Anderson, Paul and Kitchin, Rob (2000) Disability, space and sexuality: access to family planning services. Social Science & Medicine, 51 (8). pp. 1163-1173. ISSN 0277-9536
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Dodge, Martin and Kitchin, Rob (2005) Codes of life: identification codes and the machine-readable world. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 23 (6). pp. 851-881. ISSN 0263-7758
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Dodge, Martin and Kitchin, Rob (2000) Exposing the 'Second Text' of Maps of the Net. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 5 (4). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1083-6101
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Dodge, Martin and Kitchin, Rob (2007) "Outlines of a world coming into existence": Pervasive computing and the ethics of forgetting. Environment and Planning B, 34 (3). pp. 431-445. ISSN 0308-2164
Dodge, Martin and Kitchin, Rob (2009) Software, objects, and home space. Environment and Planning A, 41 (6). pp. 1344-1365. ISSN 0308-518X
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Evans, Leighton and Kitchin, Rob (2018) A smart place to work? Big data systems, labour, control and modern retail stores. New Technology, Work and Employment, 33 (1). pp. 44-57. ISSN 1468-005X
Foley, Ronan and Sweeney, John (2010) Introduction to Dublin 2026: The Future Urban Environment. Journal of Irish Urban Studies, 7-9. pp. 1-3. ISSN 1649-1920
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Geraghty, Ruth (2014) Attitudes to Qualitative Archiving in Ireland: Findings from a Consultation with the Irish Social Science Community. Studia Socjologiczne, 3. ISSN 0039−3371
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Halfacree, Keith H. and Kitchin, Rob (1996) 'Madchester Rave on': Placing the Fragments of Popular Music. Area, 28 (1). pp. 47-55. ISSN 0004-0894
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Hubbard, P., Kitchin, Rob and Valentine, G. (2005) Editors' Reply to book review forum: Review essays on: Key Thinkers on Space and Place. Environment and Planning A, 37 (1). pp. 161-187. ISSN 0308-518X
Hubbard, Phil and Kitchin, Rob (2006) Battleground geographies and conspiracy theories: a response to Johnston (2006). Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 32 (3). pp. 428-434. ISSN 0020-2754
Jackson, Paul and Kitchin, Rob (1998) Applying Cognitive Mapping Research (Editorial). Journal of Environmental Psychology, 18 (3). pp. 219-221. ISSN 0272-4944
Jacobson, Dan, Lippa, Yvonne, Golledge, Reginald G., Kitchin, Rob and Blades, Mark (2001) Rapid development of cognitive maps in people with visual impairments when exploring novel geographic spaces. IAPS Bulletin of People-Environment Studies (Special Issue on Environmental Cognition), 18. pp. 3-6. ISSN 1301-3998 (Submitted)
Jacobson, R. Daniel and Kitchin, Rob (1997) GIS and people with visual impairments or blindness: Exploring the potential for education, orientation, and navigation. Transactions in GIS, 2 (4). pp. 315-332. ISSN 1361-1682
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Kitchin, Rob (1993) Bringing psychology and geography closer. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 13 (2). pp. 183-186. ISSN 0272-4944
Kitchin, Rob (1994) Cognitive maps: what are they and why study them? Journal of Environmental Psychology, 14. pp. 1-19. ISSN 0272-4944
Kitchin, Rob (1999) Creating an Awareness of Others: Highlighting the Role of Space and Place. Geography, 84 (1). pp. 45-54. ISSN 0016-7487
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Kitchin, Rob (2016) Datagestuurde stedelijke planning en 'smart cities'. Data-driven urbanism and the creation of smart cities. Justitiele Verkenningen, 42 (3). pp. 23-36. ISSN 0167-5850
Kitchin, Rob (2001) Disability and inclusive landscapes. Teaching Geography, 26. pp. 81-85. ISSN 0305-8018
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Kitchin, Rob (2014) Engaging publics: Writing as praxis. Cultural Geographies, 21 (1). pp. 153-157. ISSN 1474-4740
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Kitchin, Rob (2015) Grounding urban data: Interview with Rob Kitchin. New Geographies, 7. pp. 109-116. ISSN 2152-047X
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Kitchin, Rob (1998) 'Out of Place', 'Knowing One's Place': Space, power and the exclusion of disabled people. Disability & Society, 13 (3). pp. 343-356. ISSN 0968-7599
Kitchin, Rob (2002) Participatory Mapping of Disabled Access. Cartographic Perspectives, 41. pp. 44-54. ISSN 1048-9053
Kitchin, Rob (2010) Post-representational cartography. lo Squaderno, 15. pp. 7-12. ISSN 1973-9141
Kitchin, Rob (2008) The Practices of Mapping. Cartographica, 43 (3). pp. 211-215. ISSN 0317-7173
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Kitchin, Rob (1994) Semiotics, Marxism, and spatial conception: a new paradigm? : Review Essay. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 14 (1). pp. 83-85. ISSN 0272-4944
Kitchin, Rob (2002) Sexing the city: The sexual production of non-heterosexual space in Belfast, Manchester and San Francisco. City, 6 (2). pp. 205-218. ISSN 1360-4813
Kitchin, Rob (2015) Spatial big data and the era of continuous geosurveillance. DIS Magazine.
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Kitchin, Rob (2015) The opportunities, challenges and risks of big data for official statistics. Statistical Journal of the IAOS, 31 (3). pp. 471-481. ISSN 1875-9254
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Kitchin, Rob, Bartley, Brendan, Gleeson, Justin, Cowman, Mick, Fotheringham, Stewart and Lloyd, Chris (2007) Joined-up Thinking Across the Irish Border: Making the Data More Compatible. Journal of Cross Border Studies (2). pp. 22-34.
