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    To Whom the Spoils?

    Pecchenino, Rowena A. (2017) To Whom the Spoils? Working Paper. National University of Ireland Maynooth. (Unpublished)

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    When society changes as a result of cultural, economic, and/or political upheaval, the foundation of each individual’s identity, preferences, place and status, which were formed in reference to the society as it was but no longer is, are undermined, and success in what was can be turned into failure in what is. To understand the individual’s responses, I examine a model of a goal-oriented, socially embedded agent, then consider possible responses to societal change using the model as a lens through which to understand the world racked by convulsive change.
    Item Type: Monograph (Working Paper)
    Additional Information: Working Paper N288-17
    Keywords: Society; the individual; identity; convulsive change;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Social Sciences > Economics, Finance and Accounting
    Item ID: 8943
    Depositing User: Ms Sandra Doherty
    Date Deposited: 02 Nov 2017 16:42
    Publisher: National University of Ireland Maynooth
    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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