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    Number of items at this level: 39.


    Ntambang, Roland (2024) Fostering Greater Conversion for Active Liturgical Participation: Exploring the Thought of Bernard Lonergan. PhD thesis, St. Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth.


    Odiahi, Joseph-Bernard Ehigiator (2023) Augustine's Two Cities Doctrine: It's Apologetical Role in the City of God and Relevance to Contemporary Christian Apologetics. PhD thesis, St. Patrick's Pontifical University Maynooth.

    Shanet, Peter Jacob (2023) “My Peace I Give You” (John 14: 27): Benedict XVI’s Logic of the Gift and Peacebuilding in Catholic Social Teaching. PhD thesis, St. Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth.

    John, Anish (2023) Orientation towards mystery: An exploration into the theological anthropology of Karl Rahner in dialogue with Paulos Gregorios. PhD thesis, St. Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth.

    Woods, William (2023) John Scottus Eriugena (c. AD 815–877) and the Charge of Pantheism: A Theological and Historical Investigation. PhD thesis, St. Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth.

    Johnson, Peter Ewaoche (2023) Sinful Social Structures and the Issues of Migration and Refugees: Reassessing Pope Francis’s Agenda on Migration/Refugee Crisis and the Response of the Church to the Challenges of Internally Displaced Persons in Nigeria. PhD thesis, St. Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth.


    Agbom, Agnes (2022) Communion in Ezza Culture: A Theological Analysis from the Trinitarian Perspective of the Cappadocian Fathers. PhD thesis, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.

    Lanigan, Anne (2022) "Do you see this Woman?" (Luke 7:44): Encounters with the Lukan Jesus as Windows on the Nattative Anthropology of the Third Gospel. PhD thesis, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.

    O'Riordan, Nicole (2022) Carnival Clown, Royal Rejuvenator, and Cosmic Terror: The Characterisation of Saul, David, and God through the Bakhtinian Lens of the Carnival in Select Chapters of 1 and 2 Samuel. PhD thesis, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.


    Mejida, Timothy (2021) The Nature of Jesus’ Obedience: A Narrative-Critical Reading of Matthew’s Gethsemane (26:36-46). PhD thesis, St. Patrick's College Maynooth.

    Okolo, Felix Ifeanyichukwu (2021) The Centrality of the Eucharist in the Experience of Christ of Saint Teresa of Jesus. PhD thesis, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.


    Ali, Joseph Ayegba (2020) The contribution of African Theological Voices, including Cornelius Afebu Omonokhua, Aquiline Tarimo and Desmond Mpilo Tutu to a renewed Theology of Peacebuilding. PhD thesis, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.

    Gorman, Sarah (2020) Believing Anew: Gianni Vattimo and A Form of Faith in Contemporary Culture. PhD thesis, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.

    Kangka, Paul (2020) A Contextual Application of The Unicity and Universality of Christ in the Context of Religious Pluralism: A Lubacian Hermeneutic. PhD thesis, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.

    Lumala, Aloysius Gonzaga (2020) The Future of the Sacrament of Penance: An African Reconciliatory Paradigm in the Light of Karl Rahner's Theology of Penance. PhD thesis, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.


    Varghese, Joseph M. K. (2019) Hinduism and Christianity: Exploring the Theological Basis for Dialogue between Christianity and Hinduism in Indian accordance with the mind of Vatican II, with particular reference to the Theological method and Christology of Henri De Lubac. PhD thesis, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.

    Maloney, Colette (2019) The intregration of Theology and Spirituality in the work of Sandra M. Schneiders, Jon Sobrino and Donal Dorr. PhD thesis, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.

    Bamai, Yusuf Dominic (2019) The Prospects of Interfaith Dialogue in the Light and Teachings of the Second Vatican Council: Contextual Implications for Christians and Muslims in Nigeria. PhD thesis, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.


    Temgo, Michel Simo (2018) Jon Sobrino and Pope Francis: A new springtime for the preferential option for the poor/vulnerable? PhD thesis, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.

