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    Number of items at this level: 117.


    Bracke, Evelien (2009) Of Metis and Magic: The Conceptual Transformations of Circe and Medea in Ancient Greek Poetry. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    Broughall, Quentin J. (2015) Assuming the purple: the rehabilitation of ancient Rome in Victorian culture, 1837-1901. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.


    Campbell, Gordon (2008) ‘And bright was the flame of their friendship’ (Empedocles B130): humans, animals, justice, and friendship, in Lucretius and Empedocles. Leeds International Classical Studies, 7 (4).

    Campbell, Gordon (2002) Bicycles, Centaurs, and Man-Faced Ox-Creatures: Ontological Instability in Flann O'Brien, Lucretius, Empedocles, and Piero de Cosimo. [In Collection]

    Campbell, Gordon (2002) Janko, R., Philodemus On Poems Book One. Hermathena, 172. pp. 102-110.

    Campbell, Gordon (2002) Lucretius 5.1011-27: the origins of justice and the Prisoner's Dilemma. Leeds International Classical Studies, 1 (3).

    Campbell, Gordon (2002) Lucretius and the Memes of Prehistory. Leeds International Classical Studies, Discussion Paper 1.

    Campbell, Gordon (2014) Lucretius, Empedocles, and Cleanthes. In: The Philosophizing Muse: the Influence of Greek Philosophy on Roman Poetry. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 26-60. ISBN 9781443859752

    Campbell, Gordon (2015) Oracular Cosmology in Lucretius. In: Fondation Hardt Entretiens 61: Cosmologies et cosmogonies dans la littérature antique, 2014. Fondation Hardt, Geneva, pp. 149-178. ISBN 9782600007610

    Campbell, Gordon (2000) Zoogony and Evolution in Plato's Timaeus: The Prescoratics, Lucretius and Darwin. Reason and necessity: Essays on Plato's Timaeus. pp. 145-180.

    Costello, Gabriel J. and Donnellan, Brian (2013) Symbolic interactionism and the cell information board: challenging the wisdom of systems. In: SIG Prag Workshop on IT Artefact Design & Workpractice Improvement, 5 June 2013, Tilburg, the Netherlands.


    Davies, Jonathan (2019) Covenant and Pax Deorum: Polyvalent Prodigies in Josephus' "Jewish War". Histos, 13. pp. 78-96. ISSN 2046-5963

    Desmond, William (2010) Ancient Cynicism and Modern Philosophy. Filozofia: Journal for Philosophy, 66 (6). pp. 571-576. ISSN 0046-385 X

    Desmond, William (2011) The Five Paragraph Essay. Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics, 23 (2). pp. 111-116. ISSN 1962-2020

    Desmond, William (2020) Hamartia, evil, and deity in Archaic and Classical Greek Thought. Communio, 47 (1). pp. 108-143. ISSN 0094-2065

    Desmond, William (2011) Hegel, Homer, Heroism. Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society (2011). ISSN 978-0-9565079-2-1

    Desmond, William (2022) Herodotus, Hegel, and knowledge. Intellectual History Review, 32 (3). pp. 453-471. ISSN 1749-6977

    Desmond, William (2006) Lessons of Fear: A reading of Thucydides. Classical Philology, 101. pp. 359-379.

    Desmond, William (2004) Punishments and the Conclusion of Herodotus’ Histories. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 44 (1). pp. 19-40. ISSN 0017-3916

    Desmond, William (2007) The Silence of Socrates: Dialectic and the Platonic Good. Milltown Studies, 58. pp. 73-99. ISSN 0032-1428

    Desmond, William (2010) Wisdom of the ages. In Character: a journal of everyday virtues. ISSN 1551-4919

    Desmond, William (2005) The hybris of Socrates: A Platonic 'revaluation of values' in the Symposium. Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society2005. pp. 43-63.


    Humphries, Mark (2005) Commento storico al libro III dell'epistilario di Q. Aurelio Simmaco. Classical Review, 55. pp. 559-560.

    Humphries, Mark (2001) Constantine, Christianity and Rome. Hermathena, 171. pp. 47-63.

    Humphries, Mark (2002) In Mommsen's Shade: Roman Historiography, Past and Present. Classics Ireland, 9. pp. 28-45.

    Humphries, Mark (2005) La politica religiosa di Graziano. Cambridge University Press, 55. pp. 647-648.