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Kitchin, Rob, Blades, Mark and Golledge, Reginald G. (1997) Understanding spatial concepts at the geographic scale without the use of vision. Progress in Human Geography, 21 (2). pp. 225-242. ISSN 0309-1325
Kitchin, Rob and Dodge, Martin (2005) Code and the Transduction of Space. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 95 (1). pp. 162-180. ISSN 0004-5608
Kitchin, Rob and Dodge, Martin (2001) Placing cyberspace : why geography still matters. Information Technology, Education and Society, 1 (2). pp. 25-46. ISSN 1037-616X
Kitchin, Rob and Dodge, Martin (2007) Rethinking maps. Progress in Human Geography, 31 (3). pp. 331-344. ISSN 0309-1325
Kitchin, Rob and Fotheringham, Stewart (1997) Aggregation Issues in Cognitive Mapping. Professional Geographer, 49 (3). pp. 269-280. ISSN 0033-0124
Kitchin, Rob and Fotheringham, Stewart (1998) Spatial and location cueing effects upon cognitive mapping data. Environment and Planning A, 30 (12). pp. 2245-2253. ISSN 0308-518X
Kitchin, Rob and Fuller, Duncan (2003) Making the ‘black box’ transparent: publishing and presenting geographic knowledge. Area, 35 (3). pp. 313-315. ISSN 0004-0894
Kitchin, Rob, Gleeson, Justin and Dodge, Martin (2012) Unfolding mapping practices: a new epistemology for cartography. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Previe. pp. 1-17. ISSN 0020-2754 (Unpublished)
Kitchin, Rob and Hubbard, P. J. (1999) Research, action and 'critical' geographies. Area, 31 (3). pp. 195-198. ISSN 0004-0894
Kitchin, Rob, Jacobson, R. Daniel, Golledge, Reginald G. and Blades, Mark (1998) Belfast Without Sight: Exploring Geographies of Blindness. Irish Geography, 31 (1). pp. 34-46. ISSN 0075-0778
Kitchin, Rob and Jacobson, R.D. (1997) Techniques to collect and analyze the cognitive map knowledge of persons with visual impairment or blindness: issues of validity. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 91 (4). pp. 360-376. ISSN 0145-482X
Kitchin, Rob and Kneale, James (2001) Science fiction or future fact? Exploring imaginative geographies of the new millennium. Progress in Human Geography, 25 (1). pp. 17-33. ISSN 0309-1325
Kitchin, Rob and Lauriault, Tracey P. (2015) Small data in the era of big data. GeoJournal, 80. pp. 463-475. ISSN 0343-2521
Kitchin, Rob, Lauriault, Tracey P. and McArdle, Gavin (2015) Knowing and governing cities through urban indicators, city benchmarking and real-time dashboards. Regional Studies, 2 (1). pp. 6-28. ISSN 0034-3404
Kitchin, Rob, Lauriault, Tracey P. and McArdle, Gavin (2015) Urban indicators and dashboards: epistemology, contradictions and power/knowledge. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 2 (1). pp. 43-45. ISSN 2168-1376
Kitchin, Rob and Law, Robin (2001) The Socio-spatial Construction of (In)accessible Public Toilets. Urban Studies, 38 (2). pp. 287-298. ISSN 0042-0980
Kitchin, Rob, Linehan, Denis, O'Callaghan, Cian and Lawton, Philip (2013) Public geographies through social media. Dialogues in Human Geography, 3 (1). pp. 56-72. ISSN 2043-8206
Kitchin, Rob, Linehan, Denis, O'Callaghan, Cian and Lawton, Philip (2013) The creation and circulation of public geographies. Dialogues in Human Geography, 3 (1). pp. 96-102. ISSN 2043-8206
Kitchin, Rob and Lysaght, Karen (2003) Heterosexism and the geographies of everyday life in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Environment and Planning A, 35 (3). pp. 489-510. ISSN 0308-518X
Kitchin, Rob and Lysaght, Karen (2004) Sexual citizenship in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Gender, Place and Culture, 11 (1). pp. 83-103. ISSN 0966-369X
Kitchin, Rob and McArdle, Gavin (2016) What makes big data, big data? Exploring the ontological characteristics of 26 datasets. Big Data and Society, 3 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2053-9517
Kitchin, Rob, O'Callaghan, Cian, Boyle, Mark, Gleeson, Justin and Keaveney, Karen (2012) Placing neoliberalism: the rise and fall of Ireland’s Celtic Tiger. Environment and Planning A, 44 (6). pp. 1302-1326. ISSN 0308-518X
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Kitchin, Rob, Shirlow, Peter and Shuttleworth, Ian (1998) On the Margins: disabled people’ s experience of employment in Donegal, West Ireland. Disability & Society, 13 (5). pp. 785-806. ISSN 0968-7599
Kitchin, Rob and Sidaway, James D. (2006) Geography’s Strategies. Professional Geographer, 58 (4). pp. 485-491. ISSN 0033-0124
Kitchin, Rob and Wilton, Rob (2000) Disability, Geography and Ethics. Ethics, Place and Environment, 3 (1). pp. 61-65. ISSN 1366-879X
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O'Malley, Eoin and Van Egeraat, Chris (2000) Industry Clusters and Irish Indigenous Manufacturing: Limits of the Porter View. Economic and Social Review, 31 (1). pp. 55-79. ISSN 0012-9984
O'Riordain, Sean and Van Egeraat, Chris (2013) New regional governance in Ireland: Perspectives and challenges. Administration, 61 (3). pp. 3-10. ISSN 0001-8325
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Shannon, Laura and Van Egeraat, Chris (2013) Regional governance and bottom-up regional development in the Border Region and County Cavan. Administration, 61 (3). pp. 75-99. ISSN 0001-8325
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Van Egeraat, Chris and Jacobson, David (2006) The Geography of Production Linkages in the Irish and Scottish Microcomputer Industry: the Role of Information Exchange. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 97 (4). pp. 405-417. ISSN 0075-4358
Van Egeraat, Chris and Jacobson, David (2004) The rise and demise of the Irish and Scottish computer hardware industry. European Planning Studies, 12 (6). pp. 809-834. ISSN 0965-4313
Van Egeraat, Chris and Kogler, Dieter F. (2013) Global and Regional Dynamics in Knowledge Flows and Innovation Networks. European Planning Studies, 21 (9). pp. 1317-1322. ISSN 0965-4313
Van Egeraat, Chris, Ó Riain, Seán and Kerr, Aphra (2013) Social and Spatial Structures of Innovation in the Irish Animation Industry. European Planning Studies, 21 (9). pp. 1437-1455. ISSN 0965-4313
Waddington, Shelagh B. and Wright, Paul N. (2006) Reflected Reflections: facilitating student reflection. AISHE Conference Proceedings. pp. 1-14.