    Costley, Angela (2018) Creation and Christ. An Exploration of the Topic of Creation in the Epistle to the Hebrews. PhD thesis, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.


    Zaggi, Douglas John (2016) An exploration of virtue ethics and its relational value: A comparative study in the Light of Romanus Cessario, James F. Keenan, and Joseph J. Kotva. PhD thesis, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.


    Corkery, Sean (2013) The Church as Sphere of Growth in Authentic Freedom: An Exploration in the Ecclesiological Writings of Joseph Ratzinger. PhD thesis, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.

    Egan, Robert (2013) Towards a Synthetic Account of Sin that Merges Magisterial Teaching and Theological Reflection on Sin with the Philosophical Insights of Bernard J.F. Lonergan. PhD thesis, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.

    Aikoye, John Musa (2013) The nature, role and formation of cnscience in the thoughts of John Henry Newman, Germain Grisez and Linda Hogan: an assessment of their thoughts in relation to Church teaching. PhD thesis, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.


    Johnson, Eanna (2010) A Theological and Pedagogical Analysis of the Catechetics Programme for Irish Catholic Primary Schools, 1996-2004. PhD thesis, Pontifical University, St Patrick's College, Maynooth.


    Chalmers, Stuart Patrick (2009) Conscience in Context A study of the nature of conscience relating to its historical development and existential environment. PhD thesis, Pontifical University, St Patrick's College, Maynooth.

    Murray, John (2009) The Role of Religion as a Basic Human Good in the Moral Theory of Germain Grisez. PhD thesis, Pontifical University, St Patrick's College, Maynooth.


    Cullen, Olive M. (2007) A question of time or a question of theology: a study of the Easter controversy in the insular church. PhD thesis, Pontifical University, St Patrick's College, Maynooth.

    Shortall, Michael (2007) Human Rights and Moral Reasoning: A comparative investigation by way of three theorists and their respective traditions of enquiry:
John Finnis, Ronald Dworkin and Jürgen Habermas. PhD thesis, St. Patrick's College Maynooth.


    Byrne, Maire (2006) “My People Shall Know My Name” The Divine Designations in the Book of Isaiah as a Hermeneutical Key to the Formation of the Text in its Final Form. PhD thesis, Pontifical University, St Patrick's College, Maynooth.

    O'Donoghue, Neil Xavier (2006) The Eucharist in Pre-Norman Ireland: Liturgy, Practice, and Society. PhD thesis, Pontifical University, St Patrick's College, Maynooth.


    Mealey, Ann Marie (2005) Revelatory Texts and Moral Lives: Reinterpreting the Specificity of Christian Morality Through a Ricoeurian Hermeneutic. PhD thesis, Pontifical University, St Patrick's College, Maynooth.

    McCaughey, Mary (2005) Mary as Ecclesial Person: The Key to Modernity's Quest for Personhood. Other thesis, Pontifical University, St Patrick's College, Maynooth.


    Mulligan, Suzanne (2004) Aids in South Africa: Issues of Justice, and The Challenge of Moral Theology. PhD thesis, Pontifical University, St Patrick's College, Maynooth.


    Hackett, Des (2003) The Self-Transcendence of Jesus A Model for the Evangelisation of the Adolescent. Masters thesis, Pontifical University, St Patrick's College, Maynooth.


    Collins, Michael (2001) The Catholic Tradition and its Treatment of Suicide. Other thesis, Pontifical University, St Patrick's College, Maynooth.

    Tierney, Lisa (2001) Changing Attitudes Towards Death and Suffering: A Cultural Perspective on The Euthanasia Debate. Masters thesis, Pontifical University, St Patrick's College, Maynooth.


    Fogarty, Sheila (1995) Convergence or Consequentialism: A study of health policy towards drug users in two countries. Masters thesis, Pontifical University, St Patrick's College, Maynooth.


    Gallagher, Gerard (1994) Evangelisation and the New Age: A Challenge To The Church? Other thesis, Pontifical University, St Patrick's College, Maynooth.

    This list was generated on Wed Feb 26 01:38:51 2025 UTC.