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    Fast Robust Subject-Independent Magnetoencephalographic Source Localization Using an Artificial Neural Network

    Jun, Sung Chan and Pearlmutter, Barak A. (2005) Fast Robust Subject-Independent Magnetoencephalographic Source Localization Using an Artificial Neural Network. Human Brain Mapping, 24 (1). pp. 21-34.


    We describe a system that localizes a single dipole to reasonable accuracy from noisy magnetoencephalographic (MEG) measurements in real time. At its core is a multilayer perceptron (MLP) trained to map sensor signals and head position to dipole location. Including head position overcomes the previous need to retrain the MLP for each subject and session. The training dataset was generated by mapping randomly chosen dipoles and head positions through an analytic model and adding noise from real MEG recordings. After training, a localization took 0.7 ms with an average error of 0.90 cm. A few iterations of a Levenberg-Marquardt routine using the MLP output as its initial guess took 15 ms and improved accuracy to 0.53 cm, which approaches the natural limit on accuracy imposed by noise. We applied these methods to localize single dipole sources from MEG components isolated by blind source separation and compared the estimated locations to those generated by standard manually assisted commercial software.
    Item Type: Article
    Keywords: magnetoencephalography; source localization; multilayer perceptron; dipole analysis
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Science and Engineering > Computer Science
    Item ID: 563
    Depositing User: Barak Pearlmutter
    Date Deposited: 15 Jun 2007
    Journal or Publication Title: Human Brain Mapping
    Publisher: Wiley-Liss, Inc.
    Refereed: Yes
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    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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