Walsh, Cormac and Kitchin, Rob (2012) Supporting Evidence-Informed Spatial Planning in Ireland: A Research Perspective. Pleanáil: Journal of the Irish Planning Institute, 18. pp. 75-89.
van Grunsven, Leo and Van Egeraat, Chris (1999) Achievements of the industrial ‘high-road’ and clustering strategies in Singapore and their relevance to European peripheral economies. European Planning Studies, 7 (2). pp. 145-173. ISSN 0965-4313
Ash, James, Kitchin, Rob and Leszczynski, Agnieszka (2018) Introducing digital geographies. In: Digital Geographies. SAGE Publications, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9781526447296
Boyle, Mark and Kitchin, Rob (2014) Diaspora centred development: Current practice, critical commentaries and research priorities. In: Global Diasporas and Development: Socioeconomic Cultural and Policy Perspectives. Springer, New Delhi, pp. 17-38. ISBN 9788132210467
Boyle, Mark and Kitchin, Rob (2013) Diaspora for development: In search of a new generation of diaspora strategies. In: How Can Talent Abroad Induce Development at Home? Towards a Pragmatic Diaspora Agenda. Migration Policy Institute, Washington DC, pp. 315-345. ISBN 9780983159131
Boyle, Mark, Kitchin, Rob and Ancien, Delphine (2013) Ireland’s diaspora strategy: diaspora for development. In: Migrations: Ireland in a Global World. Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 80-97. ISBN 978019085512
Brodlie, Ken, Dykes, Jason, Gillings, Mark, Haklay, Mordechay E., Kitchin, Rob and Kraak, Menno-Jan (2001) Geography in VR : Context. In: Virtual Reality in Geography. CRC Press, London, pp. 7-16. ISBN 9780748409051
Cheesman, Jo, Dodge, Martin, Harvey, Francis, Jacobson, R. Daniel and Kitchin, Rob (2002) 'Other' Worlds : Augmented Comprehensible, Non-Material Spaces. In: Virtual Reality in Geography. CRC Press, London, pp. 295-304. ISBN 9780748409051
Coletta, Claudio, Heaphy, Liam and Kitchin, Rob (2018) Actually-existing Smart Dublin: Exploring smart city development in history and context. In: In-side Smart Cities: Place, Politics and Urban Innovation. Routledge, pp. 85-101. ISBN 9780815348689
Conway, Brian and Hill, Michael R. (2009) Harriet Martineau and Ireland. In: Social Thought on Ireland in the Nineteenth Century. University College Dublin Press, Dublin, pp. 47-66. ISBN 9781904558668
Corcoran, Mary (2008) Communities of 'Limited Liability'. In: Belongings: Shaping Identity in Modern Ireland. Irish Sociological Chronicles (6). Institute of Public Administration, Dublin, pp. 259-273. ISBN 9781904541714
Corcoran, Mary (2004) Place Re-Making in Dublin. In: Place and Non-Place: The Reconfiguration of Ireland. Irish Sociological Chronicles (4). Institute of Public Administration, Dublin, pp. 142-156. ISBN 9781904541066
Crowley, Una (2009) Genealogy, method. In: International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Elsevier, pp. 341-344. ISBN 9780080449111
Crowley, Una, Gilmartin, Mary and Kitchin, Rob (2008) Race and immigration in contemporary Ireland. In: New Geographies of Race and Racism. Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 141-156. ISBN 9780754670858
Dodge, Martin and Kitchin, Rob (2014) Barcodes and RFIDs. In: Globalization in Practice. Oxford University Press, pp. 268-271. ISBN 9780199212620
Dodge, Martin and Kitchin, Rob (2003) Charting movement: mapping internet infrastructures. In: Moving people, goods, and information in the 21st century : the cutting-edge infrastructures of networked cities. Spon Press, New York, pp. 159-185. ISBN 9780415281201
Dodge, Martin and Kitchin, Rob (2006) Net:Geography fieldwork Frequently Asked Questions. In: The International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments. Springer, The Netherlands, pp. 1175-1202. ISBN 9781402038020
Dodge, Martin and Kitchin, Rob (2012) Towards touch-free spaces: Sensors, software and the automatic production of shared public toilets. In: Touching Space, Placing Touch. Ashgate, pp. 191-210. ISBN 978-1-4094-0214-5
Dodge, Martin and Kitchin, Rob (2007) Virtual places. In: Companion Encyclopedia of Geography. Routledge, London, pp. 519-536. ISBN 9780415431699
Dodge, Martin, Kitchin, Rob and Perkins, Chris (2011) Preface: Introducing The Map Reader. In: The Map Reader: Theories of Mapping Practice and Cartographic Representationpresentation. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, viii-xxiii. ISBN 9780470742839
Dodge, Martin, Kitchin, Rob and Perkins, Chris (2011) Technologies of Mapping. In: The Map Reader: Theories of Mapping Practice and Cartographic Representation. Wiley, Chichester, pp. 115-121. ISBN 9780470742839
Dodge, Martin, Perkins, Chris and Kitchin, Rob (2009) Mapping modes, methods and moments: a manifesto for map studies. In: Rethinking Maps. Routledge Studies in Human Geography (28) . Routledge, pp. 1-31. ISBN 9780415461528
Fuller, Duncan and Kitchin, Rob (2004) Radical Theory/Critical Praxis: Academic Geography Beyond the Academy? In: Radical Theory/Critical Praxis: Making a Difference Beyond the Academy? Critical Topographies Series . Praxis (e)Press, Victoria, BC, Canada, pp. 1-20. ISBN 9780973456103
Geraghty, Ruth, Gray, Jane and Ralph, David (2015) 'One of the best members of the family': continuity and change in young children’s relationships with their grandparents. In: The 'Irish' Family. Routledge, pp. 124-139. ISBN 9780415855327
Gonzalez, Ainhoa, Gilmer, Alan, Foley, Ronan, Sweeney, John and Fry, John (2009) Developing and Applying a Participative web-Based GIS for Integration of Public Perceptions in Strategic Environmental Assessment. In: Representing, Modeling and Visualizing the Natural Environment: Innovations in GIS. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 117-133. ISBN 9781420055498
Hubbard, Phil and Kitchin, Rob (2010) Why key thinkers? In: Key Thinkers on Space and Place. Sage, London, pp. 1-17. ISBN 9780761949626
Hubbard, Phil, Kitchin, Rob and Valentine, G. (2004) Editor’s Introduction. In: Key Thinkers on Space and Place. Sage, London, pp. 1-15.