    Humphries, Mark (2002) The Lexicon of Abuse: Drunkenness and political illegitimacy in the late Roman world. In: UNSPECIFIED Cambridge University Press, pp. 75-88.

    Humphries, Mark (2005) The Life and Works of Potamius of Lisbon. Classical Review, 55. pp. 161-163.

    Humphries, Mark (2005) The Making of a Christian Aristocracy: Social and Religious Change in the Western Roman Empire. Classics Ireland, 12. pp. 115-118.

    Humphries, Mark (2004) The Olympic Games, ancient and modern. The Word, 53 (8). pp. 4-6.

    Humphries, Mark (2005) Pagani e Cristiani a Siracusa tra il III e il IV secolo d. C. Classical Review, 55. pp. 299-300.

    Humphries, Mark (2005) Portraits of Spiritual Authority. Religious Power in Early Christianity, Byzantium and the Christian Orient (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World 137). Classical Review (55). pp. 292-294.

    Humphries, Mark (2005) The Roman Countryside & Villa to Village: The Transformation of the Roman Countryside in Italy, c. 400-1000. Classics Ireland, 12. pp. 86-89.

    Humphries, Mark (2003) Roman Senators and Absent Emperors in Late Antiquity. Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia, 17. pp. 27-46.

    Humphries, Mark (2005) Viglia di romanizzazione. Altino e il Veneto orientale tra II e I sec. a. Classical Review, 55. pp. 274-275.

    Humphries, Mark and Hedrick Jr, C. W. (2004) History and Silence. Purge and the Rehabilitation of Memory in Late Antiquity. Classical Review, 54 (2). pp. 522-524.

    Humphries, Mark and Klauck, Hans-Josef (2004) The Religious Context of Early Christianity. A Guide to Graeco-Roman Religions,. Irish Theological Quarterly, 69. pp. 316-317.

    Humphries, Mark and Matthews, J. F. (2004) Laying Down the Law: A Study of the Theodosian Code. Classical Review, 54 (2). pp. 524-526.

    Humphries, Mark and Schiavone, Aldo (2004) The End of the Past. Ancient Rome and the Modern West. Scholia, 12. pp. 161-164.


    McGroarty, Kieran (2005) Alexandrine Schniewind: L'Ethique du Sage chez Plotin. Le paradigme du spoudaios. Classical Review, 55 (1). pp. 94-95.

    McGroarty, Kieran (2006) Did Alexander the Great read Xenophon? Hermathena - A Trinity College Dublin Review, 181 (Winter). pp. 105-124. ISSN 0018-0750

    McGroarty, Kieran (2000) Does the Mystic Care? The Ethical Theory of Plotinus. Maynooth University Record. pp. 11-14.

    McGroarty, Kieran (2007) EDWARD M. HARRIS & LENE RUBINSTEIN (ed.), The Law and the Courts in Ancient Greece. Classics Ireland, 14. pp. 118-120.

    McGroarty, Kieran (2001) The Ethics of Plotinus. In: Eklogai: Studies in Honour of Thomas Finan and Gerard Watson. Department of Ancient Classics, National University of Ireland Maynooth, pp. 20-34. ISBN 0901519340

    McGroarty, Kieran (2004) I. WORTHINGTON: Alexander the Great: A Reader. Classical Review, 54 (1). pp. 149-151.

    McGroarty, Kieran (1999) L.P. GERSON: The Cambridge Companion to Plotinus. L.P. GERSON: Plotinus. 1994. Classical Review, 49 (2). pp. 440-443.

    McGroarty, Kieran (1994) Plotinus on Eudaimonia. Hermathena, 157. pp. 103-115.

    McGroarty, Kieran (2009) Review: Reading Ancient Texts. Volume I: Presocratics and Plato, and Reading Ancient Texts. Volume II: Aristotle and Neoplatonism: Essays in honour of Dennis O'Brien. edited by Suzanne Stern-Giller and Kevin Corrigan. Leiden: Brill. 2007. Volume I. ISBN 9789004165090. Volume II. ISBN 9789004165120. The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition, 3 (2). pp. 191-193. ISSN 1872-5082

    Moloney, E.P. (2008) LEWIS (S.) Ed. Ancient Tyranny. Edinburgh UP, 2006. Pp.xiii + 282. £60. 9780748621255. Journal of Hellenic Studies, 128. pp. 212-213. ISSN 0075-4269

