: A Problem Solving Approach to Undergraduate Chemistry Practicals

    Fenelon, Orla and Breslin, Carmel B. (2010) CSI in a Lab: A Problem Solving Approach to Undergraduate Chemistry Practicals. AISHE-J, 4 (1). ISSN 2009-3160


    With an ever demanding job market and industry complaints of grade inflation in the university sector, our graduates need more than just good grades to obtain successful employment. They need to be able to demonstrate a wide variety of skills such as problem solving, team work and the ability to work on their own initiative. This paper discusses a new type of chemistry practical that tries to incorporate all of these skills into an engaging undergraduate laboratory entitled “Mystery Death on a River”. Chemistry undergraduate labs at present often follow the cookbook recipe approach where students follow a distinct recipe with help from a demonstrator. While these types of laboratories provide the students with valuable skills, they inhibit the student’s ability to understand or provide insight into what they are actually doing throughout the practical (Beussman 2007). This paper discusses the advantages of a ‘Mystery Death’ laboratory where the students work in groups to solve the mystery with little help from demonstrators. The students are presented with a scenario of a death and are asked to work together to design and carryout the experiments necessary for solving the mystery death. They are provided with glassware, chemicals and instruments to carry out the experiments and must finish the day's work with a presentation of their findings. This study provides an interesting insight into group work, student’s skills in the laboratory, problem solving and engaging students within a relaxed laboratory environment.
    Item Type: Article
    Keywords: Mystery; Undergraduate; Chemistry; Practical; Problem Solving; Instrument;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Science and Engineering > Chemistry
    Item ID: 3887
    Depositing User: Dr. Carmel Breslin
    Date Deposited: 24 Sep 2012 09:05
    Journal or Publication Title: AISHE-J
    Publisher: AISHE
    Refereed: Yes
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    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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