Kerr, Aphra (2006) The Business of Making Games. In: Understanding Digital Games. Sage, pp. 36-57. ISBN 1412900344
Kerr, Aphra (2013) Space Wars: The Politics of Games Production in Europe. In: Gaming Globally. Production, Play, and Place. Critical Media Studies . Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp. 215-231. ISBN 9781137006332
Kerr, Aphra (2012) The UK and Irish Game Industries. In: The Video Game Industry. Formation, Present State, and Future. Routledge, New York, pp. 116-133. ISBN 9781138803831
Kerr, Aphra and Ó Riain, Seán (2009) Knowledge Economy. In: International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 31-36. ISBN 9780080449111
King O'Riain, Rebecca (2012) Is ‘No One As Irish as Barack O’Bama’? In: Obama and the biracial factor : the battle for a new American majority. The Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 113-128. ISBN 9781447301011
King O'Riain, Rebecca (2015) Multiracial. In: Keywords for Asian American Studies. New York University Press. ISBN 9781479803286
King O'Riain, Rebecca (2014) Transconnective Space, Emotions and Skype: The Transnational Emotional Practices of Mixed International Couples in the Republic of Ireland. In: Internet and Emotions. Routledge studies in science, technology and society (22). Routledge, New York, pp. 131-143. ISBN 9780415819442
Kitchin, Rob (2017) Big Data. In: The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. Wiley. ISBN 9780470659632
Kitchin, Rob (2016) Big Data – Hype or Revolution? In: The SAGE Handbook of Social Media Research Methods. SAGE Publications, pp. 27-39. ISBN 9781473916326
Kitchin, Rob (2000) Environmental Psychology. In: Dictionary of Human Geography, 4th Edition. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., p. 223. ISBN 0631205616
Kitchin, Rob (2009) Foreword. In: International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Elsevier, Oxford, lxxvii-lxxx. ISBN 9780080449104
Kitchin, Rob (2018) Governance. In: Digital Geographies. SAGE Publications, pp. 238-249. ISBN 9781526447296
Kitchin, Rob (2015) Housing. In: The Atlas of the Island of Ireland : mapping social and economic change. AIRO/ICLRD, Belfast, pp. 63-76. ISBN 9780901519917
Kitchin, Rob (2007) Introductions (Parts I, II, III and IV). In: Understanding Contemporary Ireland. Pluto Press, London. ISBN 9780745325958
Kitchin, Rob (2017) Leveraging finance and producing capital. In: Understanding Spatial Media. SAGE Publications, pp. 178-187. ISBN 9781473949683
Kitchin, Rob (2009) Looking at the Present Through the Future: Science-Fiction Urbanism and Contingent and Relational Creativity. In: Milieus of Creativity. Springer Verlag, Dordrecht, pp. 245-254. ISBN 9789048182176
Kitchin, Rob (2007) Mapping Worlds. In: Mapping Worlds: International Perspectives on Social and Cultural Geographies. Routledge, London, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9780415438285
Kitchin, Rob (1999) Morals and ethics in geographical studies of disability. In: Geography and Ethics: Journeys through a Moral Terrain. Routledge, London, pp. 223-236. ISBN 978-0415189699
Kitchin, Rob (2015) Positivistic geography. In: Approaches to Human Geography. Sage, London, pp. 23-34. ISBN 9781446276020
Kitchin, Rob (2006) Positivistic geography and spatial science. In: Approaches to Human Geography. Sage, London, pp. 20-29. ISBN 9780761942634
Kitchin, Rob (2004) Reginald Golledge. In: Key Thinkers on Space and Place. Sage, London, pp. 136-142. ISBN 9780761949626
Kitchin, Rob (1997) Social transformations through spatial transformations: from geospaces to cyberspaces. In: Mapping Cyberspace: Social Research on the Electronic Frontier. Dowling College Press, New York, pp. 149-173. ISBN 9781883058432
Kitchin, Rob (2009) Space II. In: International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Elsevier, pp. 268-275. ISBN 9780080449104
Kitchin, Rob and Bartley, Brendan (2007) Ireland in the Twenty First Century. In: Understanding Contemporary Ireland. Pluto Press, London, pp. 1-26. ISBN 9780745325958
Kitchin, Rob and Bartley, Brendan (2007) Ireland now and in the future. In: Understanding Contemporary Ireland. Pluto Press, London, pp. 301-307. ISBN 9780745325958
Kitchin, Rob and Dodge, Martin (2008) Airport code/spaces. In: Aeromobilities: Theory and Research. Routledge, London, pp. 96-114. ISBN 9780415449564
Kitchin, Rob and Dodge, Martin (2002) Exploring the emerging geographies of cyberspace. In: Geographies of Global Change: remapping the world in the late twentieth century. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 340-354. ISBN 9780631193265
Kitchin, Rob, Dodge, Martin and Perkins, Chris (2011) Conceptualising Mapping. In: The Map Reader: Theories of Mapping Practice and Cartographic Representation. Wiley, Chichester, pp. 1-7. ISBN 9780470742839
Kitchin, Rob, Dodge, Martin and Perkins, Chris (2011) Power and Politics of Mapping. In: The Map Reader: Theories of Mapping Practice and Cartographic Representation. Wiley, Chichester, pp. 387-394. ISBN 9780470742839
Kitchin, Rob and Freundschuh, Scott (2000) Cognitive mapping. In: Cognitive Mapping: Past, Present and Future. Routledge, London, pp. 1-8. ISBN 9780415208062
Kitchin, Rob and Freundschuh, Scott (2000) Introducing cognitive mapping. In: Cognitive Mapping: Past, Present and Future. Routledge, London, pp. 9-23.
Kitchin, Rob and Freundschuh, Scott (2000) The future of cognitive mapping research. In: Cognitive Mapping: Past, Present and Future. Routledge, London, pp. 249-263. ISBN 9780415208062
Kitchin, Rob, Lauriault, Tracey P. and McArdle, Gavin (2017) Indicators, benchmarking and urban informatics. In: Understanding Spatial Media. SAGE Publications, pp. 119-128. ISBN 9781473949683
Kitchin, Rob, Lauriault, Tracey P. and McArdle, Gavin (2015) Smart cities and the politics of urban data. In: Smart Urbanism: Utopian Vision or False Dawn? Routledge, London, pp. 16-33. ISBN 9781138844223
Kitchin, Rob, Lauriault, Tracey P. and Wilson, Matthew W. (2017) Understanding Spatial Media. In: Understanding Spatial Media. SAGE Publications, pp. 1-21. ISBN 9781473949683
Kitchin, Rob, Perkins, Chris and Dodge, Martin (2009) Thinking about maps. In: Rethinking Maps. Routledge Studies in Human Geography (28). Routledge, London, pp. 1-25. ISBN 9780415461528
Kneale, James and Kitchin, Rob (2002) Lost in space. In: Lost in Space: Geographies of Science Fiction. Continuum, London, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9780826457301
Lee, Roger, Castree, Noel, Kitchin, Rob, Lawson, Victoria, Paasi, Anssi, Philo, Charles, Radcliffe, Sarah, Roberts, Susan and Withers, Charles W.J. (2014) Introduction. In: The Sage Handbook of Human Geography. SAGE Publications Ltd, London, xi-xiv. ISBN 9780857022486
Lee, Roger, Elwood, Sarah, Castree, Noel, Roberts, Susan M. and Kitchin, Rob (2014) Editors discussion: What are Human Geographies? In: The SAGE Handbook of Human Geography: Two Volume Set. SAGE Publications Ltd, London, pp. 768-785. ISBN 9780857022486
O'Carroll, Aileen (2008) Busy Ireland. In: Belongings: Shaping Identity in Modern Ireland. Irish Socilogical Chronicles (6). Institute of Public Administration, Dublin, pp. 245-256. ISBN 9781904541714
Perkins, Chris, Dodge, Martin and Kitchin, Rob (2011) Cartographic Aesthetics and Map Design. In: The Map Reader: Theories of Mapping Practice and Cartographic Representation. Wiley, Chichester, pp. 193-200. ISBN 9780470979587
Perkins, Chris, Kitchin, Rob and Dodge, Martin (2011) Cognition and Cultures of Mapping. In: The Map Reader: Theories of Mapping Practice and Cartographic Representation. Wiley, Chichester, pp. 297-303. ISBN 9780470979587
Pringle, D.G. (2002) The Geographical Distribution of Poverty in Ireland. In: Signposts to Rural Change Proceedings : Rural Development Conference 2002. Rural Economy Research Centre, Teagasc, pp. 154-166.