    Moloney, Eoghan (2005) J. BEER: Sophocles and the Tragedy of Athenian Democracy. (Contributions in Drama and Theatre Studies 105.) Pp. xviii + 191. Westport, CT and London: Praeger, 2004. Cased, £48.99. ISBN: 0-313-28946-8. Classical Review, 55 (2). pp. 692-693. ISSN 0009-840X

    Moloney, Eoghan (2015) Neither Agamemnon nor Thersites, Achilles nor Margites: The Heraclid Kings of Ancient Macedon. Antichthon, 49. pp. 50-72. ISSN 0066-4774

    Moloney, Eoghan (2006) ROMM (J.) (ed.) Alexander the Great. Selections from Arrian, Diodorus, Plutarch, and Quintus Curtius. Translated by P. Mensch and J. Romm. Pp. xxx + 193, maps. Indianapolis and Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 2005. Paper, £7.95 (Cased, £27.95). ISBN: 0-87220-727-7 (0-87220-728-5 hbk). Classical Review, 56 (2). p. 514. ISSN 0009-840X

    Moloney, Eoghan (2014) Review: Greek Novelty - (A.) D'Angour The Greeks and the New. Novelty in Ancient Greek Imagination and Experience. Pp. x + 264. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Paper, £20.99, US$34.99 (Cased, £58, US$94). ISBN: 978-0-521-61648-5 (978-0-521-85097-1 hbk). The Classical Review, 64 (1). pp. 194-196. ISSN 0009-840X

    Moloney, Eoghan (2008) Review: History - Edinburgh UP, 2006. Pp.xiii + 282. £60. 9780748621255. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 128. pp. 212-213. ISSN 0075-4269

    Moloney, Eoghan (2018) Review: L.J. Samons II's 'Pericles and the Conquest of History. The Classical Review, 69 (1). pp. 196-198. ISSN 0009-840X

    Moloney, Eoghan (2015) Review: M. Revermann's 'The Cambridge Companion to Greek Comedy''. Phoenix, 69 (3/4). p. 418. ISSN 00318299

    Moloney, Eoghan (2016) Review: Travelling Tradgey - V. Vahtikari Tragedy Performances Outside Athens in the Late Fifth and the Fourth Centuries bc. (Papers and Monographs of the Finnish Institute at Athens 20.) Pp. xii + 334, ills, maps, colour pls. Helsinki: The Finnish Institute at Athens, 2014. Paper. ISBN: 978-952-67211-8-7. The Classical Review, 66 (2). pp. 335-337. ISSN 0009-840X


    O'Brien, Carl (2012) Dramatic devices and philosophical content in Plato’s Symposium. Archai: revista de estudos sobre as origens do pensamento ocidental (Archai), 9. pp. 73-84. ISSN 1984-249X

    O'Brien, Carl (2012) The Middle Platonist Demiurge and Stoic Cosmobiology. Horizons: Seoul Journal of Humanities. pp. 19-39. ISSN 2671-7921

    O'Brien, Carl (2007) Platonism and the Tools of God. Trinity College Dublin Journal of Postgraduate Research Volume, 6. pp. 60-72.

    O'Brien, Carl (2019) Rabindranath Tagore’s India and William Butler Yeats’s Ireland: The Intersection of Classical Languages, Literature, and Nation-Building in Postcolonial East and West. The Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 46 (1). ISSN 1913-9659

    O'Brien, Maeve (1991) Apuleius and the concept of a philosophical rhetoric. Hermathena - A Trinity College Dublin Review, 151. pp. 39-50. ISSN 0018-0750

    O'Brien, Maeve (2015) Apuleius the Philosopher: Fletcher (R.) Apuleius’ Platonism. The Impersonation of Philosophy. Pp. xii + 319. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. Classical Review, 65 (2). pp. 476-478. ISSN 0009-840X

    O'Brien, Maeve (2007) Apuleius the Philosopher? Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society, 2007 (ISBN:). pp. 131-141.

    O'Brien, Maeve (2008) Book Review: The Greek Praise of Poverty: Origins of Ancient Cynicism, William D. Desmond (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2006). Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society, 2008 (ISBN:). pp. 185-189.

