Riaz, B., Briceño, C., Whelan, Emma and Heathcote, S. (2017) First Large-scale Herbig–Haro Jet Driven by a Proto-brown Dwarf. Astrophysical Journal, 844 (47). ISSN 0004-637X
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We report the discovery of a new Herbig–Haro jet, HH 1165, in SOAR narrow-band imaging of the vicinity of the σ Orionis cluster. HH 1165 shows a spectacular extended and collimated spatial structure, with a projected length of 0.26 pc, a bent C-shaped morphology, multiple knots, and fragmented bow shocks at the apparent ends of the flow. The Hα image shows a bright halo with a clumpy distribution of material seen around the driving source, and curved reflection nebulosity tracing the outflow cavities. The driving source of HH 1165 is a Class I proto-brown dwarf, Mayrit 1701117 (M1701117), with a total (dust+gas) mass of ~36 M Jup and a bolometric luminosity of ~0.1 L ⊙. High-resolution VLT/UVES spectra of M1701117 show a wealth of emission lines indicative of strong outflow and accretion activity. SOAR/Goodman low-resolution spectra along the jet axis show an asymmetrical morphology for HH 1165. We find a puzzling picture wherein the northwest part exhibits a classical HH jet running into a pre-dominantly neutral medium, while the southern part resembles an externally irradiated jet. The C-shaped bending in HH 1165 may be produced by the combined effects from the massive stars in the ionization front to the east, the σ Orionis core to the west, and the close proximity to the B2-type star HR 1950. HH 1165 shows all of the signatures to be considered as a scaled-down version of parsec-length HH jets, and can be termed as the first sub-stellar analog of a protostellar HH jet system.
Item Type: | Article |
Keywords: | brown dwarfs; Herbig–Haro objects; open clusters and associations: individual (σ Orionis); stars: jets; stars: low-mass; stars: winds, outflows; |
Academic Unit: | Faculty of Social Sciences > Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education |
Item ID: | 9875 |
Identification Number: | 10.3847/1538-4357/aa70e8 |
Depositing User: | Emma Whelan |
Date Deposited: | 04 Sep 2018 14:16 |
Journal or Publication Title: | Astrophysical Journal |
Publisher: | American Astronomical Society |
Refereed: | Yes |
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URI: | https://mural.maynoothuniversity.ie/id/eprint/9875 |
Use Licence: | This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here |
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