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    The Wandesfordes: The Ideology of Landlordism in North Kilkenny

    Brennan, Noea (1997) The Wandesfordes: The Ideology of Landlordism in North Kilkenny. Masters thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

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    The primary concern of this study is to investigate the unique survival of the Wandesforde family into the middle o f the twentieth century. The investigation of this matter is offered by way of an enquiry into the ideological position of the Wandesforde family, and the historical explanation of it. As a preliminary to this, the first chapter provides a general background as to how the Wandesforde family came to live in North Kilkenny. The central argument of the chapter is the discussion of how individual family members are influenced by the ideology of the century they lived in as well as by their own personal conception of what the family ideology is. It also highlights how Richard, Henry, Prior-Wandesforde, the final Wandesforde family member to inherit the Wandesforde landed Estate in the twentieth century, achieved the loyalty and respect of the Castlecomer Community by the continuation of various concepts from his ancestral ideology. It is also noted that significant changes have occurred to the Wandesforde capitalist institution by this time and that the ideology which is central to the continuation of Wandesforde domination over the Castlecomer people has adapted and changed to ensure the families economic survival. In Chapter Two, we attempt to show the change in the Wandesforde ideology, by examining the new economic power base i.e. the family coal mines. This chapter attempts to discuss the economic domination of the Wandesforde capitalist institution and it outlines the continued acceptance of the Castlecomer people o f this economic situation. The rise o f class consciousness and the militant Mine and Quarry Union are described as the first real challenge to the Wandesforde capitalist institution and its ideology. There is also a general discussion about how the subsequent loss of power and the right to demand unconditional loyalty, force the Wandesforde ideology to adapt and change again to a new economic position. The final chapter, illustrates the Wandesforde strategy for survival by placing them in the broader pre-Second World War economic picture. The strengthening of the Wandesforde power base by substituting local power for national is highlighted, while the scene is set to discuss the reasons why Richard, Henry, Prior-Wandesforde felt he could retain his dominating stronghold over the Castlecomer community against mass opposition.
    Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
    Keywords: Wandesfordes; Landlordism; Kilkenny;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Arts,Celtic Studies and Philosophy > History
    Item ID: 5167
    Depositing User: IR eTheses
    Date Deposited: 11 Jul 2014 14:39
    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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