Ó Riain, Seán (2004) Falling over the Competitive Edge. In: Place and Non-Place: The Reconfiguration of Ireland. Irish Sociological Chronicles (4). Institute of Public Administration, Dublin, pp. 19-29. ISBN 9781904541066
Allin, Simone and Walsh, Cormac (2010) Strategic Spatial Planning in European City-Regions: Parallel Processes or Divergent Trajectories? (NIRSA) Working Paper Series No. 60. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Ancien, Delphine, Boyle, Mark and Kitchin, Rob (2009) The Scottish Diaspora and Diaspora Strategy: Insights and Lessons from Ireland. Project Report. Crowne Publishers.
Ash, James, Kitchin, Rob and Leszczynski, Agnieszka (2015) Digital turn, digital geography? Programmable City Working Paper 17. Working Paper. Maynooth University.
Barry, Frank and Van Egeraat, Chris (2005) The Eastward Shift of Computer Hardware Production: How Ireland Adjusted (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No.27. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Boyle, Gerry and Feeney, Brídín (2001) Analysis of the Economic, Social and Cultural Profile of County Roscommon (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 11. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Boyle, Mark and Hearne, Rory (2015) Achieving a right to the city in practice: community development and human rights approaches in Dublin’s inner city communities. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis, Maynooth University.
Boyle, Mark and Kitchin, Rob (2011) A Diaspora Strategy for Canada? Enriching Debate through Heightening Awareness of International Practice. Project Paper Series No. 11-1. Working Paper. Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, Vancouver.
Boyle, Mark and Kitchin, Rob (2008) Towards an Irish Diaspora Strategy (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 37. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Breathnach, Proinnsias, Van Egeraat, Chris and Curran, Declan (2014) Regional Economic Resilience in Ireland: The Roles of Industrial Structure and Foreign Inward Investment : NIRSA Working Paper Series No.76. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis, Maynooth University.
Byrne, Thomas (2001) Design, construction and operation of an Microsoft Access database to accommodate records of L.W. Brockliss’ and P. Ferte’s ‘Irish clerics in France in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: a statistical study’ (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 7. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Cardullo, Paolo (2018) Commoning the smart city: A case for a public Internet provision. Working Paper. Center for Open Science.
Cardullo, Paolo and Kitchin, Rob (2017) Being a ‘citizen’ in the smart city: Up and down the scaffold of smart citizen participation: The Programmable City Working Paper 30. Working Paper. Programmable City Working Paper.
Cardullo, Paolo and Kitchin, Rob (2018) Smart urbanism and smart citizenship: The neoliberal logic of ‘citizen-focused’ smart cities in Europe. Working Paper. Programmable City Working Paper 39.
Cassidy, John, Barry, Frank and Van Egeraat, Chris (2009) Ireland – industrial competitiveness in a small open economy (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 44. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Ciccia, Rossella and Ó Riain, Seán (2013) Beyond the standard work model? Varieties of flexible working time organization in Europe (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 71. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Coletta, Claudio (2017) Rhythm-making, halfway ethnographies and ‘city heartbeats’. The Programmable City Working Paper 32. Working Paper. SocArXiv.
Coletta, Claudio, Heaphy, Liam and Kitchin, Rob (2017) From the accidental to articulated smart city: The creation and work of ‘Smart Dublin’: The Programmable City Working Paper 29. Working Paper. The Programmable City Working Paper.
Conniffe, Denis (2002) A New System of Consumer Demand Equations (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 4. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Conniffe, Denis and Eakins, John (2002) Does the Stochastic Specification of the Linear Expenditure System Matter? (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 8. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Conway, Brian, Cahill, Lynne M. and Corcoran, Mary (2009) The “miracle” of Fatima : Media Framing and the regeneration of a Dublin Housing Estate (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 47. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Crowley, Una, Gilmartin, Mary and Kitchin, Rob (2006) Vote Yes for Common Sense Citizenship: Immigration and the Paradoxes at the Heart of Ireland's "Céad Míle Fáilte" (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 30. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Curran, Declan (2009) British Regional Growth and Sectoral Trends – Global and Local Spatial Econometric Approaches (NIRSA) Working Paper Series No. 49. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis, Maynooth. (Unpublished)
Curran, Declan and Gleeson, Justin (2009) Cross-Border Population Accessibility and Regional Growth: An Irish Border Region Case-Study NIRSA Working Paper Series. No. 52. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Curran, Declan and Van Egeraat, Chris (2010) Defining And Valuing Dublin’s Creative Industries (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 57. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Curran, Declan, Van Egeraat, Chris and O'Gorman, Colm (2012) Adverse Events and Opportunistic Spin-offs: The Irish Biotech Sector. (NIRSA) Working Paper Series No.68. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Curran, Declan, Van Egeraat, Chris and O’Gorman, Colm (2011) New Entrants and Inherited Competence: The Evolution of the Irish Biotech Sector (NIRSA) Working Paper Series No. 66. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Dagg, Jennifer and Gray, Jane (2016) Cultural practices in resilient households in Ireland : NIRSA Working Paper No.84. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis, Maynooth University.
Dagg, Jennifer and Gray, Jane (2017) Longitudinal and Biographical Aspects of Resilience in Ireland : NIRSA Working Paper Series No. 85. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis, Maynooth University.
Dagg, Jennifer and Gray, Jane (2016) Socio-Economic Practices of Resilience in Ireland. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
De Paoli, Stefano and Kerr, Aphra (2008) Conceptualising Trust : A Literature Review (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 40. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
De Paoli, Stefano, Kerr, Aphra and Storni, Cristiano (2009) The sociology of trusted systems: the episteme and judgment of a technology (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No.46. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Dodge, Martin and Kitchin, Rob (2004) Code, space and everyday life. CASA Working Paper 81. Working Paper. UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, London.
Dodge, Martin and Kitchin, Rob (2006) Code, vehicles and governmentality: The automatic production of driving spaces (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No.29. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Dodge, Martin and Kitchin, Rob (2004) Codes of Life: Identification Codes and the Machine-Readable World. CASA Working Paper 82. Working Paper. UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Studies, London.
