Fitzgerald, Derry, Lawlor, Bob and Coyle, Eugene (2003) Drum Transcription using Automatic Grouping of Events and Prior Subspace Analysis. Proceedings of the 4th European Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimediainteractive Services.
Barry, Dan, Fitzgerald, Derry, Coyle, Eugene and Lawlor, Bob (2005) Drum Source Separation using Percussive Feature Detection and Spectral Modulation. In: IEE Irish Signals and Systems Conference. ISSC 2005, September 1-2, 2005, Dublin City University.
Kelleher, Aileen, Fitzgerald, Derry, Gainza, Mikel, Coyle, Eugene and Lawlor, Bob (2005) Onset Detection, Music Transcription and Ornament Detection for the Traditional Irish Fiddle. In: AES 118th Convention, 28-31 May 2005, Barcelona, Spain.
Barry, Dan, Fitzgerald, Derry, Coyle, Eugene and Lawlor, Bob (2005) Single Channel Source Separation using Short-time Independent Component Analysis. In: Audio Engineering Society Convention.
Fitzgerald, Derry, Lawlor, Bob and Coyle, Eugene (2003) Independent Subspace Analysis using Locally Linear Embedding. In: Digital Audio Effects Conference (DAFX03), September 8-11, 2003, Queen Mary, University of London.
Fitzgerald, Derry, Lawlor, Bob and Coyle, Eugene (2003) Prior Subspace Analysis for Drum Transcription. In: AES 114th Convention, 22-25 March 2003, Amsterdam.
Fitzgerald, Derry, Coyle, Eugene and Lawlor, Bob (2002) Sub-band Independent Subspace Analysis for Drum Transcription. In: Digital Audio Effects Conference (DAFX02), September 26-28, 2002, Hamburg, Germany.