    O'Brien, Maeve (2018) Fantasy Island: Greece and Rome in Two Eighteenth Century Irish Authors. Classics Ireland, 25. pp. 25-62. ISSN 0791-9417

    O'Brien, Maeve (2006) Happier Transports To Be: Catullus' Poem 4:Phaselus Ille. Classics Ireland, 13. pp. 59-75.

    O'Brien, Maeve (2006) ‘Mines of Gold on Parnassus'? The Value of a University. In: What Price the University? Perspectives on the Meaning and Value of Higher Education from the National University of Ireland, Maynooth. National University of Ireland Maynooth, Maynooth, Ireland, pp. 178-181. ISBN 0901519766

    O'Brien, Maeve (2008) Review of K Freudenburg (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Roman Satire, Cambridge: University Press. 2005. Pp.xvi + 352. Classics Ireland, 15. pp. 107-109. ISSN 0791-9417

    O'Brien, Maeve (2008) Review: J. H. Gaisser, Oxford Readings in Classical Studies: Catullus. Oxford: 2007. Pp. 606. £37.50 (pb). ISBN 978-0-19-928035-3. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2008 (04.34). ISSN 1055-7660

    O'Brien, Maeve (2008) Review: The Golden Ass, (R.R.) Nauta (ed.) Desultoria Scientia. Genre in Apuleius' Metamorphoses and Related Texts. (Caeculus 5.) Pp. x + 121. Leuven, Paris and Dudley, MA: Peeters, 2006. Paper, €30. ISBN: 978-90-429-1846-7. Classical Review, 58. pp. 497-499. ISSN 0009-840X

    O'Brien, Maeve (2006) Review: G. Jensson, The Recollections of Enclopus: the Satyrica of Petronius as Milesian Fiction (Ancient Narrative Supplement 2). Groningen: Barkhuis, 2004. Pp. xii + 327. ISBN 90-807390-8-1. €65.00. Journal of Roman Studies, 96. pp. 270-272. ISSN 0075-4358

    O'Brien, Maeve (2006) Review: M. Zimmerman, S. Panayotakis, V. C. Hunink, W. H. Keulen, S. J. Harrison, Th. D. Mccreight, B. Wesseling and D. Van Mal-Maeder (Eds), Apuleius Madaurensis. Metamorphoses Books IV 28–35, V and VI, 1–24. The Tale of Cupid and Psyche. Text, Introduction and Commentary. Groningen: Egbert Forsten, 2004. Pp. 596. ISBN 90-6980-146-9. €110.00. Journal of Roman Studies, 96. pp. 269-270. ISSN 0075-4358

    O'Brien, Maeve (2015) ‘larvale simulacrum’: Platonic Socrates and the persona of Socrates in Apuleius Metamorphoses 1,1-19. In: Echoing Narratives: Studies of Intertextuality in Greek and Roman Prose Fiction. Ancient Narrative Supplementum (13). Barkhuis Publishing and Groningen University library, pp. 123-138. ISBN 9789077922859

    O'Hara, Ruth (2013) An Assessment of the Notitia Dignitatum as a Historical Source for the Late Roman Bureaucracy. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    O'Hearn, Leah (2020) Being Beatvs in Catillis' Poems 9, 10, 22 and 23. The Classical Quarterly, 70 (2). pp. 691-706. ISSN 1471-6844

    O'Hearn, Leah (2023) Nocet esse feracem: An Ecofeminist Analysis of the Pseudo-Ovidian Nux. Eugesta. pp. 1-80.

    O'Hearn, Leah (2021) Review: On The Structure of Catullus' Poetry Book - (J.K.) Schafer Catullus through His Books. Dramas of Composition. Pp. viii + 260. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Cased, £75, US$99.99. ISBN: 978-1-108-47224-1. Classical Review. ISSN 0009-840X

    O'Sullivan, Oliver (2019) Drawn from the Life: Literary Techniques and the Representation of Complex Characters in Suetonius’ De vita Caesarum. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

    O’Brien, Carl (2020) Jens Halfwassen, 1958-2020. The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition, 14 (2). pp. 117-119. ISSN 1872-5082

    O’Brien, Carl (2021) Platonic Dialogues and Platonic Principles. The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition, 15 (1). pp. 90-98. ISSN 1872-5082


    Phelan, Kerry Louise (2016) A Social and Historical Commentary on Demosthenes’ Against Euboulides. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.


