Hartley, Cathryn J. (2017) Pheromones in entomopathogenic nematodes: effects on dispersal and reproductive behaviours. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.
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Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) are increasingly gaining favour as model
organisms for studying traits relevant to parasitism and for their commercial value as
biocontrol agents. The overall project aim is to explore the role of pheromones in
coordinating a variety of important behaviours in entomopathogenic nematodes,
particularly Steinernema, both as primers (longer term developmental effects) and
releasers (short term behavioural effects). I investigate both sex pheromones and
chemical signals produced by and affecting the infective juvenile (IJ) stage. In this
thesis, I both test central hypotheses, and attempt the identification of key
pheromone components, using assay-guided fractionation.
As lethal parasites of insects, EPN have been successfully commercialised for pest
control, however greater understanding of their ecology and biology is required to
improve their efficacy in the field, which is often inconsistent. Infective juveniles
(IJs) actively search for hosts within the soil. The IJs enter the host and release
symbiotic bacteria which both kill the insect and convert it into a nutritive “soup”.
The nematodes develop and reproduce inside, and eventually hundreds of thousands
of newly-produced IJs emerge and disperse from the spent cadaver. It has previously
been shown that chemicals within the spent cadaver stimulate IJ dispersal. In
Chapter 3, I show that IJs themselves may also produce chemical signals which
promote dispersal in both conspecific and heterospecific IJs. Behavioural assays
confirmed that IJs of three species of Steinernema (S. carpocapsae, S. longicaudum
and S. feltiae) and one species of Heterorhabditis (H. megidis) disperse more when
exposed to cadaver extract of pre-infected hosts. More interestingly, dispersal is also
promoted by water “conditioned” for 1 or 7 days with IJs which had recently vacated
a spent host, suggesting that they release cues which modify dispersal behaviours.
Furthermore, it was found that these cues are not species-specific, with IJs dispersal
enhanced by water conditioned with their own species and other species (even
between families) to a similar extent. In a longer term storage experiment with S.
carpocapsae and H. megidis, I showed that replacing the water in which IJs were
stored reduced the dispersal of these stored IJs when assayed, indicating that
chemicals released into the medium by IJs maintained high dispersal. Parallell assays
showed that replacing the water did not affect the virulence of the stored IJs.
Chapter 4 addresses the role of chemical signals in mate attraction in dioecious
Steinernema carpocapsae and Steinernema longicaudum adults. It was found that
males are attracted to exudates of conspecific females, but not to exudates from
females of the other species. The sexual history of the females dictated their level of
attractiveness. Exudates of virgin females were highly attractive to males, whereas
attractiveness was lost just 1 h post-mating and the loss of attractiveness was
sustained for 48 h post-mating. Assay-guided fractionation of female exudates was
used to give insight into the chemical properties of the as yet uncharacterised
attractant. Males were less attracted to extracted material (using C18 Sep-Pak
columns) in comparison to un-extracted female exudates. They also showed some
degree of attraction to column flow-through, which indicates that some components
may not have bound to the column during the extraction process, perhaps due to high
polarity. Furthermore, recombination of column retentate and flow-through did not
restore full bioactivity of the original sample, indicating that volatile molecules may
be part of the attractant composition and were lost during the extraction process.
Chapter 5 investigated the role of female-emitted chemical cues in sexual priming of
males, (inducing production of sperm). This phenomenon, unusual amongst animals,
whereby female presence or odour is essential for sexual maturation of males, was
previously described in S. longicaudum. Here I show that the same is true for a
second species, S. carpocapsae. As with female-produced male attractants,
maturation signals were also shown to be species-specific, with males only
producing sperm on exposure to exudates from females of their own species.
Bioassay of C18 extracted female exudates again showed some degree of
physiological response to both column retentate and column flow-through, again
indicating that some components of the pheromonal blend were not retained by the
C18 column resin during extraction. However, unlike in attraction, recombination of
these two constituents fully restored bioactivity to the level of the original
unextracted female exudates, indicating that there was no essential volatile
component involved. Assay-guided fractionation of female exudates showed that the
early-eluting fractions (10-30% methanol) were the most biologically active with
respect to inducing maturation in males. This finding was supported by liquid
chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis which revealed
the presence of numerous ascarosides, the family of molecules known to be involved
in nematode communication, in active fractions. S. carpocapsae was previously
reported to produce ascarosides at both juvenile and adult stages of the life-cycle;
however this study is the first report of ascarosides produced by S. longicaudum.
Ascr#10 was the dominant ascaroside in both species, with several others found in
much lower relative abundance. Although similarities in ascaroside profiles between
species were seen (both S. carpocapsae and S. longicaudum produced ascrs # 9, #1,
#14 and #10), differences in ratios and the presence of ascr#14 exclusively in S.
longicaudum female exudates may contribute to the species-specificity of
Steinernema sex pheromones. LC-MS/MS analysis also revealed the presence of a
number of female-specific non-ascarosidal molecules in biologically active fractions.
Although these were not structurally characterised, their detection may direct future
research in the potential role of non-ascarosidal components of chemical signals in
The work of this thesis supported two of the three hypotheses proposed: Hypothesis
1, that chemical signals differ between species where recognition is important (sex
pheromones) but coincide where different species have a common aim (dispersal
from overcrowded conditions), and Hypothesis 2, that chemical signals exuded by
IJs after emergence from the cadaver continue to affect IJ behaviour. Full support
was not obtained for Hypothesis 3, that the same chemical blend produced by female
Steinernema is responsible for both behavioural (attraction) and organisational
(gonad maturation) effects in males.
Item Type: | Thesis (PhD) |
Keywords: | Pheromones; entomopathogenic nematodes; effects; dispersal; reproductive; behaviours; |
Academic Unit: | Faculty of Science and Engineering > Biology |
Item ID: | 13837 |
Depositing User: | IR eTheses |
Date Deposited: | 15 Jan 2021 12:19 |
URI: | https://mural.maynoothuniversity.ie/id/eprint/13837 |
Use Licence: | This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here |
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