Dodge, Martin and Kitchin, Rob (2001) Examining Different Approaches to Mapping Internet Infrastructure. CASA Working Paper Series No. 39. Working Paper. UCL: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, London.
Dodge, Martin and Kitchin, Rob (2004) Net:Geography Fieldwork Frequently Asked Questions. CASA Working Paper 83. Working Paper. UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, London.
Dodge, Martin and Kitchin, Rob (2008) Software, objects and home space (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 35. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Dodge, Martin and Kitchin, Rob (2005) The ethics of forgetting in an age of pervasive computing. CASA Working Paper 92. Working Paper. UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, London.
Evans, Leighton and Kitchin, Rob (2017) A smart place to work? Big data systems, labour, control, and modern retail stores: The Programmable City Working Paper 34. Working Paper. The Programmable City Working Paper.
Flaherty, Eoin (2013) The macro-context of communality in nineteenth century Ireland: toward a typology of social-ecological complexity (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 72. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Flaherty, Eoin and Ó Riain, Seán (2013) Labour’s declining share of national income in Ireland and Denmark: similar trends, different dynamics (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 70. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Fraser, Alistair and Kitchin, Rob (2017) Slow Computing: The Programmable City Working Paper 36. Working Paper. The Programmable City Working Paper.
Gallagher, Kerry, Gilmartin, Niall and Gray, Jane (2017) The Spatial Dimension of Household Resilience : NIRSA Working Paper No.86. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis, Maynooth University.
Gilmartin, Mary (2012) The changing landscape of Irish migration, 2000-2012 (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 69. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Gilmartin, Mary, Rojas Coppari, Pablo and Phelan, Dean (2016) International Student Migration to Ireland. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis, Maynooth University.
Gleeson, Justin, Kitchin, Rob, Bartley, Brendan and Treacy, Caroline (2009) New Ways of Mapping Social Inclusion in Dublin City. Project Report. Dublin City Development Board.
Gray, Jane (2010) Poverty and the Life Cycle in 20th Century Ireland: Changing Experiences of Childhood, Education and the Transition to Adulthood. Working Paper. Combat Poverty Agency. (Unpublished)
Gray, Jane, Corcoran, Mary and Peillon, Michel (2009) Local Family Circles and Suburban Social Life in Ireland (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No.43. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Gray, Jane, Komolafe, Julius, O'Byrne, Hazel, O'Carroll, Aileen and Murphy, Tara (2011) Best Practice in Archiving Qualitative Data (NIRSA) Working Paper Series No. 65. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Heaphy, Liam (2018) Interfaces and divisions in the Dublin Docklands 'Smart District'. The Programmable City - Working Paper 37. Working Paper. SocArXiv.
James Merricks, White (2015) Anticipatory logics of the global smart city imaginary. Working Paper. SSRN.
Kitchin, Rob (2016) Algorhythmic governance: Regulating the ‘heartbeat’ of a city using the Internet of Things: The Programmable City Working Paper 22. Working Paper. The Programmable City Working Paper.
Kitchin, Rob (2015) Big data and official statistics: Opportunities, challenges and risks. Programmable City Working Paper 9. Working Paper. The Programmable City, Maynooth University.
Kitchin, Rob (2015) Data-driven, networked urbanism. Programmable City Working Paper 14. Working Paper. Programmable City Working Papers, Maynooth University.
Kitchin, Rob (2014) From a single line of code to an entire city: reframing thinking on code and the city. Programmable City Working Paper 4. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis, Maynooth University.
Kitchin, Rob (2016) Reframing, reimagining and remaking smart cities. The Programmable City Working Paper 20. Working Paper. OSF (Open Science Framework).
Kitchin, Rob (2014) Thinking critically about and researching algorithms. Programmable City Working Paper 5. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis, Maynooth University.
Kitchin, Rob (2014) Urban Megatrends: Towards A European Research Agenda. Technical Report. European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 618994.
Kitchin, Rob (2017) Urban Science: A Short Primer: The Programmable City Working Paper 23. Working Paper. The Programmable City Working Paper.
Kitchin, Rob (1997) A geography of, for, with or by disabled people: Reconceptualising the position of geographer as expert. SARU Working Paper 1. Working Paper. SARU, Queen's University, Belfast.
Kitchin, Rob (2017) The timescape of smart cities: The Programmable City Working Paper 35. Working Paper. The Programmable City Working Paper.
Kitchin, Rob and Boyle, Mark (2011) Diaspora Strategies in Transition States: Prospects and Opportunities for Armenia. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Kitchin, Rob and Cardullo, Paolo (2017) Living Labs, vacancy, and gentrification: The Programmable City Working Paper 28. Working Paper. The Programmable City Working Paper.
Kitchin, Rob, Coletta, Claudio, Evans, Leighton, Heaphy, Liam and Mac Donncha, Darach (2017) Smart cities, urban technocrats, epistemic communities and advocacy coalitions: The Programmable City Working Paper 26. Working Paper. The Programmable City Working Paper.
Kitchin, Rob, Coletta, Claudio and McArdle, Gavin (2017) Urban informatics, governmentality and the logics of urban control: The Programmable City Working Paper 25. Working Paper. Programmable City Working Paper 25.
Kitchin, Rob, Collins, S. and Frost, D. (2015) Funding models for Open Access Repositories. Technical Report. Royal Irish Academy.
Kitchin, Rob and Dodge, Martin (2017) The (in)security of smart cities: vulnerabilities, risks, mitigation and prevention: The Programmable City Working Paper 24. Working Paper. The Programmable City Working Paper.
Kitchin, Rob, Gleeson, Justin, Keaveney, Karen and O'Callaghan, Cian (2010) A Haunted Landscape: Housing and Ghost Estates in Post-Celtic Tiger Ireland (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 59. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Kitchin, Rob, Hearne, Rory and O'Callaghan, Cian (2015) Housing in Ireland: From Crisis to Crisis. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Kitchin, Rob and Lauriault, Tracey P. (2014) Small data, data infrastructures and big data (Working Paper 1). Working Paper. Programmable City, Social Science Research Network.
Kitchin, Rob and Lauriault, Tracey P. (2014) Towards critical data studies: Charting and unpacking data assemblages and their work. The Programmable City Working Paper 2. Working Paper. Programmable City, Social Science Research Network.
Kitchin, Rob, Lauriault, Tracey P. and Wilson, Matthew W. (2016) Understanding spatial media. Working Paper. SSRN. (Unpublished)
Kitchin, Rob and Lysaght, Karen (2002) QUEERING BELFAST: Some thoughts on the sexing of space (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 19. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Kitchin, Rob, Maalsen, Sophia and McArdle, Gavin (2015) The Praxis and Politics of Building Urban Dashboards. Programmable City Working Paper 11. Working Paper. Programmable City Working Paper, Maynooth University.
