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    There’s something about Mary: Our Lady as a Problem Solver

    Ryan, Salvador (2017) There’s something about Mary: Our Lady as a Problem Solver. Intercom. pp. 24-25. ISSN 0273-9127

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    Shortly after the election of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio as Pope Francis, a little-known devotion to Our Lady attracted worldwide publicity: Mary as Undoer of Knots. The devotion, a favourite of the Pope, can be traced to a Baroque painting of the Virgin attributed to Johann Georg Melchior Schmidtner (1625-1707) and found in the St Peter am Perlach Church in Augsburg, Bavaria, in which Mary is depicted as untying a long, knotted rope which she holds in her hands. While Bergoglio was studying in Germany, he was very struck by the image and brought a postcard of the painting home to Argentina where he subsequently enthusiastically promoted the devotion, crediting it with helping him through a personal crisis in his own life.
    Item Type: Article
    Keywords: Mary; Our Lady; Problem Solver;
    Academic Unit: St Patrick's College, Maynooth > Faculty of Theology
    Item ID: 8236
    Depositing User: Prof. Salvador Ryan
    Date Deposited: 24 May 2017 08:36
    Journal or Publication Title: Intercom
    Publisher: Catholic Communications Institute of Ireland
    Refereed: Yes
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    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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