    Ryder, Theresa M. (2012) Adapting to Domination: The Athenian reaction to the hegemony of the Macedonian Kings, Philip II and Alexander III, 338-323 B.C.E. Masters thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.


    Scourfield, David (2010) Chaereas, Hippolytus, Theseus: Tragic Echoes, Tragic Potential in Chariton. Phoenix, 64 (3/4). 291-313,473. ISSN 0031-8299

    Scourfield, David (2017) Classical Land/scapes: Transformative Geography in E. M. Forster's Early Short Fiction. Caliban: French Journal of English Studies, 58. pp. 185-202. ISSN 2425-6250

    Scourfield, David (2018) Classical in/stabilities: Virginia Woolf, Ford Madox Ford, and the Great War. Classical Receptions Journal, 10 (4). pp. 435-457. ISSN 1759-5134

    Scourfield, David (1992) The Classics after Apartheid. The Classical Journal, 88 (1). pp. 43-54. ISSN 0009-8353

    Scourfield, David (1995) Consoling Heliodorus: A Reply to Marc Kleijwegt's Review. Acta Classica, 38. pp. 107-111. ISSN 1958-2016

    Scourfield, David (1996) The De Mortalitate of Cyprian: Consolation and Context. Vigiliae Christianae, 50 (1). pp. 12-41.

    Scourfield, David (2012) Euripides, Hippolytus 136. Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, 155 (3/4). pp. 225-233. ISSN 0035-449X

    Scourfield, David (1986) Jerome, Antioch, and the Desert: A Note on Chronology. Journal of Theological Studies, 37 (1). pp. 117-121. ISSN 0022-5185

    Scourfield, David (1989) Life, the Universe and Everything: An Intellectual History of Greece for the Innocent. AKROTERION, 34. pp. 137-146. ISSN 2079-2883

    Scourfield, David (1987) Notes on the Text of Jerome, Letters 1 and 107. The Classical Quarterly, 37 (2). pp. 487-497.

    Scourfield, David (1987) Teaching Greek Tragedy in Translation: A Consolidated Approach. AKROTERION, 32. pp. 49-55. ISSN 2079-2883

    Scourfield, David (1997) A note on Jerome's Homily on the Rich Man and Lazarus. Journal of Theological Studies, 48 (2). pp. 536-539.

    Sheridan, Brian (2001) Sicily's Artful Historian: An investigation into the historical thought and method of Diodorus Siculus. Masters thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.


    Williams, Michael Stuart (2014) Ambrose of Milan: Deeds and Thoughts of a Bishop. By Cesare Pasini. Translated by Robert L. Grant. (Staten Island, NY: St. Paul. 2013. Pp. xxiv, 323. $24.95 paperback. ISBN 978-0-8189-1341-9.). Catholic Historical Review, 100 (3). pp. 586-588. ISSN 0008-8080

    Williams, Michael Stuart (2012) Augustine as a Reader of His Christian Contemporaries. In: A Companion to Augustine. Blackwell Publishing, pp. 227-239. ISBN 9781405159463

    Williams, Michael Stuart (2011) Auxentius of Milan: From Orthodoxy to Heresy. Studia Patristica, 66. pp. 263-272.

    Williams, Michael Stuart (2011) 'Beloved Lord and Honourable Brother': The negotiation of status in Augustine, Letter 23'. In: Unclassical Traditions. Volume II: Perspectives from East and West in Late Antiquity (Cambridge Classical Journal Supplementary). Cambridge Philological Society, pp. 88-101. ISBN 9780956838100

    Williams, Michael Stuart (2009) The Cambridge History of Early Christian Literature. Edited by FRANCES YOUNG, LEWIS AYRES, and ANDREW LOUTH. Pp. xxxþ538. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. ISBN 978 0 521 46083 5 and 69750 7. Hardback £91/$130; paper £17.99/$34.99. Journal of Theological Studies, 60 (2). pp. 665-668. ISSN 0022-5185

    Williams, Michael Stuart (2010) Contextualizing Cassian: Aristocrats, Asceticism, and Reformation in Fifth-Century Gaul. By RICHARD J. GOODRICH. Pp. xþ298 incl. 11 figures and 4 tables. (Oxford Early Christian Studies.) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. ISBN 978 0 19 921313 9. £65. Journal of Theological Studies, 61 (1). pp. 376-378. ISSN 0022-5185