Kitchin, Rob and McArdle, Gavin (2016) Urban data and city dashboards: Six key issues. Working Paper. Programmable City Working Paper 21, Maynooth.
Kitchin, Rob, O'Callaghan, Cian and Gleeson, Justin (2012) Unfinished estates in Post-Celtic Tiger Ireland (NIRSA) Working Paper Series No. 67. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Lauriault, Tracey P. (2014) Observations and Recommendations: on the Republic of Ireland Open Data Strategy (Working Paper 3). Working Paper. Programmable City, Social Science Research Network.
Lauriault, Tracey P. (2015) Submission to the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER), Government Reform Unit Open Data Licences Consultation Paper. Programmable City Working Paper 12. Working Paper. SSRN.
Lauriault, Tracey P. (2015) Working Paper Big Data Series: Critical Analysis of the Irish Big Data Skills Report. The Programmable City Working Paper 7. Working Paper. SSRN.
Lauriault, Tracey P., Hackett, Yvette and Kennedy, Ed (2013) Geospatial Data Preservation Prime. Project Report. Natural Resources Canada, Government of Canada, CANADIAN GEOSPATIAL DATA INFRASTRUCTURE INFORMATION PRODUCT 36e.
Lauriault, Tracey P. and Kennedy, Ed (2011) TA 2: Final Report: Geospatial Data Archiving and Preservation. Project Report. Natural Resources Canada, Government of Canada, GeoConnections.
Maalsen, Sophia and Perng, Sung-Yueh (2016) Crafting Code: Gender, Coding and Spatial Hybridity in the Events of PyLadies Dublin. The Programmable City Working Paper 19. Working Paper. SSRN.
Mannion, Chris and Walsh, Jim (2002) Data Navigator Report for Ireland, 2002 (Prepared for ESPON Research Programme)(NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No.21. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
McArdle, Gavin and Kitchin, Rob (2015) Improving the Veracity of Open and Real-Time Urban Data. The Programmable City Working Paper 13. Working Paper. Programmable City Working Paper, Maynooth University.
McCafferty, Des, Van Egeraat, Chris, Gleeson, Justin and Bartley, Brendan (2010) Complementarities between Urban Centres on the Island of Ireland (NIRSA) Working Paper Series 56. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis, Maynooth.
McGinley, Mary (2001) Directory of NIRSA Research Activity, 2001. (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 1. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Meldon, Jeanne and Boyle, Gerry (2001) Audit of Service Provision for County Meath (Prepared for Meath County Development Board) (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No.20. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Murray, Peter (2008) Americanisation and Irish Industrial Development, 1948-2008 (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No.42. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Murray, Peter (2009) Communities, Schools and the Diffusion of Healthy Lifestyle Promotion Messages: Experiences and the Results of the Kilkenny Health Project (NIRSA) Working Paper Series No. 48. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis, Maynooth. (Unpublished)
Murray, Peter (2007) `It was a sorry story … now we can think in terms of planning’: The OECD Dimension of Irish Education & Science Policy Innovation, 1958-68 (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 31. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Murray, Peter (2002) Lindsay Crawford's 'Impossible Demand'? The Southern Irish Dimension of the Independent Orange Project (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 5. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Murray, Peter (2015) A Marshall Aid Technical Assistance Team Member Refused a US Entry Visa: The 1951 Case of Irish Trade Unionist John McAteer. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Murray, Peter (2008) Marshall Plan Technical Assistance, the Industrial Development Authority and Irish Private Sector Manufacturing Industry, 1949-52 (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No.34. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Murray, Peter (2005) The Pitfalls of Pioneering Sociological Research: The Case of the Tavistock Institute on the Dublin Buses in the early 1960s (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No.25. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Murray, Peter (2004) The Transatlantic Politics of Productivity and the Origins of Public Funding Support for Social Science Research in Ireland, 1950-1979 (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No.22. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Murray, Peter and Feeney, Maria (2009) The Market for Sociological Ideas in Early 1960s Ireland: Civil Service Departments and the Limerick Rural Survey, 1961- 64 (NIRSA) Working Paper Series No. 53. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Murray, Peter and Feeney, Maria (2010) Muintir na Tire seeks funding for rural sociology in 1960s Ireland (NIRSA) Working Paper Series 63. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis, Maynooth.
O'Carroll, Aileen and Gray, Jane (2010) A Life History and Mixed Methods approach to examining Turning Points as the Intersection between Biography and History (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 58. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
O'Mahony, Eoin (2016) The spatial distribution of municipal housing in Dublin City. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis, Maynooth University.
Perng, Sung-Yueh (2017) Practices and politics of collaborative urban infrastructuring: Traffic Light Box Artworks in Dublin Street. The Programmable City Working Paper 33. Working Paper. SocArXiv.
Perng, Sung-Yueh (2018) Shared technology making in neoliberal ruins: Rationalities, practices and possibilities of hackathons. The Programmable City Working Paper 38. Working Paper. SocArXiv.
Perng, Sung-Yueh (2016) The Spaces, Mobilities and Soundings of Coding. The Programmable City Working Paper 18. Working Paper. SSRN.
Perng, Sung-Yueh and Kitchin, Rob (2015) Solutions, Strategies and Frictions in Civic Hacking. Programmable City Working Paper 10. Working Paper. Programmable City Working Paper, Maynooth University.
Perng, Sung-Yueh, Kitchin, Rob and Evans, Leighton (2015) Locative media and data-driven computing experiments. Programmable City Working Paper 16. Working Paper. Programmable City Working Paper, Maynooth University.
Rogerson, Robert, Boyle, Mark and Mason, Colin (2006) Progress Report on the Fresh Talent Initiative. Technical Report. Scottish Executive Social Research.
Ryazanova, Olga, Pétercsák, Réka, Heaphy, Liam, Connolly, Niall and Donnellan, Brian (2016) Perception of Value in Public-Private Ecosystems: Transforming Dublin Docklands through Smart Technologies. Working paper for Thirty Seventh International Conference on Information Systems, Dublin 2016. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis, Maynooth University.
