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    Medium and Message: The rhetoric of foras feasa ar Eirinn.

    Ó Dúshláine, Tadhg (2008) Medium and Message: The rhetoric of foras feasa ar Eirinn. In: Geoffrey Keating's Foras Feasa ar Eirinn: Reassessments. Cumann na Scribheann nGaedhilge (19). The Irish Texts Society, London, pp. 68-89. ISBN 1-870-16677-9

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    It is with gratitude, and in a sense of pietas, that I take this opportunity to acknowledge the achievement of the single most important member of the diocesan clergy, and the re were many, who laboured pro Deo et pro patria (dochum g/6ire De agus on6ra na hl1ireann) in the course of the last 400 years. And it is no small testament to the influence of Seathrun Ceitinn's Foras Feasa that it inspired a democratic inclusiveness which could be said to have ultimately culminated in Donagh O'Malley's policy of free education. I had intended to say more on the continuity of that tradition, but decided instead to begin by citing what Sean 6 Rfordain wrote in his Diary some fifty years ago:' An ghrian ag saitheadh trfd an gceo. Mise sa /eabaidh. Forus Feasa an Cheitinnigh a leamh agam. Mairfidh cuimhne an Cheitinnigh go brtith. Ba thionsca/ach agus ba dhflis agus ba chumasach an duine e. Nf folair n6 bhf crof /eoin aige agus tablwirt jen meallm6r saothair gur thug se je. Bhf sagairt da shamhail againn 6 am go ham bufochas le Dia - daoine mar iad so: Padraig 6 Duinnfn, an lAth. Peadar 6 Laoglwire, Gear6id 6 Nuallain, Risteard de hlndeberg, Eoghan 6 Gramlma etc. Nf feidir go nuichjaf teanga ina mbeadh dfchea/1 1w laoch san.
    Item Type: Book Section
    Keywords: geoffrey keating; foras feasa; medium; message; rhetoric; eirinn;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Arts,Celtic Studies and Philosophy > School of Celtic Studies > Nua-Ghaeilge (Modern Irish)
    Item ID: 9780
    Depositing User: Tadhg O Dushlaine
    Date Deposited: 15 Aug 2018 15:53
    Publisher: The Irish Texts Society
    Refereed: Yes
    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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