    Williams, Michael Stuart (2013) Hymns as Acclamations: The Case of Ambrose of Milan. Journal of Late Antiquity, 6 (1). pp. 108-134. ISSN 1939-6716

    Williams, Michael Stuart (2011) Irad Malkin, Christy Constantakopoulou and Katerina Panagopoulou, eds., 2009: Greek and Roman Networks in the Mediterranean. London/New York: Routledge. Pp. xii + 321. ISBN 978-0-415-45989-1. Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 20 (1). ISSN 1016-3476

    Williams, Michael Stuart (2006) (L.) Grig Making Martyrs in Late Antiquity. Pp xiv + 207, map, ills, pls. London: Duckworth, 2004. Cased, £45. ISBN: 0-7156-3285-X. The Classical Review, 56 (1). pp. 195-196. ISSN 0009-840X

    Williams, Michael Stuart (2008) Marriage, celibacy, and heresy in ancient Christianity. The Jovinianist controversy. By David G. Hunter. (Oxford Early Christian Studies.) Pp. xix+316. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. £55. 978 0 19 927978 4. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 59 (2). pp. 304-305. ISSN 0022-0469

    Williams, Michael Stuart (2018) No Arians in Milan? Ambrose on the Basilica Crisis of 385/6. Historia: Zeitschrift für alte Geschichte. Journal of ancient history, 67 (3). pp. 346-365. ISSN 0018-2311

    Williams, Michael Stuart (2011) R. Price & M. Whitby (eds) Chalcedon in Context: Church Councils 400-700. Translated Texts for Historians, Contexts 1. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2009 [Paperback edn 2011]. Pp. viii, 205. ISBN 978-1-84631-648-7. €29.00. Classics Ireland, 18. pp. 108-112. ISSN 0791-9417

    Williams, Michael Stuart (2012) Review: BARNES, EARLY CHRISTIAN HAGIOGRAPHY AND ROMAN HISTORY (Tria Corda 5) . Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010. Pp. xx + 437. isbn 9783161502262. Journal of Roman Studies, 102. pp. 406-408. ISSN 0075-4358

    Williams, Michael Stuart (2008) Review: C. Ando, The Matter of the Gods: Religion and the Roman Empire. Bryn Mawr Classical Review. p. 239. ISSN 978-0-520-25083-3

    Williams, Michael Stuart (2013) Review: David M. Gwynn, Athanasius of Alexandria: Bishop, Theologian, Ascetic, Father (Oxford: OUP, 2012). Journal of Roman Studies, 103. ISSN 0075-4358

    Williams, Michael Stuart (2006) Review: Jason P. Davies, Rome's Religious History: Livy, Tacitus and Ammianus on their Gods (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005). Classics Ireland, 13. pp. 88-91. ISSN 0791-9417

    Williams, Michael Stuart (2011) Review: MCGILL (S.), SOGNO (C.), WATTS (E.) (edd.) From the Tetrarchs to the Theodosians. Later Roman History and Culture, 284–450 C.E. (Yale Classical Studies 34.) Pp. x + 321, ill. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. ISBN: 978-0-521-89821-8. Classical Review, 61 (2). pp. 563-565. ISSN 0009-840X

    Williams, Michael Stuart (2014) (S.) Palumbo (ed., trans.)Ambrogio di Milano:De Nabuthae historia. (Biblioteca della Tradizione Classica 3.) Pp. 365.Bari:Cacucci Editore,2012. Paper, €40. ISBN:978-88-6611-181-8. The Classical Review, 64 (2). pp. 630-631. ISSN 0009-840X

    Williams, Michael Stuart (2011) Time and Authority in the Chronicle of Sulpicius Severus. In: The Western Time of Ancient History: Historiographical Encounters with the Greek and Roman Pasts. Cambridge University Press, pp. 280-297. ISBN 9780521883139

    Williams, Michael Stuart (2013) Tomas Hägg, The Art of Biography in Antiquity. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012. Pp. xv, 496. ISBN 9781107016699. $110.00. Bryn Mawr Classical Review (2013.0). pp. 1-4. ISSN 1055-7660

    Williams, Michael Stuart (2010) ‘sine numine nomina’: Ausonius and the Oulipo. In: Unclassical Traditions Vol.1: alternatives to the classical past in late antiquity. Cambridge classical journal / supplementary volume (34). Cambridge Philological Society, pp. 90-105. ISBN 9780906014332

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