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    Geological and Geomorphological Applications of Low-Angle Illumination Satellite Imagery in Northern Ireland

    Gibson, Paul (1993) Geological and Geomorphological Applications of Low-Angle Illumination Satellite Imagery in Northern Ireland. Irish Geography, 26 (1). pp. 58-64. ISSN 0075-0778

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    Some geoscientists consider satellite imagery as having limited research potential due to their inability to elicit useful information. However, their lack of information extraction is often partly caused by a poor understanding of the importance of such parameters as illumination angle orwaveband selection. For the analysisof geological or geomorphological features in vegetated terrain, high-angle illumination imagery acquired between March and October reveals little information. However, low-angle illumination imagery (<10o solar elevation) obtained in December clearly displays many geomorphological and geological structures not apparent at a higher sun angle. The North Antrim End Moraine can easily be mapped as a single feature on a December image. The Tempo-Sixmilecross Fault and Omagh Fault can also be readily mapped at low-angle illumination and the spatial relationships of these faults to associated structures readily determined. In vegetated terrain Thematic Mapper band 5 is superior to Thematic Mapper band 4 for information extraction. This is partly due to the lower reflectance variance for vegetation on Thematic Mapper band 5 compared with Thematic Mapper band 4, thus the continuity of features is not disrupted.
    Item Type: Article
    Keywords: Low-angle illumination; Thematic Mapper band 5; North Antrim End Moraine; Tempo-Sixmilecross Fault; Omagh Fault;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Social Sciences > Geography
    Item ID: 8814
    Depositing User: Paul Gibson
    Date Deposited: 12 Sep 2017 16:48
    Journal or Publication Title: Irish Geography
    Publisher: Geographical Society of Ireland
    Refereed: Yes
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    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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