Slater, Eamonn (2013) Marx on Ireland: the dialectics of colonialism (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 73. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Slater, Eamonn (2013) The Photograph and the Dolmen: the dialectics of visualization (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 75. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Slater, Eamonn (2007) Reconstructing ‘nature’ as a picturesque theme park: the colonial case of Ireland (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No.32. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Slater, Eamonn (2013) The Tyranny of Suburban Front Lawns of the Emerald Isle: A Dialectical Unfolding (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 74. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Slater, Eamonn (2009) The postcolonial landscape aesthetic of the Quiet Man (NIRSA) Working Paper Series No. 45. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Slater, Eamonn and Flaherty, Eoin (2009) The Ecological Dynamics of the Rundale Agrarian Commune (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 51. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Slater, Eamonn and McDonough, Terrence (2008) Marx on 19 th Century Colonial Ireland: Analyzing Colonialism beyond Dependency Theory (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 36. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Slater, Eamonn and Peillon, Michel (2008) The Suburban Front Garden: A spatial entity determined by social and natural processes (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 41. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Van Egeraat, Chris (2006) Spatial concentration in the Irish pharmaceutical industry: the role of government intervention and agglomeration economies (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No.28. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Van Egeraat, Chris (2007) The scale and scope of process R&D in the Irish pharmaceutical industry (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No.33. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Van Egeraat, Chris and Barry, Frank (2008) The Irish Pharmaceutical Industry over the Boom Period and Beyond (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 39. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Van Egeraat, Chris and Breathnach, Proinnsias (2008) The drivers of transnational subsidiary evolution: the upgrading of process R&D in the Irish pharmaceutical industry (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 38. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Van Egeraat, Chris and Curran, Declan (2010) Social Network Analysis of the Irish Biotech Industry: Implications for Digital Ecosystems (NIRSA) Working Paper Series No. 55. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Van Egeraat, Chris and Jacobson, David (2005) Information Exchange and the Geography of Production Linkages: The Microcomputer Industry in Ireland and Scotland (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No.26. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Van Egeraat, Chris, Ó Riain, Seán and Kerr, Aphra (2009) Socio-Spatial Structures of Knowledge Flow and Innovation in the Irish Biotech and Digital Media Industries (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 50. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Walsh, Cormac (2010) Coordinating the Spatial Impacts of Sectoral Policies? Practices of and Potentials for Strategic Spatial Planning in the Dublin City-region (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 61. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Walsh, Cormac (2010) Strategic Spatial Planning and the Provision of Schools: A Case Study of Cross-Sectoral Policy Coordination in the Dublin City-Region (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 62. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Walsh, Cormac (2010) Territorial Politics and formal structures of governance in spatial planning: insights from the Dublin city-region (NIRSA) Working Paper Series 64. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis, Maynooth.
Walsh, Jim, Boyle, Gerry and Feeney, Brídín (2001) Analysis of Economic, Social and Cultural Situation of County Meath (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 12. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Walsh, Jim, Brady, Joe and Mannion, Chris (2002) Dublin City Profile (Dublin County Borough) (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 15. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Walsh, Jim, Brady, Joe and Mannion, Chris (2001) Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Profile (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 16. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Walsh, Jim, Brady, Joe and Mannion, Chris (2001) Fingal County Profile (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 17. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Walsh, Jim, Brady, Joe and Mannion, Chris (2001) South Dublin County Profile (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 14. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Walsh, Jim, Feeney, Brídín and McCafferty, Des (2001) Limerick City Profile (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 13. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Walsh, Jim and O'Brien, Mary (2001) Development Trends in County Kildare (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 10. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Walsh, Jim and O'Brien, Mary (2001) Wicklow at the Millennium – A spatial analysis of development patterns (NIRSA) Working Paper Series No. 9. Working Paper. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
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Ancien, Delphine, Boyle, Mark and Kitchin, Rob (2009) Exploring Diaspora Strategies: An International Comparison. In: Exploring Diaspora Strategies, January 26-28 2009, National University of Ireland Maynooth. (Unpublished)
Ancien, Delphine, Boyle, Mark and Kitchin, Rob (2009) Exploring Diaspora Strategies: Lessons for Ireland. In: Exploring Diaspora Strategies, January 26-28 2009, National University of Ireland Maynooth. (Unpublished)
Boyle, Mark, Kitchin, Rob and Ancien, Delphine (2009) The NIRSA Diaspora Strategy Wheel and Ten Principles of Good Practice. In: Exploring Diaspora Strategies, January 26-28 2009, National University of Ireland Maynooth. (Unpublished)
Coletta, Claudio and Kitchin, Rob (2016) Algorhythmic governance: Regulating the ‘heartbeat’ of a city using the Internet of Things. In: Algorithms in Culture, 1-2 December 2016, University of California Berkeley.
De Paoli, Stefano and Kerr, Aphra (2009) The Economy of Cheating in MMPORGs: a Case Study of Innovation. In: 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, 25-27 September 2009, Athens.
Jacobson, Dan, Kitchin, Rob, Gärling, Tommy, Golledge, Reginald G. and Blades, Mark (1998) Learning A Complex Urban Route Without Sight: Comparing Naturalistic versus Laboratory Measures. In: Proceedings of Mind III: Spatial Cognition, August 17-19 1998, Dublin.
Kitchin, Rob (2002) Towards emancipatory and empowering disability research: Reflections on three participatory action research projects. In: 1st National Seminar on Disability: Using Emancipatory Methodologies in Disability Research, December 3 2002, Dublin.
Lauriault, Tracey P. and Mooney, Peter (2014) Crowdsourcing: A Geographic Approach to Public Engagement, The Programmable City Working Paper 6. In: Internet Politics and Policy Conference, 2014, Oxford Internet Institute.
McArdle, Gavin and Kitchin, Rob (2016) The Dublin Dashboard: Design and development of a real-time analytical urban dashboard. In: First International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities; ISPRS Annals Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, III-4/W1, 7-9 September 2016, Split, Croatia.
Whelan, Garvan, O'Connell, Vincent and Ó Riain, Seán (2012) Action Research: A Complementary Approach to the Evaluation of SMEs. In: Annual Conference of the Irish Academy of Management, September 5-7 2012, National University of Ireland Maynooth. (Unpublished)
Monagle, James (2009) Four Festivals and a City: A critique of Actor-Network Theory as an approach to understanding the emergence and development of Flagship Festivals in Kilkenny from 1964 to 2004. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.
Conniffe, Denis (2002) Sums and Products of Indirect Utility Functions (NIRSA) Working Paper Series No. 6. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Conniffe, Denis and Bond, Derek (2002) Cross-Regional Equity in Health Care Funding (NIRSA) Working Paper Series No. 3. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)
Fagan, Honor (2002) Grounding Waste: Towards a Sociology of Waste Networks (NIRSA) Working Paper Series. No. 18. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.
Fagan, Honor, O'Hearn, Denis, McCann, Gerard and Murray, Michael (2001) Waste Management Strategy: A Cross-Border Perspective (NIRSA) Working Series Paper No. 2. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis.. (Unpublished)
Kitchin, Rob (2016) Getting smarter about smart cities: Improving data privacy and data security. Data Protection Unit, Department of the Taoiseach, Dublin.
Ó Riain, Seán (2004) Remaking the Service Class? Class Relations Among Software Developers in Ireland. National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis (NIRSA). Working Paper Series. No. 23. NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. (Unpublished)