Jeffers, Gerry (2023) Schools need more robust and vigilant governance. Irish Times 14 March 2023.
Jeffers, Gerry and Lillis, Carmel (2021) Responding to educational inequality in Ireland; Harnessing teachers’ perspectives to develop a framework for professional conversations. Educational Studies, 47. pp. 1-27. ISSN 1465-3400
Jeffers, Gerry (2019) Transition Year, past, present and future. Education Matters, Ireland's Yearbook of Education. pp. 36-42. ISSN 9780995698727
Jeffers, Gerry (2018) In my opinion: Senior Cycle is about much more than the Leaving Certificate. Irish Independent (22.3.2018). ISSN 0021-1222
Quirke-Bolt, Nigel and Jeffers, Gerry (2018) Joining the Dots: Connecting Change, Post-Primary Development Education, Initial Teacher Education and an Inter-disciplinary cross-curricular approach. Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review, 27. pp. 163-181. ISSN 2053-4272
Jeffers, Gerry (2018) Respecting parents' views on TY. TY Update, Spring.
Jeffers, Gerry (2017) Kilkenny Comhairle na nÓg takes imaginative wellbeing initiative. ETBI Magazing, 1 (1).
Jeffers, Gerry (2016) Telling Tales – Cruelty and abuse in schooling in Ireland. Education Research and Perspectives, 43. pp. 101-136. ISSN 0311-2543
Jeffers, Gerry (2015) Junior Cycle debate is a masterclass in obfuscation. The Sunday Times (18.1.15).
Jeffers, Gerry and Dempsey, Majella (2015) 'Teachers against learning' sounds very like a new form of professional self-harm. Irish Independent (7.5.15). ISSN 0021-1222
Jeffers, Gerry (2014) Politics and Society should form part of Leaving Cert curriculum. Irish Independent (8.10.2014). ISSN 0021-1222
Jeffers, Gerry (2013) Realising Children's Rights in Schools: Challenges and Opportunities. Education and Training Boards Ireland News (etbi), Summer.
Jeffers, Gerry (2013) Schools list is a poor lesson for Parents. The Sunday Times (23.06.13).
Jeffers, Gerry (2012) Privilege flexs its muscles. Fee-charging schools exercise media grip. Village - Ireland's Political Magazine (02.11.12).
Jeffers, Gerry (2011) Transition Year is what you make of it -- just be glad you have the chance. Irish Independent Wednesday 7 Sept 2011.
Jeffers, Gerry (2011) The Transition Year Programme in Ireland. Embracing and resisting a curriculum innovation. The Curriculum Journal, 22 (1). ISSN 0958-5176
Jeffers, Gerry (2011) Tables of 'winners' and 'losers' suggest a form of educational apartheid. Irish Times, 30th November, 2011.
Jeffers, Gerry (2010) The role of school leadership in the implementation of the Transition Year Programme in Ireland. School Leadership and Management, 30 (5). pp. 469-486. ISSN 1363-2434
Jeffers, Gerry (2009) Reflections on themes and concerns at the heart of practice. Teaching and Learning: Insights from Irish Schools, 1 (Summer).
Jeffers, Gerry (2006) School guidance counsellors learning through work experience placements. Reflective Practice, 21 (2). pp. 409-422. ISSN 1462-3943
Jeffers, Gerry (2006) Conversations on teaching and learning: a challenge for school leadership. Oideas, 52 (Geimhreadh/Winter ). pp. 25-40.
Jeffers, Gerry (2006) Talking about teaching in non-crisis situations: learning from a teacher support project. Irish Educational Studies, 25 (2). pp. 187-206. ISSN 0332-3315
Jeffers, Gerry (2002) Transition Year and Educational Disadvantage. Irish Educational Studies, 21 (2). pp. 47-64. ISSN 0332-3315
Jeffers, Gerry (2012) A very fine human being: Br. Patrick McCann. In: Making a difference: Stories of inspirational teachers. Finglas, Ireland. ISBN 0957016107
Jeffers, Gerry (2008) Beyond the image: the intersection of education for development with media literacy. In: Challenging perspectives: teaching globalisation and diversity in the knowledge society. DICE Project, pp. 41-50.
Jeffers, Gerry (2008) Some challenges for citizenship education in the Republic of Ireland. In: Education for Citizenship and Diversity in Irish Contexts. Institute of Public Administration, Dublin, pp. 11-23. ISBN 978–1–904541–77–6
Jeffers, Gerry, Lillis, Carmel and Dempsey, Majella (2024) Deputy Principals: A Hidden Asset in Schools? Project Report. Maynooth University.
Jeffers, Gerry, Mulkeen, Aidan, Higgins, Cathal and Cahill, Lynne M. (2011) Evaluation of Centre for Global Education through Education project Report 2011. Project Report. National University of Ireland Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland.
Jeffers, Gerry (2007) Attitudes to Transition Year: a report to the Department of Education and Science. Project Report. Education Department, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland.
Martin, Maeve and Jeffers, Gerry (2016) Leading Change as a Professional. Department of Education, Maynooth University.
Jeffers, Gerry (2008) Innovation and resistance in Irish schooling: the case of Transition Year. PhD thesis, University of Limerick, Ireland.